Being a full time mum for only four months allowed me to see the beauty of being a mum. I once read a book about motherhood and how it has presented the other side of being a mum. It's not a bed of roses and at this point I very much agree with it. But the four months I have stayed at home while trying to strike a balance between being a mum and a wife allowed me to become a better person. There are frustrating days but more than that I am very happy to have personally witnessed how my 18-month old son has progressed over the months. Simple things but it did bring joy to me. Here are some of the things I am thankful for now that I am still a mum 24/7.
1. I was there when he finally said Papa and Mama very clearly.
2. I was there when he learned how to tell me or his Papa that he wanted to poop. (Saving a lot of nappies for us here!)
3. I was there when he responded to my question in a complete sentence, "What do you want Liam?", "I want dede Mama"
4. I was there when he first tried to eat by himself using his Papa's baby utensils or with the use of his bare hands.
5. I was there when he started attempting to climb up the slide enjoying it at the same time.
6. I was there when he learned how tell me he wanted to eat, he wanted to drink, he wanted to watch his favorite TV shows or listen to his favorite songs.
7. I was there when he frst attempted to sing his favorite song.
8. I was there when he first showed a big interest in buses and trucks.
9. I was there when started climbing the stairs on his own.
10. I was there when he started associating things with people.
11. I was there when he tried to imitate his Papa when using the laptop.
12. I was there when he imitated the funny faces his Mama was doing.
13. I was there when he started to enjoy the company of his cousins and not wanting to be left all by himself.
14. I was there when he understood that he cannot play outside beacuse it was raining.
15. I was there when I tried to teach him the value of patience (still at work here though)
16. I was there when he pretended to read a book we gave him.
There maybe a lot of things I missed writing but everytime there is a first I can't help but be thankful for the opportunity to be with him when he did it. I had a terrible time accepting that I'll just be staying at home and will not be working anymore. A friend told me once that being a full time mom and wife will grow on me and true enough it has started to grow in me.