Monday, August 24, 2009

Counting my Blessings

I took a short break from writing because I found myself flooded with a lot of to-do lists and errands. It's a matter of choosing which comes first. Obviously, even if I love writing and sharing myself through my blogs, it has to, it had to take a back seat. It seems that it has been so long since I last wrote. A lot of things has happened already. I finally passed my driving test. I finally got my accreditation letters from NSW Institute of Teachers as well as in Catholic Education Office. Alvin and I have decided to enrol Liam on a child care every Mondays and Tuesdays just to prepare him in the event that I find a full-time teaching job. Liam has made a big progress in terms of increasing his vocabulary. We have started his weekly classes in Gymbaroo. The Math textbook I finished writing last March was published already. My family has been to two BESA gatherings in a span of one month. This is my last week to prepare for my IELTS exam scheduled next weekend. I am busy as a bee. My hands are always full. There is no dull moment at home. There is always something waiting to be done, be it the laundry, the clothes to be ironed, the home to be cleaned, the bin to be emptied, a new dish to be cooked.  Tiring. Yes. Definitely. But I am not complaining. Sometimes I am on the verge of complaining, I am after all human. But looking all of these things on the other end of the spectrum -- considering all of these as blessings -- gives a whole new meaning to it. I am counting my blessings. Rather than complaining I am actually thankful. First on my list is of course the gift of life. How many of us actually go to bed at night thinking that tomorrow will be just another day to do our usual routine? Of course, it all starts after waking up. That is if we wake up. Admittedly, many of us always take this reality for granted. Death is real. We won't know when our time is up. So I am thankful that I get to wake up each day to do a lot of things including the time I get to spend with my loved ones. Second is the gift of good health. This is another thing that is usually taken for granted. I am thankful because aside from being alive, I am physically fit to do the things I need and  want to do. Third, the material blessings that I get from His generosity. The financial provisions He continues to give me and my family,  allow us to have a home, dishes to cook,  food on our tables, clothes to wear, books to feed our brains, a car to drive and the means to travel. In short, we get to enjoy some luxuries every now and then. Winter is almost over and Spring is almost here. Time will fly again. The weekend is almost over and soon it'll be a start of another busy week. Another week of  to-do lists. Another week of errands. Another week of being thankful. Another week to count my blessings.