God is so, so very good! This year is about to end but He hasn't stopped giving us blessings. This year has been a challenging one, but it also brought in a lot of things to be thankful for.
A few days ago, Tuesday to be exact, we finally got approved for our home lease application. I was surprised that everything went well quickly and fast. No problems. We were not expecting it would be that quick. A week ago, during the Feast of the Mary Immaculate, I went to the open house by myself, after attending the mass. I liked the house, I felt it was good for the three of us and it looked much better than the first few houses we saw on some of the open houses we've been to.I also loved the fact that the area seems to be quiet, but busy in the afternoons when kids, my son's age are out to play (according to a resident whom I was able to talk while waiting for the agent). I asked questions, recorded a video about the place, discussed it with my husband. We both agreed to try it out. But we were not as hopeful. We were very much open to the idea that we might try out a lot of applications before we finally get our first home. Having no credit history might be a big factor. Another thing was that the date I wrote for our availability is 2nd week of January, which is actually still after a month! If I am a businessman, I would think twice of approving this application becuase I'll be losing a month's worth of rental fees. But we still tried. No harm in trying as they say.
We were not in a rush. We actually started praying for our first home when we were positive that Alvin made it in his new job. We just prayed for it everyday and we knew in our hearts that one ay it will just happen. After going thru a lot the last couple of months -- praying for something and the Lord asking you to WAIT (which is actually the HARDEST part), we learned our lesson.
We submitted our application Thursday of last week. By chance we saw that they had another open house for the property set for the weekend, Saturday morning, to be exact. Since Alvin was available I told him to drop by to the property so he has an idea what it actually looked like. Just like me, he was ok with the place. But was also open to the reality that we might not have an approved application. Before we left the place, the agent told us, that we might hear from them Sunday afternoon, regarding the status of our application.We went with our usual afternoon actvities, but we passed by Officworks to photocopy the requirements we might need in our future applications. That was how open we were.
Sunday passed. Monday passed. No calls. But we were not worried, although we decided to follow-up on Tuesday and to ask as well if we can bring in additional supporting documents. Tuesday morning I called. The agent said it was ok to bring in some more documents but the applications were still being processed. Lunch time, one call after another- visa copies needed, open house for a similar propert which is newly renovated, date of availability -- then I heard the magic words "you are approved." "What?! Is our application approved already?" I had to hear it twice because I can't believe our prayers were answered so quickly this time!
When I realized that January 5 was too early for us, I bargained again. I called two minutes after getting the good news. In my heart I knew that if the owner didn't agree, the house was not meant for us. We went to the office that afternoon not knowing if our appeal was granted. But as I've said everything fell into place. To make things simple, we gave our holding deposit and on Saturday we will already be signing the Lease Contract. That house is for us. It will be our first home here.
It is not a brand new house. It is not a big house. It is a small townhouse unit in a small community. Close to the bus stop. Close to schools. Close to the House of God. In three weeks time, I'd be very busy fixing the house. Putting everything in place. We are all excited. But aside from all these, we look forward to making it a home. So new year, new home!
I had an early Christmas present. I hope you get yours too! Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Busy As A Bee!
I can't believe than in two weeks' time it'll be Christmas already! In a couple more weeks, Liam will turn 2 and of course 2009 will be over! What a year! I've been busy the past few weeks that I realized I haven't had the chance to write a blog again during the last 16 days!
So what kept me busy? Many. To start with, I have been getting more casual teaching calls and it means I had to report for work. By the time I get home, it'll be Liam time and house chores time as well. I spend my free time cathcing on FB hehehe.
Another that kept my hands full was of course my Christmas preparations. This includes my Christmas shopping, bargain hunting, Christmas gatherings and wrapping of Christmas present.
Next on my list is our house-hunting. After finally getting a better paying job, my husband and I are now really seriously looking for a place to rent. We are in the process of looking for that perfect home, perfect community, for our family, as we move out from my brother's place, after 9 months. We just started applying this week and hopefully, it'll be successful. Attending open houses takes most of our weekends as well.
That was short. It seems simple but it obviously took most of my time. I've been busy as a bee the past few weeks. Dead tired at the end of each day, but no worries, because the things that kept me busy are all blessings. Prayers that were answered, so I am not and I will not complain.
More busy days ahead of me!Hmmm, I am just wondering when I'll get the chance to write my next blog entry. I would be lucky if I even get to write 5 blogs this month! Oh well =D
So what kept me busy? Many. To start with, I have been getting more casual teaching calls and it means I had to report for work. By the time I get home, it'll be Liam time and house chores time as well. I spend my free time cathcing on FB hehehe.
Another that kept my hands full was of course my Christmas preparations. This includes my Christmas shopping, bargain hunting, Christmas gatherings and wrapping of Christmas present.
Next on my list is our house-hunting. After finally getting a better paying job, my husband and I are now really seriously looking for a place to rent. We are in the process of looking for that perfect home, perfect community, for our family, as we move out from my brother's place, after 9 months. We just started applying this week and hopefully, it'll be successful. Attending open houses takes most of our weekends as well.
That was short. It seems simple but it obviously took most of my time. I've been busy as a bee the past few weeks. Dead tired at the end of each day, but no worries, because the things that kept me busy are all blessings. Prayers that were answered, so I am not and I will not complain.
More busy days ahead of me!Hmmm, I am just wondering when I'll get the chance to write my next blog entry. I would be lucky if I even get to write 5 blogs this month! Oh well =D
Monday, November 30, 2009
Great Buys, Great Finds
I love sales! Who doesn't? It started 2 years ago when was heavy with Liam. A friend of mine informed me of a sale somewhere in Pasig. It offered super low priced clothes for kids. I was preparing to be a mum soon so my husband and I agreed to go there. To our surprise, there were also maternity clothes in the site. So at the end of our shopping day, I was able to spend around 2000 pesos for 7 pieces of maternity clothes and a lot of baby stuff. Not bad! We got a good value for our money!
The following year, in an e-group, I learned that Guess and Mossimo apparel will be offered in a 3-day weekend sale. I was so happy when my husband agreed to go with me. I was surprised with the number of people when we got there. I thought that my husband wouldn't stay and be patient enough to wait for me, but no! We endured the hours of wait and the number of people to get ourselves some clothing for a good price. We spent around 4k that day -- which we don't usually spend in a day -- but were happy because if you are to sum up everything that we got in their original price, it wouldn't even be less than 10K!
Now, in Sydney. New place. No more sales? Nope, every week they sales! I look forward receiving the catalogues each week. I feel elated each week especially after going to the shops to buy some good stuff. The past weeks, I've been frequenting the shops to buy all sorts of things, all at a good price! Here's my list:
a. Target - home and kitchenwares
b. K-mart - same as Target
c. Big W - same as the first two
d. Nike - clothes/sports apparel, shoes
e. Guess and Mossimo - kid and adult clothes
Now that my family is preparing to move out from my brother's home, I am extremely happy with the kitchenwares I was able to purchase at half it's original price. Aside from this, I was also able to buy bed linens, comforters, electronic gadgets,kitchen appliance all for such a cheap price. Mind you, I was able to get the branded ones! If we were to purchase all of it when we have moved out already, I am pretty sure that I won't get the good brands.
So hurray for sales! People like me, who always strive to get a good valu for hard-earned money, will not tire of looking and attending sales. Until my next find!
The following year, in an e-group, I learned that Guess and Mossimo apparel will be offered in a 3-day weekend sale. I was so happy when my husband agreed to go with me. I was surprised with the number of people when we got there. I thought that my husband wouldn't stay and be patient enough to wait for me, but no! We endured the hours of wait and the number of people to get ourselves some clothing for a good price. We spent around 4k that day -- which we don't usually spend in a day -- but were happy because if you are to sum up everything that we got in their original price, it wouldn't even be less than 10K!
Now, in Sydney. New place. No more sales? Nope, every week they sales! I look forward receiving the catalogues each week. I feel elated each week especially after going to the shops to buy some good stuff. The past weeks, I've been frequenting the shops to buy all sorts of things, all at a good price! Here's my list:
a. Target - home and kitchenwares
b. K-mart - same as Target
c. Big W - same as the first two
d. Nike - clothes/sports apparel, shoes
e. Guess and Mossimo - kid and adult clothes
Now that my family is preparing to move out from my brother's home, I am extremely happy with the kitchenwares I was able to purchase at half it's original price. Aside from this, I was also able to buy bed linens, comforters, electronic gadgets,kitchen appliance all for such a cheap price. Mind you, I was able to get the branded ones! If we were to purchase all of it when we have moved out already, I am pretty sure that I won't get the good brands.
So hurray for sales! People like me, who always strive to get a good valu for hard-earned money, will not tire of looking and attending sales. Until my next find!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Learning Patience Along the Way
I can be very impatient. Yes, I am a teacher but it is quite ironic that I find myself most of the time losing my patience. I hate waiting. Looking back at all the things I have prayed for I usually do something opposite while asking the Lord to let His will be done. In short, I usually put matters into my own hands, only to get hurt in the process. It was quite a struggle. I didn't enjoy the process.
But each experience as they say is a way for God to teach us a valuable lesson. I think this time, God is teaching me how to be patient. But at this point I still have to prove I have learned the lesson. Since we got here in Sydney, we have always prayed for a job that will allow my husband to practice his exertise. Being a mechanical engineer, he was given the chance to work with San Miguel Coproration when we were still in Manila. We thought that having a number of years of experience tucked under his belt, he wouldn't have a hard time looking for a good job here. Well, to make the long story short, I guess, a few days ago he finally got a job. A job with a good company. A job on his chosen field. A job for our family. A job that will start our future here. Somewhere a long the way God has touched me again and allowed me to see the beauty of waiting.
It is quite hard and scary to know that there will still be a lot of times where I'll be praying for things, asking God to grant my prayers, but Him also asking me to wait again. I am pretty sure He is not yet done with me. I will still be stubborn most of the times. I haven't passed the lesson yet.I can't say anything concrete because I also don't know what is in store for me, what circumstances awaits me. All I have is my faith that just like this one, these circumstances will allow me to really learn the value of patience, in the truest sense of the word. And that someday soon, God will tell me, "Well done, my child, you have passed this test!"
But each experience as they say is a way for God to teach us a valuable lesson. I think this time, God is teaching me how to be patient. But at this point I still have to prove I have learned the lesson. Since we got here in Sydney, we have always prayed for a job that will allow my husband to practice his exertise. Being a mechanical engineer, he was given the chance to work with San Miguel Coproration when we were still in Manila. We thought that having a number of years of experience tucked under his belt, he wouldn't have a hard time looking for a good job here. Well, to make the long story short, I guess, a few days ago he finally got a job. A job with a good company. A job on his chosen field. A job for our family. A job that will start our future here. Somewhere a long the way God has touched me again and allowed me to see the beauty of waiting.
It is quite hard and scary to know that there will still be a lot of times where I'll be praying for things, asking God to grant my prayers, but Him also asking me to wait again. I am pretty sure He is not yet done with me. I will still be stubborn most of the times. I haven't passed the lesson yet.I can't say anything concrete because I also don't know what is in store for me, what circumstances awaits me. All I have is my faith that just like this one, these circumstances will allow me to really learn the value of patience, in the truest sense of the word. And that someday soon, God will tell me, "Well done, my child, you have passed this test!"
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Computer Addict in Me
Hi, I'm Jeana and I'm a computerolic. Yes, I must admit that I am guilty of being a computer addict every now and then, especially with FB. A few years ago a former student introduced me to Friendster and a few years later it was replaced by FB. It just feels good uploading pictures, so family and friends back in Manila can share with our latest happenings. In the same way that it's good to see how friends, former colleagues and classmates are doing now.
These social networks are not the only reasons why I am a bit addicted to the computer. Blame it on the internet. The internet as they say is the window to the world. In the just a few seconds you can actually get what you are looking for. I can't wait to see or browse the newest catalogue of each week's sale offered by the different shops - Target, Big W or Kmart at that.
I sometimes feel guilty of spending too much time in front of the computer. It is as if my day is not complete if I do not touch the keyboard or surf the net. One minute leads on an hour. I don't stay in front of the computer for more than two hours but after an hour's rest, I find myself again back and surfing. Sometimes, this causes a little discussion between me and my husband.Oh, my surfing makes me happy. Can you blame me?
Oh well, I still believe it can still get worse if I don't do anything now. So, while I still can, I better save this piece turn off the computer and do more important things than to surf the net. =D
These social networks are not the only reasons why I am a bit addicted to the computer. Blame it on the internet. The internet as they say is the window to the world. In the just a few seconds you can actually get what you are looking for. I can't wait to see or browse the newest catalogue of each week's sale offered by the different shops - Target, Big W or Kmart at that.
I sometimes feel guilty of spending too much time in front of the computer. It is as if my day is not complete if I do not touch the keyboard or surf the net. One minute leads on an hour. I don't stay in front of the computer for more than two hours but after an hour's rest, I find myself again back and surfing. Sometimes, this causes a little discussion between me and my husband.Oh, my surfing makes me happy. Can you blame me?
Oh well, I still believe it can still get worse if I don't do anything now. So, while I still can, I better save this piece turn off the computer and do more important things than to surf the net. =D
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Health is Wealth
In my 31 years of existence, I have only been hospitalized 3 times. One was because I had to go appendectomy, the second was when I gave birth to my son and lastly, because I had dengue.
The last one was an eye opener for me. It was then that I realized that health, above anything else should be given priority. If my husband and I didn't go to the hospital at the right time, I might be dead by now, since my platelet count has reached a very low count already - 50 to be exact. People in the medical profession know that this platelet value is very dangerous already. I am thanking the Lord for extending my life.
A couple of weeks ago I consulted a GP and through series of tests I learned that I had polycystic ovaries. I was of course surprised because not in my wildest dreams did I have an inkling that I was part of the statistics. For one, I always had my monthly period. Though I experienced heavy and painful menstruations, I always had it every month. I am just thankful that even if I was one, I am one, I didn't have a hard time conceiving for my son. Many people that I know who have the same case are still hoping that someday they will be given the chance to have a child as well. I still have some follow-up consultations with the doctor. I believe my experiences have taught me that even if you have all the money in the world, it is useless if you're not healthy, or you're dead at that.
The other day this belief was put to a test when I received a phone call to have another casual teaching day. Having a teaching day would of course mean, additional income and additonal money for us. But then it had a conflict with my appointment to the doctor attending to my present health situation. When I turned down the offer, I was a bit disappointed. I felt bad actually. I had to sit down and realize again what my priorities are. Health as I have written a few spaces ago, is one of them. One of the most important.
My feeling bad soon passed quickly because I know that there will be more offers for me. Because at this point in my life I have realized how valuable one's health is. I want to live a life that proves that health is wealth, not only for myself, but more so for my family.
The last one was an eye opener for me. It was then that I realized that health, above anything else should be given priority. If my husband and I didn't go to the hospital at the right time, I might be dead by now, since my platelet count has reached a very low count already - 50 to be exact. People in the medical profession know that this platelet value is very dangerous already. I am thanking the Lord for extending my life.
A couple of weeks ago I consulted a GP and through series of tests I learned that I had polycystic ovaries. I was of course surprised because not in my wildest dreams did I have an inkling that I was part of the statistics. For one, I always had my monthly period. Though I experienced heavy and painful menstruations, I always had it every month. I am just thankful that even if I was one, I am one, I didn't have a hard time conceiving for my son. Many people that I know who have the same case are still hoping that someday they will be given the chance to have a child as well. I still have some follow-up consultations with the doctor. I believe my experiences have taught me that even if you have all the money in the world, it is useless if you're not healthy, or you're dead at that.
The other day this belief was put to a test when I received a phone call to have another casual teaching day. Having a teaching day would of course mean, additional income and additonal money for us. But then it had a conflict with my appointment to the doctor attending to my present health situation. When I turned down the offer, I was a bit disappointed. I felt bad actually. I had to sit down and realize again what my priorities are. Health as I have written a few spaces ago, is one of them. One of the most important.
My feeling bad soon passed quickly because I know that there will be more offers for me. Because at this point in my life I have realized how valuable one's health is. I want to live a life that proves that health is wealth, not only for myself, but more so for my family.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Pasko na sa Manila!
Sleigh bells ring are you listening?...oh how fast time flies! Christmas is now just around the corner.Has it been eight months? Tomorrow, we have been staying in Sydney for eight months already! In less than 3 months, the year will be over!
A few months ago, September to be exact, I was quite emotional knowing that Chrismas has officially begun in Manila. Filipinos love Christmas, they start celebrating it early and end it late than the rest of the world. It's a happy season and it's a joyful season. I was missing it but I was quite excited as well to see how my new home will welcome the season. Days passed and my being emotional passed as well. I just went with the flow. One ordinary day after the other. Finally, last week, when I went to the shops I saw a big christmas tree on the lobby! Garlands and ornaments were hanging as well. To top of it all, Santas very big chair is all set up for the kids who would want to have their picture taken with him. As I went from one shop to another, you can see Christmas-y things displayed all over. Gifts, decors wrappers and even costumes! I was very tempted to buy one for Liam. Well, I might soon. Christmas songs are now played trying to brain wash shoppers that it's time to spend for the Christmas gifts. Christmas has finally arrived in Sydney! But something is still missing.
I won't get emotional here because I think I'm over that stage now. Something is still missing because you can feel that not everyone is excited for the season, not like my kababayans back in Manila. You're lucky if you can see a house lit with Christmas lights at night. You're lucky if you can see any Christmas lantern along the busy streets of Sydney.
It just crosses my mind and I know that this time of the year, the busy streets of the whole Philippines are beautifully decorated with Christmas lanterns,homes have put up their own Christmas trees, facades lit every night with colorful Christmas lights, the malls are filled with shoppers, sales are everywhere-- Divi stalls, 168 mall also in Divi, Greenhills, or all tiangges and malls -- are now very busy almost 24/7, people are getting ready for the Simbang gabi, TV shows are flooded with beautifully created Christmas commercials (especially the ones that promote Filipino values), puto bumbong and bibingka stalls are everywhere. People are starting to collect their Starbucks stickers. People are becoming more generous. Christmas list is becoming longer. You have now your monito-monita, you start thinking of the things you'd write on your wish list.Kids are now preparing for their Christmas carolling each night. Used cans as drums and the ever famous song "tenk you tenk you ang babarat ninyo!" Choral competitions on TV, Christmas lantern parade in UP, Maskipaps in UP, weddings and Christmas parties and reunions almost everwhere! Kain dito kain doon! Inom dito, inom doon! Whew! What a list!
Pasko na sa Manila! So can you tell me now, who wouldn't want to celebrate Christmas in Manila? =D
A few months ago, September to be exact, I was quite emotional knowing that Chrismas has officially begun in Manila. Filipinos love Christmas, they start celebrating it early and end it late than the rest of the world. It's a happy season and it's a joyful season. I was missing it but I was quite excited as well to see how my new home will welcome the season. Days passed and my being emotional passed as well. I just went with the flow. One ordinary day after the other. Finally, last week, when I went to the shops I saw a big christmas tree on the lobby! Garlands and ornaments were hanging as well. To top of it all, Santas very big chair is all set up for the kids who would want to have their picture taken with him. As I went from one shop to another, you can see Christmas-y things displayed all over. Gifts, decors wrappers and even costumes! I was very tempted to buy one for Liam. Well, I might soon. Christmas songs are now played trying to brain wash shoppers that it's time to spend for the Christmas gifts. Christmas has finally arrived in Sydney! But something is still missing.
I won't get emotional here because I think I'm over that stage now. Something is still missing because you can feel that not everyone is excited for the season, not like my kababayans back in Manila. You're lucky if you can see a house lit with Christmas lights at night. You're lucky if you can see any Christmas lantern along the busy streets of Sydney.
It just crosses my mind and I know that this time of the year, the busy streets of the whole Philippines are beautifully decorated with Christmas lanterns,homes have put up their own Christmas trees, facades lit every night with colorful Christmas lights, the malls are filled with shoppers, sales are everywhere-- Divi stalls, 168 mall also in Divi, Greenhills, or all tiangges and malls -- are now very busy almost 24/7, people are getting ready for the Simbang gabi, TV shows are flooded with beautifully created Christmas commercials (especially the ones that promote Filipino values), puto bumbong and bibingka stalls are everywhere. People are starting to collect their Starbucks stickers. People are becoming more generous. Christmas list is becoming longer. You have now your monito-monita, you start thinking of the things you'd write on your wish list.Kids are now preparing for their Christmas carolling each night. Used cans as drums and the ever famous song "tenk you tenk you ang babarat ninyo!" Choral competitions on TV, Christmas lantern parade in UP, Maskipaps in UP, weddings and Christmas parties and reunions almost everwhere! Kain dito kain doon! Inom dito, inom doon! Whew! What a list!
Pasko na sa Manila! So can you tell me now, who wouldn't want to celebrate Christmas in Manila? =D
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Da Moves
A week ago a crazy idea entered my mind – I want to try out applying to other jobs which I don’t have any formal training or experience. The reason for this is an entirely a different story. Now back to this one. At first I was hesitant because I was again torn with the idea that if I get lucky and land a full-time job, then I might neglect my duties and responsibilities as a wife and as mom. I am more concerned with the latter. Liam is now at the terrible two’s age and as I have observed the past days, he learns fast, he absorbs things quickly. True to what I’ve learned in formal schooling, kids his age are like sponges. So this thought is actually hindering me from pursuing another job. I am afraid that I may provide for his needs but eventually go home one day not knowing him anymore. He is growing up so fast, right before my eyes! I am afraid that if he spends more time in childcare, the carers might not be able to instill in him the Filipino values I want him to grow up with. In the same manner that they may not be able to discipline him a parent does, all because they are limited to do things with the child, if ever a child misbehaves.
A day or two after the feeling of wanting to try out other jobs, I was able to talk to one sister in the community. I was able to share my insights and my hesitations about looking for a more secured job, and not being satisfied with an “on-call” job as a casual primary school teacher. In the course of our conversation, she assured me that there is no reason for me to worry too much or to feel guilty at that. She shared her own experience and was able to relay that her son, though left in the care of other people while she and her husband were working, is growing up okay – sweet, thoughtful, disciplined. That small talk did encourage me but I still didn’t jump into it right away. I gave myself some time, a week, to think and pray things over. Actually, I am still praying for it. After thinking about the pros and cons of trying it out on some other field, I finally did it. So what prompted me to take the plunge? A lot of reasons! But let me share some of it.
I realized that true enough, being a full-time mum is no assurance that your kid will grow up good. I have seen a number of kids, especially when I was back in Manila, who had stay-at-home moms, and yet they were not still doing well in their academics or they were also misbehaving at school. Some were my students; others are children of my co-workers. On the other end, I have seen kids, whose parents are both working, and yet, grew up to be good and responsible adults. I won’t go far, I’ll have my in-laws and my own parents as examples. Both my in-laws and my parents were working full-time in their respective jobs, both didn’t have any help or maid to help out in the household chores, but modesty aside, I can say that we all grew up well.
Another reason is of course the plain fact that we are already over staying at my brother’s house. We still feel shy even if there is no pressure on their part for us to move out already. If I get a more stable and secured job, of course, it’ll help us out in our finances.
As I have written a few spaces ago, I am still praying for it. Though I already took the plunge in applying for different jobs namely: customer service, office junior/all rounder, receptionist, office administration, stock replenisher both in Aldi and Coles, I am still at that stage of praying that my moves are one with His moves. I hope that in a week or two my mobile will ring and the person at the other end of the line will tell me, “Welcome! Or Congratulations! Or You will start on...” The last two jobs I listed was a humbling experience because I never imagined myself working in a supermarket. This experience is teaching me again and I am pretty sure that it will continue to teach me as I continue to do "da moves" – all for the love of my family.
A day or two after the feeling of wanting to try out other jobs, I was able to talk to one sister in the community. I was able to share my insights and my hesitations about looking for a more secured job, and not being satisfied with an “on-call” job as a casual primary school teacher. In the course of our conversation, she assured me that there is no reason for me to worry too much or to feel guilty at that. She shared her own experience and was able to relay that her son, though left in the care of other people while she and her husband were working, is growing up okay – sweet, thoughtful, disciplined. That small talk did encourage me but I still didn’t jump into it right away. I gave myself some time, a week, to think and pray things over. Actually, I am still praying for it. After thinking about the pros and cons of trying it out on some other field, I finally did it. So what prompted me to take the plunge? A lot of reasons! But let me share some of it.
I realized that true enough, being a full-time mum is no assurance that your kid will grow up good. I have seen a number of kids, especially when I was back in Manila, who had stay-at-home moms, and yet they were not still doing well in their academics or they were also misbehaving at school. Some were my students; others are children of my co-workers. On the other end, I have seen kids, whose parents are both working, and yet, grew up to be good and responsible adults. I won’t go far, I’ll have my in-laws and my own parents as examples. Both my in-laws and my parents were working full-time in their respective jobs, both didn’t have any help or maid to help out in the household chores, but modesty aside, I can say that we all grew up well.
Another reason is of course the plain fact that we are already over staying at my brother’s house. We still feel shy even if there is no pressure on their part for us to move out already. If I get a more stable and secured job, of course, it’ll help us out in our finances.
As I have written a few spaces ago, I am still praying for it. Though I already took the plunge in applying for different jobs namely: customer service, office junior/all rounder, receptionist, office administration, stock replenisher both in Aldi and Coles, I am still at that stage of praying that my moves are one with His moves. I hope that in a week or two my mobile will ring and the person at the other end of the line will tell me, “Welcome! Or Congratulations! Or You will start on...” The last two jobs I listed was a humbling experience because I never imagined myself working in a supermarket. This experience is teaching me again and I am pretty sure that it will continue to teach me as I continue to do "da moves" – all for the love of my family.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Working On My Family's Success
Having my own family, husband and kids has always been a part of my dreams and prayers. I have been blessed with a caring and loving husband and an adorable son. I have been married to the same man for 3 years 6 months and 1 day and have been a mother for 1 year, 9 months and 29 days. Now that I have my own family, what is next? Well, just like most of my endeavours, being successful on this field is one of my hearts desires. So how does one’s family life become successful? Lucky me, I came across a magazine article that briefly discusses some of the secrets of having a successful family life. I must admit, I agree with most of what was written.
Let me share you the secrets:
1) The right priorities. They had a good discussion on this one but what hit me the most was this “It is easier to say that we put family first than to show it” with the words say and show highlighted. Very true. How many times have we seen and heard people talk about how they “prioritize” their family and yet their actions are entirely the opposite?
2) Commitment. This is no surprise because without it I’m sure couples, me and my husband included, have long given up on each other especially during the times when we didn’t want to meet halfway on certain things. It makes you stay. It makes you stick to the one person you love day in and day out. Love without commitment is useless. I was just struck when it also mentioned that sometimes we may not walk out “literally” but we still walk out on our spouses on some forms like, “stony silence” during times of argument. Bulls-eye! Well, it’s never too late.
3) Teamwork. Need not elaborate on this. Raising our son alone needs a lot of teamwork. I can’t imagine raising our son and not working with my husband in the process. It would be so chaotic!
4) Respect. Respect begets respect.
5) Reasonableness. According to the article this involves giving one another allowance for mistakes. It also compared being reasonable to a careful driver that is prepared to yield in cases of emergency.
6) Forgiveness. I totally agree that there should be a handful of this in the relationship, not only in the marriage but also with parents to children. In this very imperfect world, the least that we can do is to be forgiving of each other’s faults. Life is too short to keep on grudges and hurts.
7) Firm Foundation. Each family founded in the love and service of Christ will definitely be successful.
If I am to compare the age of our family to the others, we’re still considered as a toddler. We still have a long way to go but it is refreshing to come across such articles that reminds us and helps us take care of the more important things like family. 30 or more years from now, I would love to read this blog and see for myself if I was successful in raising my family.
Let me share you the secrets:
1) The right priorities. They had a good discussion on this one but what hit me the most was this “It is easier to say that we put family first than to show it” with the words say and show highlighted. Very true. How many times have we seen and heard people talk about how they “prioritize” their family and yet their actions are entirely the opposite?
2) Commitment. This is no surprise because without it I’m sure couples, me and my husband included, have long given up on each other especially during the times when we didn’t want to meet halfway on certain things. It makes you stay. It makes you stick to the one person you love day in and day out. Love without commitment is useless. I was just struck when it also mentioned that sometimes we may not walk out “literally” but we still walk out on our spouses on some forms like, “stony silence” during times of argument. Bulls-eye! Well, it’s never too late.
3) Teamwork. Need not elaborate on this. Raising our son alone needs a lot of teamwork. I can’t imagine raising our son and not working with my husband in the process. It would be so chaotic!
4) Respect. Respect begets respect.
5) Reasonableness. According to the article this involves giving one another allowance for mistakes. It also compared being reasonable to a careful driver that is prepared to yield in cases of emergency.
6) Forgiveness. I totally agree that there should be a handful of this in the relationship, not only in the marriage but also with parents to children. In this very imperfect world, the least that we can do is to be forgiving of each other’s faults. Life is too short to keep on grudges and hurts.
7) Firm Foundation. Each family founded in the love and service of Christ will definitely be successful.
If I am to compare the age of our family to the others, we’re still considered as a toddler. We still have a long way to go but it is refreshing to come across such articles that reminds us and helps us take care of the more important things like family. 30 or more years from now, I would love to read this blog and see for myself if I was successful in raising my family.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Today, I only had $20 dollars on my wallet. I went to the doctor, had blood tests and had a pelvic ultrasound. I went home with exactly the same amount of money in my wallet. All of the procedures I got for free! Who wouldn’t want that? Well, I guess that is the one of the perks my family and I are enjoying when we moved to Sydney. I was actually thinking, if I was in Manila, I should at least have a thousand pesos with me before I even proceed to my doctor’s office. Lucky me, I didn’t have to this time.
Here in Sydney, I am thankful for so many freebies! My son gets to enjoy most of it. Aside from the free medical treatments, we also get to have some freebies on kids' activities, all materials are included, every school holidays. There is a wide variety of playgrounds my son can go to for free. I also learned that a certain organization helps out and gives out some appliances and furniture to people who are just starting out here. All you have to do is ring them, have an ocular, then wallah! Your list will soon be granted or given for that matter. The government gives out free immunizations for the kids and adults, boosters included, that will probably cost thousands of pesos if we were in Manila. An added bonus is if you complete the immunization, the government gives you another payment! The government subsidizes half of your out-of-pocket expenses when your child attends child care. A parent is given an allowance for taking care of the kids, as well as rental assistance. This is aside from the allowance one child gets every two weeks from the government (this is if there is only one parent working).
Wow. Looking at all those things that I have just listed I consider myself and my family lucky. Lucky because we are here and we get to enjoy those freebies. But of course, at the end of the day, it is still, thank you Thank you to the one up above because even if these things were given to us for free, I know that they are still blessings from Him.
Here in Sydney, I am thankful for so many freebies! My son gets to enjoy most of it. Aside from the free medical treatments, we also get to have some freebies on kids' activities, all materials are included, every school holidays. There is a wide variety of playgrounds my son can go to for free. I also learned that a certain organization helps out and gives out some appliances and furniture to people who are just starting out here. All you have to do is ring them, have an ocular, then wallah! Your list will soon be granted or given for that matter. The government gives out free immunizations for the kids and adults, boosters included, that will probably cost thousands of pesos if we were in Manila. An added bonus is if you complete the immunization, the government gives you another payment! The government subsidizes half of your out-of-pocket expenses when your child attends child care. A parent is given an allowance for taking care of the kids, as well as rental assistance. This is aside from the allowance one child gets every two weeks from the government (this is if there is only one parent working).
Wow. Looking at all those things that I have just listed I consider myself and my family lucky. Lucky because we are here and we get to enjoy those freebies. But of course, at the end of the day, it is still, thank you Thank you to the one up above because even if these things were given to us for free, I know that they are still blessings from Him.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
In His Time
Two days ago, when my husband and I attended the 8th talk of the Christian Life Program for Couples for Christ, I can’t help but cry when I heard and sang the song, In His Time. It has been quite a while since I heard that song. I think the last time I sang it was when I was in fifth grade! It is a very old church song and a very simple song. So why did I cry? Well, I thought at that time that the lyrics were trying to console me and assure me that all our prayers will be answered in His time. You see, I am starting to get impatient.
Migrating and settling in another country, where most people have different backgrounds and the culture and practices are different from the place I grew up with, is no easy task. It also did not help that when we got here, the global recession was at its peak. Australia was not exempted from experiencing the financial crisis. So to make the long story short, we had a rough start.
Day in and day out barely a month after we got here, my husband has applied for different jobs in his field of expertise, as advertised in the different job search websites. He always gets a response which always included the phrases – we’re sorry or unfortunately. But Alvin didn’t give up. Though I knew he was still worried, he was so good at keeping it from me. He has handled the pressure with much grace. At night, when Liam is asleep and I still see him looking for work, after a hard day’s labor, my heart goes out for him. In silence, I cry for him, and in silence too, I pray for him. I prayed and continue to pray that the good Lord blesses his heart. That he continues to have faith and never tire of trying. I think God must love me very much because to date, I haven’t seen any signs of weakness or sadness on Alvin’s part, even if he had unsuccessful job applications or worse, passing the initial screening but not making it after an interview.
The most recent one was when he was called to have another job interview for Coca-Cola Australia. We thought that this job is the one. We prayed hard for it. We always remained positive. But two days ago, we received the bad news that he didn’t make it again for the next round of interview. When I read the mail, my heart crushed. But Alvin’s? Nope, he remained positive. It is but normal to feel bad and sad, and he was in fact sad, but like what I mentioned a while ago, he knew how to handle disappointments. Seeing how he reacted and accepted the decision made me realize that I shouldn’t feel bad as well even though I had questions raised again and felt that my “boat was being rocked.” His optimism saved the day.
And so I am singing in my heart again the song that made me cry a few days ago. I don’t know what is in store with us now. I don’t know if his interview this coming Friday will finally be it. But the past experience allowed me to have a change of heart. Instead of praying, “Lord, may this job be it” I am now praying “Lord, if this is the job you have prepared for him, then so be it.” May His will be done...in His time.
Migrating and settling in another country, where most people have different backgrounds and the culture and practices are different from the place I grew up with, is no easy task. It also did not help that when we got here, the global recession was at its peak. Australia was not exempted from experiencing the financial crisis. So to make the long story short, we had a rough start.
Day in and day out barely a month after we got here, my husband has applied for different jobs in his field of expertise, as advertised in the different job search websites. He always gets a response which always included the phrases – we’re sorry or unfortunately. But Alvin didn’t give up. Though I knew he was still worried, he was so good at keeping it from me. He has handled the pressure with much grace. At night, when Liam is asleep and I still see him looking for work, after a hard day’s labor, my heart goes out for him. In silence, I cry for him, and in silence too, I pray for him. I prayed and continue to pray that the good Lord blesses his heart. That he continues to have faith and never tire of trying. I think God must love me very much because to date, I haven’t seen any signs of weakness or sadness on Alvin’s part, even if he had unsuccessful job applications or worse, passing the initial screening but not making it after an interview.
The most recent one was when he was called to have another job interview for Coca-Cola Australia. We thought that this job is the one. We prayed hard for it. We always remained positive. But two days ago, we received the bad news that he didn’t make it again for the next round of interview. When I read the mail, my heart crushed. But Alvin’s? Nope, he remained positive. It is but normal to feel bad and sad, and he was in fact sad, but like what I mentioned a while ago, he knew how to handle disappointments. Seeing how he reacted and accepted the decision made me realize that I shouldn’t feel bad as well even though I had questions raised again and felt that my “boat was being rocked.” His optimism saved the day.
And so I am singing in my heart again the song that made me cry a few days ago. I don’t know what is in store with us now. I don’t know if his interview this coming Friday will finally be it. But the past experience allowed me to have a change of heart. Instead of praying, “Lord, may this job be it” I am now praying “Lord, if this is the job you have prepared for him, then so be it.” May His will be done...in His time.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Back to School!
Back to school! A few years back I had plans of finishing my MA at the age of 24 and then have kids from age 28 to 32 then go back to take my PhD by 32. Well, God did some things to remind me that I cannot plan all. That even if I plan my life, He still has the final say. And so after passing through a hole of a needle, I was able to finish my Masters degree at the age of 27! My experiences while I was trying to finish my thesis made me re think of my plans of studying again at 32! Am I up for it? Well. I needed a break. I felt that the last year of my graduate studies was equivalent to four years of stress! I'll just teach. No schooling again for me. But as I've said a few spaces ago, my plans are probably different from God's plans. So here I am again about to take on a new challenge.
One challenge at a time. First is my formal training on Religious Education. Since I was qualified to teach on Catholic and private schools here in Australia I need to take formal studies on Religious Education. Primary school teachers here teaches all subject including Religious education, since I want to have a full-time teaching job soon, I need to take this one. God has been good since He allowed me to see a cheaper alternative in pursuing this course. I thought I can't go on with my plans due to financial constraints, the fees at the Uni are quite expensive, but since the Diocese of Parramatta, through CEO Parramatta offers the course as well, in a much affordable rate, I can proceed with the plans. Yup, I'll be back in school, working at the same time, for two years! Whew! I hope that this course, though very intensive, will not be as stressful as the last one I had. So, theology, here I come!
Next, First-Aid. I never realized the necessity of having and knowing first-aid, not until I started teaching here. I heard of a news of a student dying because of the carer didn't know what to do in the emergency that happened. In a land where allergy is a SERIOUS business, I realized that I need to take the next step of having a formal training on this one as well. Whenever I am at duty in school, I have always stormed the heavens of my prayers, that no incident happens. God has been good because to date I haven't encountered any. But I dread the day that I have to deal with it. So while I still have the time, I am taking concrete steps to prepare myself. I have already enrolled in a day-course in applying First Aid. I would be very happy not to use it. I'll still be storming the heavens with my prayers. But getting my certificate will at least boost my confidence that I can do it, in the same manner that it will make me calmer,if ver something does happen, knowing I was already trained to do it.
On the side, I am trying to find for a good seminar or conference to boost my portfolio, as I work on my Full Competence accreditation at the NSW Institute of Teachers. But it has to take a back seat for now. Anyways, I have 6 years to work on it. Right now, my priorities are my Religious Ed and my First -Aid training.
Wow, talk about schooling! Who ever said being a teacher was easy? Well, if you think it is, better think again!
One challenge at a time. First is my formal training on Religious Education. Since I was qualified to teach on Catholic and private schools here in Australia I need to take formal studies on Religious Education. Primary school teachers here teaches all subject including Religious education, since I want to have a full-time teaching job soon, I need to take this one. God has been good since He allowed me to see a cheaper alternative in pursuing this course. I thought I can't go on with my plans due to financial constraints, the fees at the Uni are quite expensive, but since the Diocese of Parramatta, through CEO Parramatta offers the course as well, in a much affordable rate, I can proceed with the plans. Yup, I'll be back in school, working at the same time, for two years! Whew! I hope that this course, though very intensive, will not be as stressful as the last one I had. So, theology, here I come!
Next, First-Aid. I never realized the necessity of having and knowing first-aid, not until I started teaching here. I heard of a news of a student dying because of the carer didn't know what to do in the emergency that happened. In a land where allergy is a SERIOUS business, I realized that I need to take the next step of having a formal training on this one as well. Whenever I am at duty in school, I have always stormed the heavens of my prayers, that no incident happens. God has been good because to date I haven't encountered any. But I dread the day that I have to deal with it. So while I still have the time, I am taking concrete steps to prepare myself. I have already enrolled in a day-course in applying First Aid. I would be very happy not to use it. I'll still be storming the heavens with my prayers. But getting my certificate will at least boost my confidence that I can do it, in the same manner that it will make me calmer,if ver something does happen, knowing I was already trained to do it.
On the side, I am trying to find for a good seminar or conference to boost my portfolio, as I work on my Full Competence accreditation at the NSW Institute of Teachers. But it has to take a back seat for now. Anyways, I have 6 years to work on it. Right now, my priorities are my Religious Ed and my First -Aid training.
Wow, talk about schooling! Who ever said being a teacher was easy? Well, if you think it is, better think again!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Turning 31 and More Reasons to be Thankful for!
In a few more weeks I will be celebrating my 31st birthday! I can't believe I'm actually turning 31. I actually stopped counting at 28. Last year, I was a bit emotional when I turned 3 decades old. It was a sentimental birthday and I even wrote that I am looking forward to the coming year since a new chapter was about to begin in my life again. And oh boy, what a year it has been! I'm not going to be sentimental now, but the year that has passed has brought in so much blessings. I may become a bit emotional again, but unlike last year, were it was quite negative, this time it's more of positive.
Adding another year is not something to fret about. Ageing is a beautiful thing. So as I celebrate another year, here are some things that made it more beautiful, to which I am also very thankful for:
1) I am still alive to spend more time with my loved ones.
2) My family and loved ones are in the best of health.
3) My son continues to bring joy to me each day as he shows big progress and milestones.
4) I have achieved most of the simple dreams I had when I was a kid.
5) I am surrounded by loving and generous people through my family.
6) I have been blessed with a few but very caring and true friends.
7) I have been given the chance to go to places to relax, unwind, and eat my heart out.
8) I have proven most of my detractors wrong.
9) I have been given the chance to write my thoughts and share my learnings through my blogs.
10) I have been given enough financial and material things to meet our daily needs and to enjoy some of life's little pleasures =D
11) I still have my parents with me.
12) I was able to teach again here in Australia.
13) I have been given the chance to study here again.
14) I get to enjoy bonding moments with son anytime and everytime I want to.
15) I was able to write a book, published and being used by many students in the Philippines. (Even if it's just a textbook, it's still a book hahaha)
16) I get to eat more than 3 times a day.
17) There is food on our table always.
18) There is our bed that gives us comfort everyday and everynight specially when I am dead batt at the end of the day.
19) We have a car that can bring us to different places of interest.
20) I get to enjoy life's simple pleasures =D
Some of these are so simple yet most of the time overlooked. Funny, but as the list becomes longer, it became harder for me to think of the things I should be thankful for.
As I celebrate my 31st birthday, I know that I have a thousand and one reasons to celebrate and be thankful for. Sitting now and trying to recall everything is the challenging part. I may not be able to list everything but in my heart, the good Lord knows how much thankful I am for everything HE has given me.
So, here's for my 31st birthday and to the coming year! Cheers!
Adding another year is not something to fret about. Ageing is a beautiful thing. So as I celebrate another year, here are some things that made it more beautiful, to which I am also very thankful for:
1) I am still alive to spend more time with my loved ones.
2) My family and loved ones are in the best of health.
3) My son continues to bring joy to me each day as he shows big progress and milestones.
4) I have achieved most of the simple dreams I had when I was a kid.
5) I am surrounded by loving and generous people through my family.
6) I have been blessed with a few but very caring and true friends.
7) I have been given the chance to go to places to relax, unwind, and eat my heart out.
8) I have proven most of my detractors wrong.
9) I have been given the chance to write my thoughts and share my learnings through my blogs.
10) I have been given enough financial and material things to meet our daily needs and to enjoy some of life's little pleasures =D
11) I still have my parents with me.
12) I was able to teach again here in Australia.
13) I have been given the chance to study here again.
14) I get to enjoy bonding moments with son anytime and everytime I want to.
15) I was able to write a book, published and being used by many students in the Philippines. (Even if it's just a textbook, it's still a book hahaha)
16) I get to eat more than 3 times a day.
17) There is food on our table always.
18) There is our bed that gives us comfort everyday and everynight specially when I am dead batt at the end of the day.
19) We have a car that can bring us to different places of interest.
20) I get to enjoy life's simple pleasures =D
Some of these are so simple yet most of the time overlooked. Funny, but as the list becomes longer, it became harder for me to think of the things I should be thankful for.
As I celebrate my 31st birthday, I know that I have a thousand and one reasons to celebrate and be thankful for. Sitting now and trying to recall everything is the challenging part. I may not be able to list everything but in my heart, the good Lord knows how much thankful I am for everything HE has given me.
So, here's for my 31st birthday and to the coming year! Cheers!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
All About Reading
I can't remember exactly when my love for books and reading began. All I can remember is that I grew up with all sorts of books around me. Having a grandma, aunts and a mother as teachers explains it so. I remember holding a copy of Nancy Drew and the Mystery of the Hidden Staircase when I was much younger but can't tell if I was able to really read it and understand it. I also joined a bible reading contest with my cousins. We wanted to know who can finish reading the bible from start to finish in the shortest time. All of us were unsuccessful. Our desire to read the book and finish it were over as soon as there was something new that grabbed our attention. But my formal book reading as I recall it started when I was in fifth grade. At that time almost all my friends had a copy of Sweet Valley Kids. I had to save money in order to buy my first copy. And from there, my love for books began. I enjoyed reading and I wanted that my future child/ren also take in the habit of reading books. Good thing my husband also wanted the same thing =D
Now that I have my own little boy, my husband and I agreed to instill in him early on the love for reading books. We want him to enjoy one of the world's greatest pleasures. We would buy him books once in a while. We would rather spend on books than with toys. We first caught him pretend reading when he was 1 year and 3 months. We were of course happy with it. Fast forward, after a few more months and more words in his vocabulary we caught him again trying to read from a magazine! Though we didn't understand much of the words that he said we still think that he is making big progress. That our investment in his books are not put to waste. Two weeks ago, I got him 34 pieces of books, all for 5 dollars, thanks to the book sale at the local library. They are not exaactly new but we still treasure them because everytime we open up the pages and read a new story each day to him, we know that his imagination and creativity is enhanced as well. I know that my son is getting there. We are not in a hurry. In a matter of 2 or 3 years I maybe spending more on books because he might be asking me so. But that is perfectly fine. I am not expecting my son to read thick books just yet. We just want him to enjoy each chance he gets to explore on a new adventure everytime he reads a new book. We want his affair with reading flourish slowly. For the mean time, we will enjoy the chance we get everytime we see him pretend to read. For as they say, pretend reading is real reading. =D
Now that I have my own little boy, my husband and I agreed to instill in him early on the love for reading books. We want him to enjoy one of the world's greatest pleasures. We would buy him books once in a while. We would rather spend on books than with toys. We first caught him pretend reading when he was 1 year and 3 months. We were of course happy with it. Fast forward, after a few more months and more words in his vocabulary we caught him again trying to read from a magazine! Though we didn't understand much of the words that he said we still think that he is making big progress. That our investment in his books are not put to waste. Two weeks ago, I got him 34 pieces of books, all for 5 dollars, thanks to the book sale at the local library. They are not exaactly new but we still treasure them because everytime we open up the pages and read a new story each day to him, we know that his imagination and creativity is enhanced as well. I know that my son is getting there. We are not in a hurry. In a matter of 2 or 3 years I maybe spending more on books because he might be asking me so. But that is perfectly fine. I am not expecting my son to read thick books just yet. We just want him to enjoy each chance he gets to explore on a new adventure everytime he reads a new book. We want his affair with reading flourish slowly. For the mean time, we will enjoy the chance we get everytime we see him pretend to read. For as they say, pretend reading is real reading. =D
Thursday, October 8, 2009
This Too Shall Pass
It has just been two weeks since I posted my blog entry, and oh boy, so many things have happened! Floods have swamped the Philippines shores, zeroing in Metro Manila. Earthquakes rocked Indonesia. Tsunami devastated the island of Samoa. One tragedy after another... leaving lessons for us to learn, giving us more opportunities to become stronger and united.
It is quite ironic how these obstacles bring out the best in everyone. People coming out of their way to help and reach out in any way they can. These tragedies help connect people all over the world just as so the people affected can get assistance and help. These tragedies are miracles in itself. These miracles eliminate the selfishness and greediness of most people. Sad though, that as soon as the tragedies and its effects have surpassed, the generosity and unity of almost everyone disappears as well.
The floods that affected almost the entire Metro Manila population has once again proved the strength of the Filipino people. I am amazed at how my countrymen have shown their bravery and their faith in this trial. I have nothing but admiration to the thousands of Filipinos who got affected and still manage to smile. The smiles that they have in the midst of chaos bring hope, that all will be well. The smiles that they have show what faith is all about. Though praying that my country be spared from anymore calamities, I know that there will be more to come. But the big hearts that Filipinos have will always allow them to surpass whatever it is to come. Hearts full of hope and full of faith...I may not be physically present to share the agony of facing this new trial. But to my fellow kababayans, be assured that I am one with you in all of your prayers...in all of your hopes and in all of your dreams. I share in your joys and triumphs. I share as well all your fears and trials. Hang in there. Remember that sometimes, God shatters our windows so more blessings can come in. Keep the faith for this too shall pass. Be blessed Philippines!
It is quite ironic how these obstacles bring out the best in everyone. People coming out of their way to help and reach out in any way they can. These tragedies help connect people all over the world just as so the people affected can get assistance and help. These tragedies are miracles in itself. These miracles eliminate the selfishness and greediness of most people. Sad though, that as soon as the tragedies and its effects have surpassed, the generosity and unity of almost everyone disappears as well.
The floods that affected almost the entire Metro Manila population has once again proved the strength of the Filipino people. I am amazed at how my countrymen have shown their bravery and their faith in this trial. I have nothing but admiration to the thousands of Filipinos who got affected and still manage to smile. The smiles that they have in the midst of chaos bring hope, that all will be well. The smiles that they have show what faith is all about. Though praying that my country be spared from anymore calamities, I know that there will be more to come. But the big hearts that Filipinos have will always allow them to surpass whatever it is to come. Hearts full of hope and full of faith...I may not be physically present to share the agony of facing this new trial. But to my fellow kababayans, be assured that I am one with you in all of your prayers...in all of your hopes and in all of your dreams. I share in your joys and triumphs. I share as well all your fears and trials. Hang in there. Remember that sometimes, God shatters our windows so more blessings can come in. Keep the faith for this too shall pass. Be blessed Philippines!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Simple Dreams Are Made of These
Funny but sometimes I catch myself just smiling on my own. Call it crazy but I love doing it every now and then. You may be asking why I am smiling by myself, well, it’s actually the result of having the trip down memory lane and seeing how good life has been to me, how God has been good to me.
I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. We were not as privileged as the other kids. I came from a middle class family which experienced financial difficulties most of the time. My parents’ salaries were just right, sometimes not enough to make ends meet. I experienced giving up my savings and Christmas “earnings” from my godparents during those “dry” times. In the same manner that my parents tried to do some extra work by selling food or clothes in their offices, just as so we had some money to spend. But all through it all our family became stronger. During those times, I would only get to wear branded shirts, jeans or shoes only as a prize for being on the Top 3 of my class. If I landed on the 4th place or lower, sorry, no prize awaited me. Through those times I found myself dreaming of simple dreams. What dreams were those? Let me share some of them. I wanted that hopefully in the future I would learn how to drive, drive my own car, have my teeth fixed by wearing braces, tour to some tourist destinations in the Philippines, spend a weekend on a five-star hotel, eat in a hotel or in good restaurants, get to buy some branded stuff every now and then, travel outside the country, and have a grand wedding.
As I’ve written earlier, God has been good to me because all of those simple dreams became a reality. I didn’t get all of it in an instant, many had to wait for a couple of years. Regardless of the number of years I had to wait before it became a reality, it still became a reality. This is why I love going back and recalling the old times. It keeps me grounded. It gives me more reasons to be thankful. It gives me more reasons to enjoy life.
I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. We were not as privileged as the other kids. I came from a middle class family which experienced financial difficulties most of the time. My parents’ salaries were just right, sometimes not enough to make ends meet. I experienced giving up my savings and Christmas “earnings” from my godparents during those “dry” times. In the same manner that my parents tried to do some extra work by selling food or clothes in their offices, just as so we had some money to spend. But all through it all our family became stronger. During those times, I would only get to wear branded shirts, jeans or shoes only as a prize for being on the Top 3 of my class. If I landed on the 4th place or lower, sorry, no prize awaited me. Through those times I found myself dreaming of simple dreams. What dreams were those? Let me share some of them. I wanted that hopefully in the future I would learn how to drive, drive my own car, have my teeth fixed by wearing braces, tour to some tourist destinations in the Philippines, spend a weekend on a five-star hotel, eat in a hotel or in good restaurants, get to buy some branded stuff every now and then, travel outside the country, and have a grand wedding.
As I’ve written earlier, God has been good to me because all of those simple dreams became a reality. I didn’t get all of it in an instant, many had to wait for a couple of years. Regardless of the number of years I had to wait before it became a reality, it still became a reality. This is why I love going back and recalling the old times. It keeps me grounded. It gives me more reasons to be thankful. It gives me more reasons to enjoy life.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Blogging to Earn (Extra)
Two weeks ago, I was dead set in having another part-time job thru blogging. Through a kind act I was informed that for starters my blog should be 3 months old and that at least I have 10 blog entries for the month. It didn’t bother me that I had to write 10 blog entries for one month. That was easy. And so I thought. The month will soon be over now and I haven’t even reached the quota. It was not as easy as I thought it would be.
Why wasn’t it easy? Well, for one, I suddenly found myself getting busier because I have restarted with my interrupted career of being a Primary School teacher. Even if I am just on call for some days, the days that I am not teaching are spent caring for my son and doing household chores. That leaves me dead tired at the end of the day and it somehow affects my mood to write.
Second, reflecting at how I write, I have discovered that writing becomes easy for me if I write about topics close to my heart, if I write because I want to and not because I need to. I believe that the quality of my blogs might suffer if I just write about anything that really hasn’t inspired me or taught me a lesson. After all, my blogs are about my adventures, my journey. I am afraid that my blog might end up being a “commercial” if I go through with my plans of earning thru blog writing. No offense meant to those who are already doing it. You continue to be an inspiration. But I believe it is not my time yet.
Third and lastly, I wanted to do blog writing as another “racket” to help out in the family’s finances. But looking at it now, I really don’t have to do it yet. God has been good to us and has been providing us with what we need. My book has been published in Manila already and in a few months time; I will be getting my first royalty check. Here at home, I am blessed to receive calls every now and then to do casual teaching and it helps us out with our expenses and savings as well. I know that our present situation is still not what we have prayed for, but I know in His goodness, we will get there.
So for now, I am postponing my plans of earning through blogging, maybe soon or when the situation really calls for it, I will. At present, I will continue to share my stories, my adventures, my journey, as it happens, without the thinking of any requirement or beating the deadline. I will continue to write because I enjoy doing it, like what I have said, to write because I want to and not because I need to.
Why wasn’t it easy? Well, for one, I suddenly found myself getting busier because I have restarted with my interrupted career of being a Primary School teacher. Even if I am just on call for some days, the days that I am not teaching are spent caring for my son and doing household chores. That leaves me dead tired at the end of the day and it somehow affects my mood to write.
Second, reflecting at how I write, I have discovered that writing becomes easy for me if I write about topics close to my heart, if I write because I want to and not because I need to. I believe that the quality of my blogs might suffer if I just write about anything that really hasn’t inspired me or taught me a lesson. After all, my blogs are about my adventures, my journey. I am afraid that my blog might end up being a “commercial” if I go through with my plans of earning thru blog writing. No offense meant to those who are already doing it. You continue to be an inspiration. But I believe it is not my time yet.
Third and lastly, I wanted to do blog writing as another “racket” to help out in the family’s finances. But looking at it now, I really don’t have to do it yet. God has been good to us and has been providing us with what we need. My book has been published in Manila already and in a few months time; I will be getting my first royalty check. Here at home, I am blessed to receive calls every now and then to do casual teaching and it helps us out with our expenses and savings as well. I know that our present situation is still not what we have prayed for, but I know in His goodness, we will get there.
So for now, I am postponing my plans of earning through blogging, maybe soon or when the situation really calls for it, I will. At present, I will continue to share my stories, my adventures, my journey, as it happens, without the thinking of any requirement or beating the deadline. I will continue to write because I enjoy doing it, like what I have said, to write because I want to and not because I need to.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Kids as Teachers
Today, this was what I wrote on my FB status: Jeana Marie is just amazed on how kids, like our children, can teach us the most valuable lessons in life – patience, perseverance, unconditional love, sacrifice – in the truest sense.
For a couple of days now, I am playing nurse and doctor to my 20-month old son. Many mums will agree that one of the greatest challenges of being a mum is when the kids get sick. This experience, like the other experiences I have had since Liam came to my life, is teaching me how to be patient. Who wouldn’t get impatient if your child just wants to be carried all the time, and continues to say “up” even if you’re carrying him already? You have to keep your cool even if you are sleep deprived and super tired already. You have to stay cool when all he wants is mum, and you can’t do anything else – chores at home, work – and try to give in to all his whims and wants. You have to stay cool when he doesn’t want to stop crying and you’ve done everything to relax him and make him comfortable. You have to be patient when he’s drawing attention from other people because he is sick. You have to stay cool even when he throws up the medicines you’ve been giving him. Patience is really no easy thing.
I want my son to grow up good. Who wouldn’t? Now that I can see that he has an understanding already of what’s happening around him, I am challenged to persevere day in and day out to do good, and to be good. As a friend once said, “We have to be what we would want our children to be.” So if I want him to be honest, I have to be honest all the time. If I want him to grow up respecting people around him, he has to see that in me as well. If I want him growing up to be a God-loving and God-fearing individual, then I have to show it to him as well. If I want him to grow up to be a loving and caring person, he needs to witness it from me as well. If I want him to be prayerful as well, then I should continue to be one. Whoever said being a parent is easy?
I believe that unconditional love and sacrifice go hand in hand. Because you love unconditionally, despite of and in spite of all their weaknesses, you get to sacrifice a lot for them as well. You can stay up late or you may not even sleep at all, you can skip a meal, eat less, eat leftovers which you don’t usually do, postponing to buy something for yourself in order to buy something for him, not stick to schedules, not doing the house chores, giving up “myself” time, trying to overlook the negatives and see the positives for him, oh the list would just go on and on. I am pretty sure many parents have done more and will do more. Each time they do it, I do it, a new lesson is learned. Another lesson that makes me understand the real meaning of the words. The kids do it without much effort on their part and that adds to the beauty and wonder of it.
Kids are truly one of God's best instruments in teaching the grown-ups. Praise Him for that!
For a couple of days now, I am playing nurse and doctor to my 20-month old son. Many mums will agree that one of the greatest challenges of being a mum is when the kids get sick. This experience, like the other experiences I have had since Liam came to my life, is teaching me how to be patient. Who wouldn’t get impatient if your child just wants to be carried all the time, and continues to say “up” even if you’re carrying him already? You have to keep your cool even if you are sleep deprived and super tired already. You have to stay cool when all he wants is mum, and you can’t do anything else – chores at home, work – and try to give in to all his whims and wants. You have to stay cool when he doesn’t want to stop crying and you’ve done everything to relax him and make him comfortable. You have to be patient when he’s drawing attention from other people because he is sick. You have to stay cool even when he throws up the medicines you’ve been giving him. Patience is really no easy thing.
I want my son to grow up good. Who wouldn’t? Now that I can see that he has an understanding already of what’s happening around him, I am challenged to persevere day in and day out to do good, and to be good. As a friend once said, “We have to be what we would want our children to be.” So if I want him to be honest, I have to be honest all the time. If I want him to grow up respecting people around him, he has to see that in me as well. If I want him growing up to be a God-loving and God-fearing individual, then I have to show it to him as well. If I want him to grow up to be a loving and caring person, he needs to witness it from me as well. If I want him to be prayerful as well, then I should continue to be one. Whoever said being a parent is easy?
I believe that unconditional love and sacrifice go hand in hand. Because you love unconditionally, despite of and in spite of all their weaknesses, you get to sacrifice a lot for them as well. You can stay up late or you may not even sleep at all, you can skip a meal, eat less, eat leftovers which you don’t usually do, postponing to buy something for yourself in order to buy something for him, not stick to schedules, not doing the house chores, giving up “myself” time, trying to overlook the negatives and see the positives for him, oh the list would just go on and on. I am pretty sure many parents have done more and will do more. Each time they do it, I do it, a new lesson is learned. Another lesson that makes me understand the real meaning of the words. The kids do it without much effort on their part and that adds to the beauty and wonder of it.
Kids are truly one of God's best instruments in teaching the grown-ups. Praise Him for that!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Loving Mother Earth
Let me deal with something more general know, about climate change. Much has been said about it. Leaders of different nations are debating with one another, trying to resolve the problems brought about climate change. It is quite sad that people all over the world must suffer from drought, floods, bush fires, and more, before we started thinking of ways to show our concern for the environment. I am amazed at how the weather and the seasons of the year have become so unpredictable. When I was a kid, I remember my Science teacher telling the class that from the Months of June to October, we have the rainy season, November to February are the cold months, and March till May are the summer months. But two or three years ago I have started to experience a change in these seasons. It is either we experience very dry months during the rainy season and experience a lot of strong rains and storms during the ber months! Now isn’t it a clear sign that something is wrong?
My family and I have been here in Australia for just 6 months but we have also felt the effects of climate change here. Winter started really early. But it was weird having warm temperatures for one day or the next, then go back to the freezing temperature again. My first winter was not as cold as I expected and what people told me it would be. It was over two weeks ahead of time. It is supposed to be spring now but we are getting temperatures as high as 30 or 31 already! It’s not yet even summer!
This is serious problem. If we don’t act now I’m pretty sure there will be no end to the fires, droughts and floods that we are already experiencing. I think people have this notion that you have to be a scientist before you can solve this problem. But I believe that in our own simple way, we can do something, not necessarily to solve all, but at least a few of the problems we are facing because of climate change or global warming. I made a list and promised myself to do it religiously.
I will segregate all bio from non-bio materials.
I will use recyclable bags when I shop.
I will plant more trees.
I will teach my son the value of Mother Earth and how he can take care of it.
If the distance will allow it, I will walk than drive the car.
Less use of the aircondition even if it is so hot.
Turning all appliances off, not leaving it on stand-by mode.
Save more water when I take a bath.
These are just 8 ways, I’m pretty sure I’ll think of more soon. But I’ll start with these first. Hopefully, if there are more people doing it, we can slow down global warming and there will still be a beautiful place that awaits my son and my future grandkids in the future.
My family and I have been here in Australia for just 6 months but we have also felt the effects of climate change here. Winter started really early. But it was weird having warm temperatures for one day or the next, then go back to the freezing temperature again. My first winter was not as cold as I expected and what people told me it would be. It was over two weeks ahead of time. It is supposed to be spring now but we are getting temperatures as high as 30 or 31 already! It’s not yet even summer!
This is serious problem. If we don’t act now I’m pretty sure there will be no end to the fires, droughts and floods that we are already experiencing. I think people have this notion that you have to be a scientist before you can solve this problem. But I believe that in our own simple way, we can do something, not necessarily to solve all, but at least a few of the problems we are facing because of climate change or global warming. I made a list and promised myself to do it religiously.
I will segregate all bio from non-bio materials.
I will use recyclable bags when I shop.
I will plant more trees.
I will teach my son the value of Mother Earth and how he can take care of it.
If the distance will allow it, I will walk than drive the car.
Less use of the aircondition even if it is so hot.
Turning all appliances off, not leaving it on stand-by mode.
Save more water when I take a bath.
These are just 8 ways, I’m pretty sure I’ll think of more soon. But I’ll start with these first. Hopefully, if there are more people doing it, we can slow down global warming and there will still be a beautiful place that awaits my son and my future grandkids in the future.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hurdling My English Exam

Over a month ago I was ranting about me taking the IELTS again. I was quite nervous because the first time I took it, I had one part of the exam re-marked. Most bodies requiring IELTS usually just require a general average of 6, regardless of the band score for each sub-test. But like what I have mentioned in my previous blog, for teachers it is a totally different case. We need to get a general band score of 7.5, a score of at least 8 in Speaking and Listening, and a score of at least 7 in Reading and Writing. Whew! What a requirement. The harder part of it all is that it is the Academic module I need to take.
As soon as I got my confirmed booking, I immediately called my mom and told her to send all my IELTS reviewers I left in Manila. I didn’t want to get harassed again preparing for this exam. I cannot jeopardize the results of this exam because my chance to work as a teacher here in Australia depended on it. When I got my 3 books, my exam was still 3 months away. I told myself that by the time the month is over I have used up all my reviewers already. Little did I know that in the public libraries here, they have a huge collection of IELTS review materials. When I found out about it, the rest as they say is history.
By the time the calendars hit August, my exam month, I barely touched my own review materials, only because I was able to maximize the books available in the libraries. I was panicking already 3 weeks before the test since I really didn’t have the time to sit down and review. My hands were always full with the chores at home (my sis-in-law had a job already), taking care of three kids (2 are my brother’s children) and my part-time job. By the time Liam falls asleep I am dead tired as well. I cannot have the review that I wanted. Good thing 2 weeks before the exam Liam started going to the child care. That gave me two days of review. I tried to overcome the temptations of doing FB and some other chores at home while Liam was away. But most of the time, I failed. The last week before the exam, I think I made big progress because reality hit me already. A day before the exam, I tried to relax and didn’t bother opening a book again.
Finally on the day of the exam, everything was a bit easier than what I expected it to be. I knew I did good in the listening and reading parts, but when the writing part came, oh no! My heart crumbled. The first part was ok. The second part which earned more points was a total disaster. I was hoping against hope that my work will be “better” than the others. Speaking test was okay. I was lucky to have chosen a topic close to my heart, which is my home. At the end of the day I was dead tired but I knew the more difficult task awaits me, that is the waiting time before I finally get the results.
After two weeks, I got my results. I was already thinking of Plan B even before I got the results, just in case my grades didn’t make it. But God is good! All three parts which I think I did good, did yield good marks. I got 8.5 band score for Reading, Listening and Speaking. Let me just tell you that 9 is the highest band score you can get. Well, for my writing, God is good, He gave me just the right grade, which I think I also deserved, a 7. Haha, almost didn’t make it! But glad I did.
So now, I have no more reason to worry (for the next two years at that). I am glad this thing is finally over and I can already shout at the top of my lungs, FREEDOM!!!!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Search is Over
The search is finally over. We have finally found and bought our first family car. And it was definitely a good buy. When my husband passed his practical driving test in just one take last May, we already entertained the idea that in a month or two we will have to buy our own car. But it didn’t happen after two months because first I still didn’t pass my practical driving test and second there was really no immediate need to buy one that early. It wasn’t easy going around here in Sydney without a car of your own, especially if you have a 20-month old son, weighing 13 kilograms, in tow all the time. Oh, I forgot to mention the pram as well. So imagine riding some buses which were not pram friendly. I never realized I had that much strength! Kidding aside, I was glad that I was able to experience all these difficulties because I get to appreciate what I have now.
So on the 5th day of August, exactly the same date when our permanent migrant visas were granted, I passed my driving test. You can just imagine what I felt when finally, on my 4th try, I passed my driving test. A week after that my husband started to really look for our first car. We were weighing our reasons when we were ready to purchase a car already. Are we buying a cheaper car which can serve us for 6 months, maximum one year, so we can save on money? Or, are we buying a much expensive car that can serve us for 3 to 5 years already? Buying a brand new car is not among our options as our budget still didn’t allow it. At first we opted for the first option. Cheaper car, shorter time. But we had a hard time looking for that car. Since it was taking some time already to find the car for us, the budget we initially set for the car increased already. Now we changed our minds and opted to choose option 2, more expensive car but longer service time. It was not easy finding the car. There were a lot of other factors that we had to consider. Aside from the price was of course the year the car was manufactured, the total mileage of the car, the registration, the history, the accessories, the over-all package. I wasn’t the one who was painstakingly browsing through all the car websites and checking out all details, it was my husband, but I was getting tired as well. We didn’t stop looking for that car in the internet; we also went to places where most cars are being sold. But we were not lucky. It’s either it was too old, or too expensive, or the transmission was not automatic. Both of us knew how to drive cars with manual transmission back in Manila, but here in Australia, with their gazillion round-abouts, it will be difficult to drive a manual car. It was tiring already and it didn’t help that I started working. I really needed a car because most of the schools I applied to were not commuter friendly. I tried taking the cab on my first day but I spent almost 50 bucks on just one day! It was not practical.
And so the search continued. I prayed, we prayed so hard. In my prayers, I didn’t ask for any sign. I just couldn’t think of any. Will I ask for the plate number? the color? Well, I didn’t, I just knew that God will give us His Spirit and we’ll know if we have found the right car, our first car. Last Sunday, we did.
We tried out a new place this time. My brother, Alvin, Liam and myself went out checking the car garages. We spotted one. But we just told the dealer that we’ll get back after we look around for some more options. And then we saw it, a 2001 Mitsubishi Magna (I think the Magna model is uniquely designed and manufactured only in Australia). In Manila, the Mitsubishi Galant is it’s counterpart. Alvin and my brother took it for a test drive. Liam and I stayed at the office and then the signs just presented themselves one after the other. First, one of the dealer’s name is the name we will be giving for our future baby girl. Sorry, can’t tell you what the name is yet haha. Next, the previous owner is a Filipino. We are Filipinos. Third, the surname of the previous owner was the same as my maiden name. Fourth, the dealer agreed to pull down the price, now making it fit to our budget. When all was settled, the last thing that affirmed that we made the right decision was this: the colour of my rosary. When we were already on our way out of the car garage, I immediately put out my rosary so I can hang it on the rear view mirror. To my surprise, when I pulled out my rosary I saw that its colour exactly matched the colour of the car. It was bronze, a little touch of rusty orange. Not your ordinary colour. And by some twist of fate, our schedules allowed us to have it blessed by a priest also on the day we bought it. Everything went well. All was in place. This search taught me a new lesson. It somewhat affirmed me that like the experience we had to go through in search for the right car, the same will be true for our other concerns. All will fall into place. We will know. And we will be affirmed.
I am glad and thankful that our search is finally over.
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Hardest Part of Christmas
Since I have started writing about Christmas the other day, I might as well continue with it. But this time I’ll be sharing about the things I do to get ready for Christmas.
Come September, I already make my list of family and friends whom I should and would want to buy a gift. To make things easy for me, I do it per category. I start with immediate family of course. Next are my closest relatives. After family and relatives I start listing down the names of my and my husband’s godchildren. I should not miss out on these kids, especially that we are considered as their second parents. It is just sad that most of them don’t get to see us anymore because we have lost contact with their parents. So to our godchildren, we may not see you that often anymore but rest assured that you are not forgotten in our Christmas list. After our godchildren, friends are next. Friends is quite general so I still list per category, they are classified as friends from work, from college, or even from high school. After listing everyone, I still double check it because I might have missed someone. And I wouldn’t want to be on that person’s shoes.
After the listing of names, now comes the listing of possible gifts and the budget allotted. Of course, family members get the highest allocation. I need not elaborate why.
Since the bazaar season has started as well, I grab that opportunity to buy some of the gifts. I start buying the gifts of the people whom I will not be able to see because of the Christmas break. So basically that refers to my friends at work. Slowly thru my frequent visits at these bazaars and malls, I get to complete my Christmas shopping. By the first week of December I am already done with my shopping and now ready to wrap them. By the time the calendar hits the second week of December; my focus has already shifted from gifts to the family activities for the Christmas season --the Noche Buena, Media Noche, the Christmas parties, the other events like weddings or birthdays and the dawn masses. This may also include visiting relatives, gift-giving to the less fortunate, or having an out-of-town trip.
These are just some of the things I usually busy myself with during the Christmas season. I find myself lacking sleep at times, but what the heck, everyone is on the same boat as I do! But sometimes I get to think that people, myself included, usually fall into this kind of trap. This is how we prepare for Christmas. Gifts, parties, reunions. We may find all of these activities as the reasons why we love Christmas so much. But I believe that this is a sad fact because we know that there should be more than just buying presents and reunions. Getting ready for Christmas in the truest sense of the word is the harder part...is the hardest part.
Come September, I already make my list of family and friends whom I should and would want to buy a gift. To make things easy for me, I do it per category. I start with immediate family of course. Next are my closest relatives. After family and relatives I start listing down the names of my and my husband’s godchildren. I should not miss out on these kids, especially that we are considered as their second parents. It is just sad that most of them don’t get to see us anymore because we have lost contact with their parents. So to our godchildren, we may not see you that often anymore but rest assured that you are not forgotten in our Christmas list. After our godchildren, friends are next. Friends is quite general so I still list per category, they are classified as friends from work, from college, or even from high school. After listing everyone, I still double check it because I might have missed someone. And I wouldn’t want to be on that person’s shoes.
After the listing of names, now comes the listing of possible gifts and the budget allotted. Of course, family members get the highest allocation. I need not elaborate why.
Since the bazaar season has started as well, I grab that opportunity to buy some of the gifts. I start buying the gifts of the people whom I will not be able to see because of the Christmas break. So basically that refers to my friends at work. Slowly thru my frequent visits at these bazaars and malls, I get to complete my Christmas shopping. By the first week of December I am already done with my shopping and now ready to wrap them. By the time the calendar hits the second week of December; my focus has already shifted from gifts to the family activities for the Christmas season --the Noche Buena, Media Noche, the Christmas parties, the other events like weddings or birthdays and the dawn masses. This may also include visiting relatives, gift-giving to the less fortunate, or having an out-of-town trip.
These are just some of the things I usually busy myself with during the Christmas season. I find myself lacking sleep at times, but what the heck, everyone is on the same boat as I do! But sometimes I get to think that people, myself included, usually fall into this kind of trap. This is how we prepare for Christmas. Gifts, parties, reunions. We may find all of these activities as the reasons why we love Christmas so much. But I believe that this is a sad fact because we know that there should be more than just buying presents and reunions. Getting ready for Christmas in the truest sense of the word is the harder part...is the hardest part.
christmas list,
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Yesterday, I finally started with my first Aussie teaching job. It was an answered prayer. For months now my family has been praying about it and when I finally got a call, the rest as they say is history.
So there I was, ready as ever, hoping that my more than seven years of Primary school teaching experience in Manila has equipped me for my new role. But I was wrong. As soon as I stepped inside the school grounds I knew it woudn’t be an easy day for me. As time ticked I felt that everything was going wrong. To start with, no one even gave me an orientation. 10 to 15 minutes before the bell rang, I still didn’t know whose class I was going to take, what the topics for the day were and the activities as well. It’s like I was left inside a totally dark room looking for my way out. People around don’t seem to care as well. I am thinking they were assuming that I could already handle everything. Finally, the class started. 5 minutes before the class started, the teacher who I was going to replace finally listed down the things I needed to do. I was new to everything. I managed the get hold of the kids’ attention for 30 minutes but after that there was another change in the to-do list. Students from two other classes just went inside my room. I wanted to tell my students to wait as I summarize what we had in the morning, but they were all in a hurry. So there I was trying to do another activity for an hour in a new batch of students. It didn’t help that there were a few students who were being silly and naughty inside. If I were in Manila I would have raised my voice to those kids already and send them out in the classroom. I could have easily done that, but I was in a new country. Rules for kids are strictly implemented. I wouldn’t want to have a record on my first day and be totally banned from teaching. So there I was trying all sort of positive discipline styles. By lunch time I wanted to cry already. Oh how I miss my former school!
I wanted to end the day as soon as possible but for some weird reason, time seemed didn’t fly as fast as I hoped it to be. I had to endure 3 more hours of misadventures and surprises. I was adjusting, trying to unlearn what I had in Manila, but I was also trying to learn the new system I was now in. Can’t thank heaven enough when the final bell rang and the teacher gave me her go signal that all is done for the day. I was disappointed, because I felt I didn’t do well on my first day. I was shaken because everything went so fast and unplanned. No order, no routine, nothing. And it was not me. On my way home I tried to recall everything that happened in school. I was sure glad the day was over. But it made me think as well. It was a wake up call. I am truly out of my comfort zone. I believe that this experience generally gave me an idea of the next teaching jobs to come. Next time hopefully will be better. I am still thankful for this first. I am not complaining, because at the end of the day, whatever happened during the day, it is still a blessing.
So there I was, ready as ever, hoping that my more than seven years of Primary school teaching experience in Manila has equipped me for my new role. But I was wrong. As soon as I stepped inside the school grounds I knew it woudn’t be an easy day for me. As time ticked I felt that everything was going wrong. To start with, no one even gave me an orientation. 10 to 15 minutes before the bell rang, I still didn’t know whose class I was going to take, what the topics for the day were and the activities as well. It’s like I was left inside a totally dark room looking for my way out. People around don’t seem to care as well. I am thinking they were assuming that I could already handle everything. Finally, the class started. 5 minutes before the class started, the teacher who I was going to replace finally listed down the things I needed to do. I was new to everything. I managed the get hold of the kids’ attention for 30 minutes but after that there was another change in the to-do list. Students from two other classes just went inside my room. I wanted to tell my students to wait as I summarize what we had in the morning, but they were all in a hurry. So there I was trying to do another activity for an hour in a new batch of students. It didn’t help that there were a few students who were being silly and naughty inside. If I were in Manila I would have raised my voice to those kids already and send them out in the classroom. I could have easily done that, but I was in a new country. Rules for kids are strictly implemented. I wouldn’t want to have a record on my first day and be totally banned from teaching. So there I was trying all sort of positive discipline styles. By lunch time I wanted to cry already. Oh how I miss my former school!
I wanted to end the day as soon as possible but for some weird reason, time seemed didn’t fly as fast as I hoped it to be. I had to endure 3 more hours of misadventures and surprises. I was adjusting, trying to unlearn what I had in Manila, but I was also trying to learn the new system I was now in. Can’t thank heaven enough when the final bell rang and the teacher gave me her go signal that all is done for the day. I was disappointed, because I felt I didn’t do well on my first day. I was shaken because everything went so fast and unplanned. No order, no routine, nothing. And it was not me. On my way home I tried to recall everything that happened in school. I was sure glad the day was over. But it made me think as well. It was a wake up call. I am truly out of my comfort zone. I believe that this experience generally gave me an idea of the next teaching jobs to come. Next time hopefully will be better. I am still thankful for this first. I am not complaining, because at the end of the day, whatever happened during the day, it is still a blessing.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My Very Short List

I started playing my Christmas Cd’s last week. The Christmas bug has definitely hit me. The songs we play during this season, makes it more special. The music we have during this season makes the celebration magical. Happy memories are not forgotten because the songs that go with it remain with us. I have been a fan of Christmas songs since I was a kid but I haven’t really sat down and listed my favourites. So here I am now, sharing my Top 5, okay, I’ll see if I can have seven or even more, Christmas songs, the singer and the reason why I love the song as well.
1) The Christmas Song. Nat King Cole. It’s been a favourite since I was on third grade. It’s a classic. I need not elaborate why this is one top of my list. I am pretty sure many of you find yourselves on the same boat. Just to share it was only 4 years ago when I actually learned that the title of this song is The Christmas Song. When I was younger and people asked me what my favourite Christmas song is, I’d tell them its: “Chestnuts roasting” =D
2) Jingles Bells by Frank Sinatra. The first few lines of his rendition is J-I-N-G-L-E bells. While you can hear the bells from the background. The song was unique. It was different from the usual Jingle bell song that starts with “dashing through the snow” that we always hear from the carollers. And hey, it’s Frank Sinatra.
3) Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. I’m pretty sure almost all artists have their own rendition, so I’m not choosing any singer for this. The song is on my list because it tries to inspire the listeners ...”from now on our troubles will be out of sight...” especially now in our problematic world, we really do need some inspiration every now and then.
4) Pasko na Sinta Ko by Gary Valenciano. For the lovebug in me. Well, as they say, Christmas is the time of the year where you’re either in love or out of love.
5) Paskong Walang Hanggan by Philippine Madrigal Singers with Philharmonic Orchestra. This is a new favourite. You don’t usually hear this being played on the radio. Just imagine the intensity of the song while it is being sung by the Madrigal Singers. It is a favourite because it captures everything about how Christmas is back at home.
Well, there you go. That is now my top 5. There are a lot more but I can’t seem to convince myself that they are my favourites, yet. As for the moment, I’ll continue to enjoy the feeling and the joy I experience everytime I listen to these songs. Merry Christmas everyone!
1) The Christmas Song. Nat King Cole. It’s been a favourite since I was on third grade. It’s a classic. I need not elaborate why this is one top of my list. I am pretty sure many of you find yourselves on the same boat. Just to share it was only 4 years ago when I actually learned that the title of this song is The Christmas Song. When I was younger and people asked me what my favourite Christmas song is, I’d tell them its: “Chestnuts roasting” =D
2) Jingles Bells by Frank Sinatra. The first few lines of his rendition is J-I-N-G-L-E bells. While you can hear the bells from the background. The song was unique. It was different from the usual Jingle bell song that starts with “dashing through the snow” that we always hear from the carollers. And hey, it’s Frank Sinatra.
3) Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. I’m pretty sure almost all artists have their own rendition, so I’m not choosing any singer for this. The song is on my list because it tries to inspire the listeners ...”from now on our troubles will be out of sight...” especially now in our problematic world, we really do need some inspiration every now and then.
4) Pasko na Sinta Ko by Gary Valenciano. For the lovebug in me. Well, as they say, Christmas is the time of the year where you’re either in love or out of love.
5) Paskong Walang Hanggan by Philippine Madrigal Singers with Philharmonic Orchestra. This is a new favourite. You don’t usually hear this being played on the radio. Just imagine the intensity of the song while it is being sung by the Madrigal Singers. It is a favourite because it captures everything about how Christmas is back at home.
Well, there you go. That is now my top 5. There are a lot more but I can’t seem to convince myself that they are my favourites, yet. As for the moment, I’ll continue to enjoy the feeling and the joy I experience everytime I listen to these songs. Merry Christmas everyone!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Christmas Blues
I have been getting emotional the past days knowing that Christmas is just around the corner. This will be my first Christmas away from my parents. This will also be my first Christmas away from home. Home as I define it now is Manila. I will have my first Aussie Christmas. Friends and family who have been here in Sydney has been warning us that Christmas here is different from our “Paskong Pinoy.” Well, I agree with them. Even if my family didn’t migrate here in Australia, I must say that the spirit and the entire celebration of Christmas in the Philippines is truly one of a kind. What makes it truly unique? Well, for one, we start celebrating it by the time our calendars hit the first day of September. Yup, the “ber” months is the signal that soon we’ll be hearing the choirs sing Christmas melodies, the radio stations playing the Christmas songs, tiangges in every nook and corner of the city, puto bumbongs and bibingkas. Second, it is unique because of our Simbang Gabi or dawn masses. Who cares if people really didn’t understand a word the priest said in his sermon? As long as they can tell my friends that they were up and about at 4am to perfect their attendance in the Simbang gabi, they are in. Third, people are becoming unusually generous. Well, it’s sad that people’s generosity is just seasonal, but then again, let’s be thankful that even if for a short period of time, more people cared, more people shared, and more people loved. Now who wouldn’t miss celebrating Christmas at home? No wonder almost all OFW’s would want to book a flight back to Manila by December.
Well, I have to face the harsh truth that this year will be different. I gave in to my emotions a couple of days ago, but I have to snap out of it, soon. Yes, I will terribly miss celebrating it with my closest friends and family, but I also have to move on. So now, I am actually thinking of ways so I won’t miss our Paskong Pinoy. Here’s my list:
1) Busy myself with a lot of work. That means household chores, mommy duties and wifey duties.
2) Finish the teacher’s manual for the textbook I co-authored with a friend.
3) Look for work or a part-time job.
4) Improve my blogsite and hopefully earn from it soon.
5) Get in touch with old friends thru FB.
6) Catch up on my reading.
7) Organize all pictures taken for the year.
Oh well, I can’t run away from it. Even if I’m here in Australia, the Christmas bug will definitely hit me, so just the same, I’d do some things that are Christmas related. So to continue with my list, I will:
8) Play my Christmas CDs on the radio.
9) Start shopping for Christmas gifts for family and new friends based here in Australia.
10) Wrap presents.
11) Put up the Christmas tree
12) And hey, my son is turning 2 as well, so I might as well start preparing for his 2nd birthday party
13) Eat and be merry.
Yup, I’ll eat my heart out and celebrate! I have to be happy with what I have now. There’s no use if I continue being sad. Now to fully convince myself, I have to realize and tell myself that the fact of the matter is Christmas is all about Christ. It doesn’t matter where I am or who I’m with. Christmas should go beyond the “feeling”, the gifts and the superficial things. The harder question now is, can I convince myself? =D
Well, I have to face the harsh truth that this year will be different. I gave in to my emotions a couple of days ago, but I have to snap out of it, soon. Yes, I will terribly miss celebrating it with my closest friends and family, but I also have to move on. So now, I am actually thinking of ways so I won’t miss our Paskong Pinoy. Here’s my list:
1) Busy myself with a lot of work. That means household chores, mommy duties and wifey duties.
2) Finish the teacher’s manual for the textbook I co-authored with a friend.
3) Look for work or a part-time job.
4) Improve my blogsite and hopefully earn from it soon.
5) Get in touch with old friends thru FB.
6) Catch up on my reading.
7) Organize all pictures taken for the year.
Oh well, I can’t run away from it. Even if I’m here in Australia, the Christmas bug will definitely hit me, so just the same, I’d do some things that are Christmas related. So to continue with my list, I will:
8) Play my Christmas CDs on the radio.
9) Start shopping for Christmas gifts for family and new friends based here in Australia.
10) Wrap presents.
11) Put up the Christmas tree
12) And hey, my son is turning 2 as well, so I might as well start preparing for his 2nd birthday party
13) Eat and be merry.
Yup, I’ll eat my heart out and celebrate! I have to be happy with what I have now. There’s no use if I continue being sad. Now to fully convince myself, I have to realize and tell myself that the fact of the matter is Christmas is all about Christ. It doesn’t matter where I am or who I’m with. Christmas should go beyond the “feeling”, the gifts and the superficial things. The harder question now is, can I convince myself? =D
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Coming Full Circle
In 1991, I remember my parents talking to 4 Titos who were also our neighbors. No big deal for me then. I thought that they only wanted to talk something about my parents. Before they left, I heard my parents say that they'll think it over. Whatever that was, I was pretty sure then that it didn't involve me. I was wrong. That visit made a big difference it my parents' lives. In our family. In my life. The purpose of that visit was to actually invite my parents to attend the Christian Life Program for married couples. Probably my parents thought that since they were active in church already, being part of the Lectorate ministry, they didn't need to attend gatherings or join groups like those. Well, I wouldn't blame them. Sacrificing 13 Saturday evenings just as so you can finish the program is not an easy thing. I thought that they won't finish the entire program, but I'm glad they did. When my parents became active in the community, I remember having one confrontation with my mom, telling them that they should spend more time with us, rather than spending their weekends with the community. My mom reprimanded me about what I said and just told me not to question their service. I was mad, of course. I felt that their time with us was being taken away by this group. I just didn't see the wisdom of all these prayer meetings and service. Fast forward, I am now 13 years old. My Kuya and Ate were already attending the same program for the kids of the CFC members, the Young Adults. I saw how the community transformed them. Now it was my turn to attend the 13 sessions every Sunday. Maybe, just maybe, it will also have the same effect on me. So, there I was, together with other teenagers, sacrificing our Sunday afternoons to listen to speakers talk about God, to listen to fellow youth members share about their life, their struggles and their triumphs. Yeah, I was attending the sessions, because I had to. Or maybe I had a crush on someone, hahahaha. But as they say, God works in mysterious ways. Maybe it took some time before it finally dawned on me why I had to be a member of that youth group. When I was in 4th year high school, the mission trips began. Meaning, a couple of us, all youth members, will be sent to some place, usually a province, to conduct the same program for the kids of CFC members. When I was tapped to be a part of one mission I was of course, surprised. I went there to talk about God's love. I don't know if I was an effective speaker, but that chance to talk in front of other youth humbled me and allowed to see things differently. It was then that my relationship with Him started. It was through this community and my experiences when we had camps, youth fellowships, sleepovers, that transformed me. It made me see things differently. See every trial as a blessing in disguise. My relationship with Him was not bounded by just the traditional prayers. It became more personal. The good thing about it all was that the entire family was experiencing the transformation. Our family is far from being perfect. We still had our share of disagreements or quarrels. But our service to Him through the community made the difference. Fast forward. After many camps, talks, sharings, itwas time to move on. I had to attend another Christian Life Program again. This time, it was with other single men and women of my age. It was at that stage when I met my future husband. No, we didn't meet at the meetings. We met thru a common friend who was also part of the community. Through our interactions, I learned that he was also part of the youth group I belonged to while I was growing up. Same group, but different area. Alvin's parents were also actively serving the community. The funny thing is, he remembers me giving a talk on one of their camps, but I can't remember him. It is also funny to know that we attended the same annual conferences--meaning riding the same boat going to the provinces-- but still didn't bump into each other. Fast forward. We've been married now for three years and has been a couple since December of 2000. In two week's time we will now be attending the same Christian Life Program that was introduced to our parents over a decade ago. The same community that helped nurture our family's relationship. The same community that made a huge impact in our lives. The community that helped our parents nurture our faith. The same community that gave me my husband. Looking back now at the journey of our parents and what our family had to go through, I am glad our parents decided to respond to the calling. I am now looking forward on our own journey, the fruits of serving Him again, not as a youth, not as a singler adult person, but as a couple, and as a family. We have come full circle.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Counting my Blessings
I took a short break from writing because I found myself flooded with a lot of to-do lists and errands. It's a matter of choosing which comes first. Obviously, even if I love writing and sharing myself through my blogs, it has to, it had to take a back seat. It seems that it has been so long since I last wrote. A lot of things has happened already. I finally passed my driving test. I finally got my accreditation letters from NSW Institute of Teachers as well as in Catholic Education Office. Alvin and I have decided to enrol Liam on a child care every Mondays and Tuesdays just to prepare him in the event that I find a full-time teaching job. Liam has made a big progress in terms of increasing his vocabulary. We have started his weekly classes in Gymbaroo. The Math textbook I finished writing last March was published already. My family has been to two BESA gatherings in a span of one month. This is my last week to prepare for my IELTS exam scheduled next weekend. I am busy as a bee. My hands are always full. There is no dull moment at home. There is always something waiting to be done, be it the laundry, the clothes to be ironed, the home to be cleaned, the bin to be emptied, a new dish to be cooked. Tiring. Yes. Definitely. But I am not complaining. Sometimes I am on the verge of complaining, I am after all human. But looking all of these things on the other end of the spectrum -- considering all of these as blessings -- gives a whole new meaning to it. I am counting my blessings. Rather than complaining I am actually thankful. First on my list is of course the gift of life. How many of us actually go to bed at night thinking that tomorrow will be just another day to do our usual routine? Of course, it all starts after waking up. That is if we wake up. Admittedly, many of us always take this reality for granted. Death is real. We won't know when our time is up. So I am thankful that I get to wake up each day to do a lot of things including the time I get to spend with my loved ones. Second is the gift of good health. This is another thing that is usually taken for granted. I am thankful because aside from being alive, I am physically fit to do the things I need and want to do. Third, the material blessings that I get from His generosity. The financial provisions He continues to give me and my family, allow us to have a home, dishes to cook, food on our tables, clothes to wear, books to feed our brains, a car to drive and the means to travel. In short, we get to enjoy some luxuries every now and then. Winter is almost over and Spring is almost here. Time will fly again. The weekend is almost over and soon it'll be a start of another busy week. Another week of to-do lists. Another week of errands. Another week of being thankful. Another week to count my blessings.
child care,
home chores,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Nature and Nurture
My husband and I were having one of our usual conversations when suddenly my son did an amusing thing which made us both laugh. I remember telling Alvin to look at what his son has been doing and he just told me "that's what you've prayed for right?" And true enough it was what we prayed for when Liam was still inside my tummy. We always prayed for gifts for our then unborn son, name it, we've prayed for it. Any parent would only want the best for his kids right? Intelligence, wisdom, good physical abilities, and a good heart. And after 18 months of being parents to him we're slowly seeing these gifts with him. We are thankful but we are also challenged. You see, being an Education graduate allowed me to cross paths with this "Nature and Nurture" thing with kids. I realized that having the gifts are not enough. Nurturing the gifts is as important as well. As a parent, you should by all means try in your best capacity to nurture these gifts. That is what Alvin and I will be working on. Seeing how Liam has developed over the last 18 months made us realize that God granted what we have asked of Him. The harder part is how we can nurture these gifts so Liam can grow up to be one person who has maximized all his potentials for the greater glory of his Creator. He is just 18 months and it's a long way for us.We just hope that by the time Liam is old enough to decide for himself, we have done our share of correctly nurturing all his God-given gifts. As for now, we are enjoying every bit of opportunity God has given us to marvel on this little creation He has made and has entrusted to us.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Brush, brush, brush
These are the first three words of a toothpaste commercial or the commercial jingle my son enjoyed watching and listening when we were still in Manila. At first, I thought that he was just amused with the rhythm and the rabbit that was dancing along with the kids. But it soon became a favorite. And when his baby teeth erupted one after the other, this song became more than just a song. We are not experiencing any difficulties brushing the teeth of my 18-month old son because of this song. We started brushing his teeth when all his (hmm, I'm going to be a little technical here) upper and lower central and lateral incisors erupted and also when he started eating solids. The first time we attempted brushing his teeth was a success! No tantrums, no crying on Liam's part. No headaches or tempers rising on our part. And it was all because of the song. Before we started brushing his teeth, we first sang the song. After hearing his favorite song, he obliged right away, with Mum brushing his teeth. And the rest as they say is history. Now, we're allowing him to hold his toothbrush and get to experience brushing his teeth all by himself. And until now, we are not encountering problems with this. I'm lucky my son loved the commercial. I will be forever thankful for the creators of that commercial. It surely made one of the toughest jobs of a first-time parent a lot easier!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Being a full time mum for only four months allowed me to see the beauty of being a mum. I once read a book about motherhood and how it has presented the other side of being a mum. It's not a bed of roses and at this point I very much agree with it. But the four months I have stayed at home while trying to strike a balance between being a mum and a wife allowed me to become a better person. There are frustrating days but more than that I am very happy to have personally witnessed how my 18-month old son has progressed over the months. Simple things but it did bring joy to me. Here are some of the things I am thankful for now that I am still a mum 24/7.
1. I was there when he finally said Papa and Mama very clearly.
2. I was there when he learned how to tell me or his Papa that he wanted to poop. (Saving a lot of nappies for us here!)
3. I was there when he responded to my question in a complete sentence, "What do you want Liam?", "I want dede Mama"
4. I was there when he first tried to eat by himself using his Papa's baby utensils or with the use of his bare hands.
5. I was there when he started attempting to climb up the slide enjoying it at the same time.
6. I was there when he learned how tell me he wanted to eat, he wanted to drink, he wanted to watch his favorite TV shows or listen to his favorite songs.
7. I was there when he frst attempted to sing his favorite song.
8. I was there when he first showed a big interest in buses and trucks.
9. I was there when started climbing the stairs on his own.
10. I was there when he started associating things with people.
11. I was there when he tried to imitate his Papa when using the laptop.
12. I was there when he imitated the funny faces his Mama was doing.
13. I was there when he started to enjoy the company of his cousins and not wanting to be left all by himself.
14. I was there when he understood that he cannot play outside beacuse it was raining.
15. I was there when I tried to teach him the value of patience (still at work here though)
16. I was there when he pretended to read a book we gave him.
There maybe a lot of things I missed writing but everytime there is a first I can't help but be thankful for the opportunity to be with him when he did it. I had a terrible time accepting that I'll just be staying at home and will not be working anymore. A friend told me once that being a full time mom and wife will grow on me and true enough it has started to grow in me.
1. I was there when he finally said Papa and Mama very clearly.
2. I was there when he learned how to tell me or his Papa that he wanted to poop. (Saving a lot of nappies for us here!)
3. I was there when he responded to my question in a complete sentence, "What do you want Liam?", "I want dede Mama"
4. I was there when he first tried to eat by himself using his Papa's baby utensils or with the use of his bare hands.
5. I was there when he started attempting to climb up the slide enjoying it at the same time.
6. I was there when he learned how tell me he wanted to eat, he wanted to drink, he wanted to watch his favorite TV shows or listen to his favorite songs.
7. I was there when he frst attempted to sing his favorite song.
8. I was there when he first showed a big interest in buses and trucks.
9. I was there when started climbing the stairs on his own.
10. I was there when he started associating things with people.
11. I was there when he tried to imitate his Papa when using the laptop.
12. I was there when he imitated the funny faces his Mama was doing.
13. I was there when he started to enjoy the company of his cousins and not wanting to be left all by himself.
14. I was there when he understood that he cannot play outside beacuse it was raining.
15. I was there when I tried to teach him the value of patience (still at work here though)
16. I was there when he pretended to read a book we gave him.
There maybe a lot of things I missed writing but everytime there is a first I can't help but be thankful for the opportunity to be with him when he did it. I had a terrible time accepting that I'll just be staying at home and will not be working anymore. A friend told me once that being a full time mom and wife will grow on me and true enough it has started to grow in me.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Of Driving and English Tests!
My journey the past few months has been a bit more challenging. Having migrated to Australia allowed me to experience a lot of firsts. Well, come to think of it, it's not really a first for me since I have done it ages ago. What am I talking about? It's my driving test and my IELTS test. Why do I need to take the driving test? Well, for one, it is a necessity here in Australia. Commuting here is a bit harder as compared to Manila. You have to always be on time or you might end up missing your bus and waiting for another 30 minutes at the bus stop! If you wouldn't want to waste time waiting you only have one option and that is to walk. The distance is no joke. I found myself always using the "Plan Your Trip" option in the website of the bus company. I can't risk wasting time with my son in tow. So I really have to pass my driving test. I passed the Knowledge Test but unfortunately, I haven't passed my practicals yet. It's so hard to pass the test here they say. Or is it? I tried my best to follow all the rules but I just can't seem to please my examiners. The first attempt, I had problems with speed and parking. I can accept the parking, after all it was parallel parking and I haven't had a lot of opportunities to do it even when I was in Manila. But the speed? Oh, come on! The second try, it was still my speed. If at first I was too slow for my examiner, this time I was overspeeding! These scenarios definitely look familiar. It was like when I was writing my thesis. After the first round of defense and changes, I ended up going around circles. I'd undo something and re-do it the next meeting. So now, I am about to take my third practical test and hopefully I can pass it already. It's quite challenging to commute with a pram and a 13-kg baby in tow. Sometimes I ask myself if this is Karma having been a reckless driver when I was still in Manila. Now I can't be as reckless! The system is different and you really have to follow the rules or else! Lucky, my husband passed it it just one take! How I wish I was that lucky! Now for my IELTS exam. I took it the first time in 2006 and since it has been more two years now I have to take it again. The academic version of the test is much harder than the General Training. I need to take the Academic version since it is needed in my profession. I am a teacher by profession and I plan to continue teaching here after my family and I have settled already. IELTS obviously is one of their requirements. I tried to do away with it by telling them that I earned both my Bachelors and Masters degree in Universities where English is the medium of instruction. In addition to that, my industry experience for more than seven years was using English as well as the medium of intsruction. I have written articles and a textbook which were all written in English. But a rule is a rule. So bottomline, I still need to take the test.As I write this blog, I am actually just taking a break from my review. The tips, the reading materials are giving me a headache! How I wish I can pass both tests in a snap of a finger, but I can't. I have to work hard to earn it. I have to do my best so I can both pass it. I just wish that destiny and luck will be both on my side when I take both tests because I really don't have any plans of taking it again in the near future!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Chef Jeana
No, I am not a Professional Chef nor did I attend a cooking school. This is just me talking, or should I say writing, about the cook in me. I grew up seeing a lot of cooks at home. My mom, aunts or lolas. At times I'd just hang around with them and observe how they take the time to prepare and see to it that the family will enjoy our lunch or dinner for that day. At times, my mom would really call me to sit and watch her. She always told me that if I want to get married someday I should learn to cook. Since single blessedness runs in the family and I wouldn't want to become one, I'd really stay and watch. Of course, when I grew up, I started helping prepare the ingredients. Aside from those observations, I also love watching cooking shows. I fondly remember waiting with much excitement for Wok with Yan to start cooking. I even imagined myself having my own cooking show. Funny, but at times when I cook, I pretend to be the host and speak out loud the instructions of what I am cooking. Well, since I love to eat (who doesn't?) it's not a surprise that now I am already the one cooking and preparing dishes at home. I remember cooking a couple of dishes for family and some friends and not getting the appreciation or reaction I was hoping. I tried baking in Secondary school and managed to get good results. It was from there that I realized that maybe I had the potential to be good cook someday. My cooking career didn't prosper for the lack of materials and time. Maybe, I wasn't also that enthusiastic at that time since I found it hard to prepare all the ingredients and clean up all the mess afterwards. I still cooked though. At times when my mom was out of town, I'd be the one in-charge of cooking our food at home. When I got married, I still didn't have enough chance to cook since my husband is also good cook. I only cooked when my husband was craving for my specialties or if he was busy at work. Now, where is Chef Jeana? She has started with her career and is on the process of becoming better at something she's good at. Being out of work allowed me to do so. Now, Im not only cooking the usual dishes. The past couple of months I've done more dishes like Beef Salpicao and Lengua. Of course, I've done the usual pasta dishes: pesto, red or white sauce. I do a variety of deserts now. I've also started baking again. I can't forget this day when I baked Blueberry muffins and my son enjoyed eating it. He loved the muffin, it was so obvious in the glow of his eyes! This inspired me to continue trying out new dishes. Cooking is hard. It looks easy on TV but it's actually not in real life. It's a labor of love. Of course! I'm cooking for the greatest loves of my life.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Crossroads. Again. I just wrote a blog entry a couple of days ago about me spending more time on things that really matter. Well, a few days after that I found myself again needing to decide which path to take. I recently got my accreditation from an organization that will allow me to continue practicing teaching here in Australia. It's an answered prayer. But I just felt that things are a bit complicated becuase I have started enjoying being a full time mom and wife. I've discovered the joys of having witnessed all the milestones my son has achieved over the couple of months that I was out of work. I was always there. I'm sure God right now is getting confused of what I really want. I feel that when I start working again, the guilt of not being able to personally take care of my son will be back. I am at present on the process of discerning again. I'd wait. Maybe it's the best way for me and for my family to see what God has really prepared for us. Crossroads. Again. No more worries this time. Life would not be as grand and as colourful without them.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
On Time, All the Time?
Closest friends and family knows that I have a tendency to be an OC (Obsessive-Compulsive).I like keeping things in order. I like things neat. I like planning and doing things ahead of time. I like listing down the things I need todo for the day and finishing all of it as well. I was like that until I had Liam. Liam is my precious little boy. Oh how he changed my life (I'm pretty sure my husband as well)! Being a full time (in the fullest sense of the word -- no help or yayas) wife and mom now suddenly made my hands full. Never a dull moment at home. Taking care of my little boy takes a lot of time already. So imagine what I feel when I see a lot of chores still waiting to be done. I go crazy. Correct. I finally admitted to myself that I cannot be an OC as I used to be or as I want me to be. This is if I want to stay sane. It drives me crazy seeing things not in order, doing things a bit late, delaying some of the things I enjoy doing the most. It was hard at the start. I thought I'd not survive but after more than a year, I've managed to survive. I still have the OC in me but I've managed to tone it down a bit. I've let go of some of the things in order to give priority to more important things. So will it still be on time all the time for me? Not anymore. Maybe sometimes. Life is too short to spend it on things that really don't matter in the end.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
No, this is not about the touch screen gadget everyone is going crazy about. This is about one special person, my Pop. Today, almost all countries celebrate Father’s Day (I say almost all because here in Australia, they celebrate it on the 3rd of September) and this is the first Father’s Day that my Papa is so many miles away from me. I thought of giving him a unique gift this day, thus, this blog entry. I am a self proclaimed Papa’s girl, though he never admitted it, I felt that I was his favourite (hehe). My Papa is more of a friend than a dad. I feel that our relationship is not the serious or formal relationship like what others have with their fathers. But he knew when to draw the line. I always treated him as a buddy but when he felt I was going overboard, he’d knew how to handle me. A lot of me was probably influenced by my dad. A lot of my traits were probably influenced by my Papa. We share the same love for books and for writing. We even have the same temper. And when we are really mad, both of us would rather be quiet. I also believe that my ability to speak well in front of a crowd was also influenced by him. He is a good speaker, both in English and Filipino. Together with my Mama, they instilled in us, their children, the value of education. Having line of 7’s in our report card was a big no-no for them, especially for Papa. They inspired us to achieve, to do well especially in our studies. The only time we’d get branded clothes or shoes was when we made it to the honors list. He also taught us early on in our lives to live within your means. There were a lot of occasions that he showed us what he meant by living within your means. Like when I was turning 18 and I wanted to have a debut party, I got mad at him and didn’t speak to him for almost a month, but he still didn’t give in. For him, it’s not right to borrow money just as so you can have a grand debut party. When we were kids he didn’t allow us to join “beauty contests” or even the Santa Cruzan for the simple reason that we didn’t have money to buy the clothes required for those occasions. By some twist of fate, whenever I got sick, like when I needed an operation for appendicitis or when I almost had a convulsion when I was 10, my Papa was just at home, and he’d be the one to bring me to the hospital. In 5th grade, when I represented my class in the Miss United Nations, no one was available to watch and give support. To make things worse, the school bus forgot to fetch me on the day of the contest! I managed to get to school in time, with no one around to watch me or assist me. To my surprise, my Papa was in school to watch me. Even if I didn’t win in the contest I felt happy because someone was there to give me moral support, and it was my Papa. I never saw him or heard him complain about the struggles we had to face, especially in terms of our finances. Oh he’s far from being perfect, he has like everyone else, imperfections, he is human after all. I know that he still faces some struggles but I know that with God’s grace, he’d be able to overcome them. There are still a lot of occasions where my Papa showed us what being a father is all about, but it would take me ages before I can finish writing them. But all of them will never be forgotten. And so this day, is your special day Pop, I honor you for everything that you’ve done to the family. I know it was not and it is not an easy job being a father to 5 kids with different attitudes and personalities. But you’ve managed it. I just now pray that God gives you more years to live so you and Mama can continue to reap the fruits of your hard-earned labor. All I can wish now is for the entire family to be there to celebrate this special day with you. But as you know, it's not possible as of the moment. As I end this piece, let me borrow what my youngest brother used in his last article with The Guidon, “this one’s for you Papa!”
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Chosen Few
I miss teaching. To start with, never did I imagine myself teaching even if I came from a family of teachers. Oh yes, I passed through that stage of play pretend, even using the doors of the house, to the dismay of my mom, to be my blackboard. I had a friend who finished Molecular Biology and Biotechnology from UST, I thought she'd pursue Medicine. But I was surprised when I found out that she accepted a job in one of the good schools in Manila. Why teach? But I really admired her for that big decision. I didn't realize that a few years after that I would be on the same boat. I started with a medical course in college only to find myself shifting to another course which was closer to my heart. I thought teaching was only about talking to your students about the lessons for the day, making and checking quizzes, doing projects, etc. But I was proven wrong when I started teaching. I thought teaching was just another profession, but I soon realized that teaching is not for everyone. I was lucky enough to experience teaching in a school where they make you realize that teaching is not an ordinary profession. In fact, it's not a profession at all! It is a vocation. There is more to teaching. More is expected of you "when you are called to be one." It is not simply telling a story, writing tests, checking homeworks, or singing songs. It's controlling your temper when the whole class goes crazy, giving hope to a student who feels like a loser, it's giving time to sit and listen to the stories and heartaches of your students. It's like being a mom or a dad, an older brother or sister, even a playmate. Day in and day out you share yourself to your students. Each day poses new challenges and new adventures for both you and your students. It's not a one way street though. In teaching, you get to discover more and more about yourself. I am at present "on leave" and this made me appreciate this vocation more. In this sharing, I would like to salute all the people who made an effort to respond to this vocation. It is not easy to stay in this profession knowing that it is not financially rewarding. But there is more to money. The respect, the admiration, the love of your students, and the success of your students are just some of the many priceless rewards you get from teaching. I am now not surprised why people like my friend accept and embrace what teaching has to offer. After all, she is one of the chosen few.
chosen few,
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