Saturday, September 19, 2009

Loving Mother Earth

Let me deal with something more general know, about climate change. Much has been said about it. Leaders of different nations are debating with one another, trying to resolve the problems brought about climate change. It is quite sad that people all over the world must suffer from drought, floods, bush fires, and more, before we started thinking of ways to show our concern for the environment. I am amazed at how the weather and the seasons of the year have become so unpredictable. When I was a kid, I remember my Science teacher telling the class that from the Months of June to October, we have the rainy season, November to February are the cold months, and March till May are the summer months. But two or three years ago I have started to experience a change in these seasons. It is either we experience very dry months during the rainy season and experience a lot of strong rains and storms during the ber months! Now isn’t it a clear sign that something is wrong?

My family and I have been here in Australia for just 6 months but we have also felt the effects of climate change here. Winter started really early. But it was weird having warm temperatures for one day or the next, then go back to the freezing temperature again. My first winter was not as cold as I expected and what people told me it would be. It was over two weeks ahead of time. It is supposed to be spring now but we are getting temperatures as high as 30 or 31 already! It’s not yet even summer!

This is serious problem. If we don’t act now I’m pretty sure there will be no end to the fires, droughts and floods that we are already experiencing. I think people have this notion that you have to be a scientist before you can solve this problem. But I believe that in our own simple way, we can do something, not necessarily to solve all, but at least a few of the problems we are facing because of climate change or global warming. I made a list and promised myself to do it religiously.

I will segregate all bio from non-bio materials.
I will use recyclable bags when I shop.
I will plant more trees.
I will teach my son the value of Mother Earth and how he can take care of it.
If the distance will allow it, I will walk than drive the car.
Less use of the aircondition even if it is so hot.
Turning all appliances off, not leaving it on stand-by mode.
Save more water when I take a bath.

These are just 8 ways, I’m pretty sure I’ll think of more soon. But I’ll start with these first. Hopefully, if there are more people doing it, we can slow down global warming and there will still be a beautiful place that awaits my son and my future grandkids in the future.