Monday, September 28, 2009

Blogging to Earn (Extra)

Two weeks ago, I was dead set in having another part-time job thru blogging. Through a kind act I was informed that for starters my blog should be 3 months old and that at least I have 10 blog entries for the month. It didn’t bother me that I had to write 10 blog entries for one month. That was easy. And so I thought. The month will soon be over now and I haven’t even reached the quota. It was not as easy as I thought it would be.

Why wasn’t it easy? Well, for one, I suddenly found myself getting busier because I have restarted with my interrupted career of being a Primary School teacher. Even if I am just on call for some days, the days that I am not teaching are spent caring for my son and doing household chores. That leaves me dead tired at the end of the day and it somehow affects my mood to write.

Second, reflecting at how I write, I have discovered that writing becomes easy for me if I write about topics close to my heart, if I write because I want to and not because I need to. I believe that the quality of my blogs might suffer if I just write about anything that really hasn’t inspired me or taught me a lesson. After all, my blogs are about my adventures, my journey. I am afraid that my blog might end up being a “commercial” if I go through with my plans of earning thru blog writing. No offense meant to those who are already doing it. You continue to be an inspiration. But I believe it is not my time yet.

Third and lastly, I wanted to do blog writing as another “racket” to help out in the family’s finances. But looking at it now, I really don’t have to do it yet. God has been good to us and has been providing us with what we need. My book has been published in Manila already and in a few months time; I will be getting my first royalty check. Here at home, I am blessed to receive calls every now and then to do casual teaching and it helps us out with our expenses and savings as well. I know that our present situation is still not what we have prayed for, but I know in His goodness, we will get there.

So for now, I am postponing my plans of earning through blogging, maybe soon or when the situation really calls for it, I will. At present, I will continue to share my stories, my adventures, my journey, as it happens, without the thinking of any requirement or beating the deadline. I will continue to write because I enjoy doing it, like what I have said, to write because I want to and not because I need to.