Monday, October 19, 2009

Back to School!

Back to school! A few years back I had plans of finishing my MA at the age of 24 and then have kids from age 28 to 32 then go back to take my PhD by 32. Well, God did some things to remind me that I cannot plan all. That even if I plan my life, He still has the final say. And so after passing through a hole of a needle, I was able to finish my Masters degree at the age of 27! My experiences while I was trying to finish my thesis made me re think of my plans of studying again at 32! Am I up for it? Well. I needed a break. I felt that the last year of my graduate studies was equivalent to four years of stress! I'll just teach. No schooling again for me. But as I've said a few spaces ago, my plans are probably different from God's plans. So here I am again about to take on a new challenge.

One challenge at a time. First is my formal training on Religious Education. Since I was qualified to teach on Catholic and private schools here in Australia I need to take formal studies on Religious Education. Primary school teachers here teaches all subject including Religious education, since I want to have a full-time teaching job soon, I need to take this one. God has been good since He allowed me to see a cheaper alternative in pursuing this course. I thought I can't go on with my plans due to financial constraints, the fees at the Uni are quite expensive, but since the Diocese of Parramatta, through CEO Parramatta offers the course as well, in a much affordable rate, I can proceed with the plans. Yup, I'll be back in school, working at the same time, for two years! Whew! I hope that this course, though very intensive, will not be as stressful as the last one I had. So, theology, here I come!

Next, First-Aid. I never realized the necessity of having and knowing first-aid, not until I started teaching here. I heard of a news of a student dying because of the carer didn't know what to do in the emergency that happened. In a land where allergy is a SERIOUS business, I realized that I need to take the next step of having a formal training on this one as well. Whenever I am at duty in school, I have always stormed the heavens of my prayers, that no incident happens. God has been good because to date I haven't encountered any. But I dread the day that I have to deal with it. So while I still have the time, I am taking concrete steps to prepare myself. I have already enrolled in a day-course in applying First Aid. I would be very happy not to use it. I'll still be storming the heavens with my prayers. But getting my certificate will at least boost my confidence that I can do it, in the same manner that it will make me calmer,if ver something does happen, knowing I was already trained to do it.

On the side, I am trying to find for a good seminar or conference to boost my portfolio, as I work on my Full Competence accreditation at the NSW Institute of Teachers. But it has to take a back seat for now. Anyways, I have 6 years to work on it. Right now, my priorities are my Religious Ed and my First -Aid training.

Wow, talk about schooling! Who ever said being a teacher was easy? Well, if you think it is, better think again!