Friday, December 11, 2009

Busy As A Bee!

I can't believe than in two weeks' time it'll be Christmas already! In a couple more weeks, Liam will turn 2 and of course 2009 will be over! What a year! I've been busy the past few weeks that I realized I haven't had the chance to write a blog again during the last 16 days!

So what kept me busy? Many. To start with, I have been getting more casual teaching calls and it means I had to report for work. By the time I get home, it'll be Liam time and house chores time as well. I spend my free time cathcing on FB hehehe.

Another that kept my hands full was of course my Christmas preparations. This includes my Christmas shopping, bargain hunting, Christmas gatherings and wrapping of Christmas present.

Next on my list is our house-hunting. After finally getting a better paying job, my husband and I are now really seriously looking for a place to rent. We are in the process of looking for that perfect home, perfect community, for our family, as we move out from my brother's place, after 9 months. We just started applying this week and hopefully, it'll be successful. Attending open houses takes most of our weekends as well.

That was short. It seems simple but it obviously took most of my time. I've been busy as a bee the past few weeks. Dead tired at the end of each day, but no worries, because the things that kept me busy are all blessings. Prayers that were answered, so I am not and I will not complain.

More busy days ahead of me!Hmmm, I am just wondering when I'll get the chance to write my next blog entry. I would be lucky if I even get to write 5 blogs this month! Oh well =D