Stop, Sydney! can we slow down a bit? :)
"Bawal ang mabagal sa Australia" it took me a few trips to the shops to imbibe this. My SIL told me this phrase and after staying here for more than two years now I can say, it is true!
Mornings are the most chaotic time at home. When I need to prepare everything-- breakfast, giving our children a bath, driving them to school, going to the shops, planning and thinking of what needs to be done at home for the day! Waaaah! I feel like someone is breathing at my neck! Always doing time check every now and then. Good thing Liam's school is just a five-minute drive from our house, gives me more time to do other stuff at home.
I am just happy that next term, we were able to transfer Liam's soccer lessons and Sam's swimming lessons on the weekends. Just thinking about it gives me a big sigh of relief because I feel like a load of stress has suddenly been lifted from my shoulders :)
Sometimes when everything is just going crazy I stop and breathe. I need to or I might end up being the crazy one hehe. Bawal mabagal sa Sydney, pero minsan kailangan mong maging mabagal. Bakit? Basta, kailangan mo. Wala ng kokontra, ok? :)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Thank You Lord
This weekend has been a good one! I still have few hours left and I know more good things can still happen :)
It started with Sam finally being able to crawl already :) She has been creeping ang "crawling" backwards, but not really forward, but last Friday she started crawling already :) And when we were at the house of my Uncle for our HH, Alvin showed be Sam's new tricks as well: she already knows how to bless (of course, she still can't hold our hand, but she can already move her forehead forward to your hand when you ask her to bless) and she can now kiss when told to do so :) she kissed almost everyone :) My Uncle and Auntie were so amused that they wanted to have a grandchild of their own, even more!
We had a good Saturday as well as the boys bonded with their Cars 2 movie date, Liam's first time to watch a movie in the big screen :) As they watched, the girls bonded as well. We went shopping and window-shopping and I nourished my sweet tooth as well for my afternoon tea :) We ended our Saturday by attending the mass as a family. Of, we still had our usual movie night at home :)
Sunday, on our way to a friend's Baptismal party for her son, she kept on calling her Papa, which by the way is her first word. But Alvin was busy driving because it was our first time to go to that venue and was afraid we'd get lost. Sam was starting to get cranky as she put off her two naps already and we knew she was sooo sleepy. When her Papa didn't respond to her calling, she suddenly blurted out "ma-ma". Cried a bit then before the big cry she said it again, "ma-ma". That really got our attention! :)
Nothing really big or spectacular happened, but this weekend, Sam was just able to achieve developmental milestones and I'm just so happy and thankful. TYL!
This weekend has been a good one! I still have few hours left and I know more good things can still happen :)
It started with Sam finally being able to crawl already :) She has been creeping ang "crawling" backwards, but not really forward, but last Friday she started crawling already :) And when we were at the house of my Uncle for our HH, Alvin showed be Sam's new tricks as well: she already knows how to bless (of course, she still can't hold our hand, but she can already move her forehead forward to your hand when you ask her to bless) and she can now kiss when told to do so :) she kissed almost everyone :) My Uncle and Auntie were so amused that they wanted to have a grandchild of their own, even more!
We had a good Saturday as well as the boys bonded with their Cars 2 movie date, Liam's first time to watch a movie in the big screen :) As they watched, the girls bonded as well. We went shopping and window-shopping and I nourished my sweet tooth as well for my afternoon tea :) We ended our Saturday by attending the mass as a family. Of, we still had our usual movie night at home :)
Sunday, on our way to a friend's Baptismal party for her son, she kept on calling her Papa, which by the way is her first word. But Alvin was busy driving because it was our first time to go to that venue and was afraid we'd get lost. Sam was starting to get cranky as she put off her two naps already and we knew she was sooo sleepy. When her Papa didn't respond to her calling, she suddenly blurted out "ma-ma". Cried a bit then before the big cry she said it again, "ma-ma". That really got our attention! :)
Nothing really big or spectacular happened, but this weekend, Sam was just able to achieve developmental milestones and I'm just so happy and thankful. TYL!
Friday, June 24, 2011
All About Bags!
I am no bagaholic like my mom but I do like buying bags every now and then. I do own a few branded bags most of which are black and big. As a teacher, especially when I was still in Manila, my bags had to be big because I had to bring a lot of things.
When I got married, Alvin also asks me to put some of his stuff in my bag (but I'm still the one who carried it as I am really against girls asking their bfs or hubbys to carry their very feminine bags for them) -- his mobile or his id card holder, which does not fit in his pockets. When I became a mom I included a mini first aid kit inside my bag as advised by my friend. After all, you'll never know when your kid will need a plaster or a band-aid.
Needless to say, I have a lot of stuff inside my bag-- tissue paper, hand sanitizer, cologne/perfume, make-up (lip balm, face powder, lipstick), comb, rosary, rosary booklet, id card holders, coin purse, my mobile, my bulky wallet, my mini-first aid kit, school supplies -- like pen, mini notebook and posts it. So imagine the time that I consume whenever I change bags! I thought I would not survive my day without me carrying all of these things. And so I thought. Until I got pregnant with Sam.
I think it was already in the third trimester when I decided I would be switching bags and just carry what is essential. My wallet, my coin purse and my mobile. It was getting harder to commute with Sam inside me unlike when I was heavy with Liam, wherein I got to drive until he was almost due. I thought that I wouldn't survive with just these three inside my bag, but lo and behold, I did! And I loved it! I actually got some good feedback with one of my co-workers when I was still heavy with Sam :)
When I gave birth to Sam, I decided to go back to my old big bags, but when I realized that it was just so hard to carry a big bag aside from the baby bag, I decided to use small bags again. AFter all, I have already proven that I can live with just 3 things inside it and it's much easier for me as well!
Right now I'm alternating the use of my small bags -- the brown Esprit shoulder/body bag, my Nine West small bag and my current favorite, my Coach small body bag :) I love using these three because they make my life soooo much easier especially when I do errands and my two kids are with me. I lovethem because as body bags, they don't fall down my shoulders everytime I try to do something or like when I'm carrying Sam. It is most helpful when I do the grocery or do the marketing and Sam wants to be carried. Well, good thing now, she can use the trolleys at the shops :)

Sometimes it crosses my mind that my bag does not really compliment my wardrobe, but what the heck, I have two kids in tow and more than my appearance, I think the comfort of my kids and me having an easier time will have to be my top priorities.
So now, I am in a hiatus from buying some more bags, which my hubby is very thankful for as it saves him a lot :) (although as soon as I work again and the baby bag gets smaller, lagot siya!)
When I got married, Alvin also asks me to put some of his stuff in my bag (but I'm still the one who carried it as I am really against girls asking their bfs or hubbys to carry their very feminine bags for them) -- his mobile or his id card holder, which does not fit in his pockets. When I became a mom I included a mini first aid kit inside my bag as advised by my friend. After all, you'll never know when your kid will need a plaster or a band-aid.
Needless to say, I have a lot of stuff inside my bag-- tissue paper, hand sanitizer, cologne/perfume, make-up (lip balm, face powder, lipstick), comb, rosary, rosary booklet, id card holders, coin purse, my mobile, my bulky wallet, my mini-first aid kit, school supplies -- like pen, mini notebook and posts it. So imagine the time that I consume whenever I change bags! I thought I would not survive my day without me carrying all of these things. And so I thought. Until I got pregnant with Sam.
I think it was already in the third trimester when I decided I would be switching bags and just carry what is essential. My wallet, my coin purse and my mobile. It was getting harder to commute with Sam inside me unlike when I was heavy with Liam, wherein I got to drive until he was almost due. I thought that I wouldn't survive with just these three inside my bag, but lo and behold, I did! And I loved it! I actually got some good feedback with one of my co-workers when I was still heavy with Sam :)
When I gave birth to Sam, I decided to go back to my old big bags, but when I realized that it was just so hard to carry a big bag aside from the baby bag, I decided to use small bags again. AFter all, I have already proven that I can live with just 3 things inside it and it's much easier for me as well!
Right now I'm alternating the use of my small bags -- the brown Esprit shoulder/body bag, my Nine West small bag and my current favorite, my Coach small body bag :) I love using these three because they make my life soooo much easier especially when I do errands and my two kids are with me. I lovethem because as body bags, they don't fall down my shoulders everytime I try to do something or like when I'm carrying Sam. It is most helpful when I do the grocery or do the marketing and Sam wants to be carried. Well, good thing now, she can use the trolleys at the shops :)

Sometimes it crosses my mind that my bag does not really compliment my wardrobe, but what the heck, I have two kids in tow and more than my appearance, I think the comfort of my kids and me having an easier time will have to be my top priorities.
So now, I am in a hiatus from buying some more bags, which my hubby is very thankful for as it saves him a lot :) (although as soon as I work again and the baby bag gets smaller, lagot siya!)
coach bags,
esprit bag,
nine west bag
Monday, June 20, 2011
The list of my things-to-do is now at its peak! I actually thought of having an LOA or leave of absence from blogging so I can concentrate on my papers and the other gazillion things needed for our holidays. The deadline of my papers will still be on the end of November, but I am making it to second week of October for two reasons: one, I am not a crammer and two: I really want to enjoy my holidays in Manila (we'll be flying back for a quick vacation end of October).
But, I love writing and blogging is my outlet. Yes, it does take some time when I write, but I also get to spend my me-time when I blog so I can't afford not to blog for a loooong time.
My solution? I will only blog once or twice a week. I will stick with it. Promise. Even if it is very tempting to write. I will stick with it so I can get to do the things that needs to be done.
But, I love writing and blogging is my outlet. Yes, it does take some time when I write, but I also get to spend my me-time when I blog so I can't afford not to blog for a loooong time.
My solution? I will only blog once or twice a week. I will stick with it. Promise. Even if it is very tempting to write. I will stick with it so I can get to do the things that needs to be done.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Dear Liam
Last night it just hit me, I want to write you a letter. At the end of this month you will exactly be 3 and a half years old. Of how time flies! I can still remember praying fervently so that your Papa and I can already have our little bundle of joy. It took me a year to get pregnant with you and all I can say is, the wait was definitely all worth it :)
I am writing this letter because years from now I know that you will have a life of your own. You will choose the clothes you wear, eat the food you want, choose your own friends and do whatever that pleases you....but I just thought of writing this down so that I can have something to remind you of how you were as a kid and how your childhood was when you're all grown up.
Like what your Mama and Papa always tell you (and whisper to you when you are sound asleep at night), we continue to praise and thank Bro for giving you to us. I know that all parents are lucky to have their children but I and your Papa are not only lucky but thankful as well that it was us whom God chose to take care of you.
You never cease to amaze us with your sweetness and with your thoughtfulness. On days when Mama gets tired with all the work at home, you just tell me out of the blue "Mama, thank you for taking care of us" or sometimes "Mama, thank you for helping us" followed by a tight warm hug from you. You definitely brighten up our day when you also just tell us, "Papa, I love you" or "Mama, I love you" with or without an audience. And on days when you sense that Mama's starting to get mad on some silly little things that you do, you would ask Mama in your concerned voice, "Mama, are you getting mad already?" And when I say yes, I instantly see your effort to make me happy. And when Mama is sad you tell me things like "Don't worry Mama, I will make you happy." Writing it all now I feel that it is you who's taking care of me instead of the other way around. Oh how will I forget the time when you saw me nursing the wound on my hand? You told me, "Mama, I kissed that already, you want me to kiss it again so that it will not get ouchy anymore?" My heart melted after you said that.
You are an amazing Kuya to Sam as well. You have been Mama's greatest helper whenever we are at home or when we are out doing some errands and your Papa cannot join us. Sometimes I feel guilty when you told me, "Mama, why do you need my help all the time?" You're right, you are just a 3-year-old kid but with everything that you have been doing to help Mama, sometimes I forget about that. When Mama is driving and your sister starts crying in the car, you automatically sing to her "You are my Sunshine" or "Bahay Kubo" to help calm her and soothe her. You watch over her when Mama takes a bath or cooks our food. Thank you Kuya Liam! You are a life saver! You never gave us a hard time when your sister came. And we see how much you adore your baby sister. We know that you will grow up taking care of her.
Remember when you opened the door for Mama after I picked you from school? A granny who was in the other car saw what you did and fell in love with you too! I was one proud Mum!
You never stop surprising us with your brilliance! The way how you learn through your observations? I am happy to see what you are learning when you start doing it in your play-pretend at home. When you pretend to be a chef, a doctor, a tennis player, a soccer player, even a rock star! Oh boy you learn fast! You were toilet trained earlier than kids your age and my goodness, you surprised me one day when you told me you can already clean yourself with a tissue after you poo, without any help. Of course, I needed convincing so after seeing it myself, I am convinced. (I still have to double check it though, okay? :)) Son don't grow up too fast. I can sense that you will be one independent kid, you want to do things all by yourself now -- combing your hair, brushing your teeth, eating on your own, playing your dvds and and using the laptop! You take pride by telling me "Mama, I did it all by myself!" when you successfully hurdled something that before was sooo hard for you to do. Putting on your socks, putting your rubber shoes, putting your shirt or sando! Remember when you got mad at mama for removing the buttons of your pjs when I had to give you a bath before your soccer class? You told me "Mama, next time, I'll do it, okay?" And Mama learned her lesson. Sorry if Mama insists in doing it because Mama's always in a hurry but I did see you can manipulate those buttons perfectly!
You are one responsible boy. It seems like play to you but you actually enjoy cleaning the car and vaccum the house with Pops, cook with Mama, set the table and pack away your toys. We are proud of you!
You are one good kid. Whenever we are at the shops and you see something, a toy or an electronic gadget, a book, or a food, and Mama says "No, we won't buy it" you'll not cry and have tantrums. Just last week, you wanted to buy that firetruck toy at the shops and when we were asking you if you really wanted to buy the toy, all you did was just put your hands in your pockets and bowed your head as if telling us "I don't know...maybe..." Initially, we did say "no, we're not buying it" and when you didn't have any violent reactions (even if we already know you do want the toy), your Papa's heart melted so he finally decided to but the toy for you. You ask permission if you can have lollies or chocolates, or ice cream or even softdrinks and how your eyes brighten up when Mama says "Yes!"
You are one bright and deep kid. You ask questions like "Mama, are you happy? Why are you happy?" in the middle of lunch. You ask questions about Jesus, the church and the pratices. There is always the "why?" Why do we go to church? Why do we pray all the time? Why do we always say the same prayers? Sometimes I find myself at a loss. I just hope that I can satisfy your curiosity in the questions you will throw at me in the future. And when you pray! Oh how you pray! You even pray for the trees and the flowers, the sun and the rain! I was so happy when you were able to recite your first traditional prayer, Angel of God. But it's just the start. Mama still has to teach you a lot.
You are one funny kid. You are not afraid to look funny just to make your sister laugh or us laugh. You crack jokes that is always a hit with Sam.
Of course, I also enjoy how you deal with your own set of struggles and learn from them. Seeing you just enjoying your childhood, with your cousins when you play with them, with the other KFC members or your classmates. When you sometimes just act your age -- whining every now and then, telling Mama you're starting to get sad or mad or angry. Making kulit every now and then. When you have episodes of stubborness. Don't worry, we know that you are not perfect and we're not expecting you to be.
As I end this letter, you just woke up from your afternoon nap and is now sitting beside me. I wonder if you have any idea that this letter is all about you. :) Papa and Mama always pray to Bro that He helps us to be the parents that He would want us to be so we can raise you and your sister to be the persons He would want you to be. It's a scary prayer because I don't know if part of that plan is for you to experience hurts or commit mistakes or make the wrong choices. But I know all of those are part of God's great plan for you.
As for now, we will continue to enjoy and share with you your happy childhood and cherish all these wonderful memories. I Love You Son. To the Moon and Back.
I am writing this letter because years from now I know that you will have a life of your own. You will choose the clothes you wear, eat the food you want, choose your own friends and do whatever that pleases you....but I just thought of writing this down so that I can have something to remind you of how you were as a kid and how your childhood was when you're all grown up.
Like what your Mama and Papa always tell you (and whisper to you when you are sound asleep at night), we continue to praise and thank Bro for giving you to us. I know that all parents are lucky to have their children but I and your Papa are not only lucky but thankful as well that it was us whom God chose to take care of you.
You never cease to amaze us with your sweetness and with your thoughtfulness. On days when Mama gets tired with all the work at home, you just tell me out of the blue "Mama, thank you for taking care of us" or sometimes "Mama, thank you for helping us" followed by a tight warm hug from you. You definitely brighten up our day when you also just tell us, "Papa, I love you" or "Mama, I love you" with or without an audience. And on days when you sense that Mama's starting to get mad on some silly little things that you do, you would ask Mama in your concerned voice, "Mama, are you getting mad already?" And when I say yes, I instantly see your effort to make me happy. And when Mama is sad you tell me things like "Don't worry Mama, I will make you happy." Writing it all now I feel that it is you who's taking care of me instead of the other way around. Oh how will I forget the time when you saw me nursing the wound on my hand? You told me, "Mama, I kissed that already, you want me to kiss it again so that it will not get ouchy anymore?" My heart melted after you said that.
You are an amazing Kuya to Sam as well. You have been Mama's greatest helper whenever we are at home or when we are out doing some errands and your Papa cannot join us. Sometimes I feel guilty when you told me, "Mama, why do you need my help all the time?" You're right, you are just a 3-year-old kid but with everything that you have been doing to help Mama, sometimes I forget about that. When Mama is driving and your sister starts crying in the car, you automatically sing to her "You are my Sunshine" or "Bahay Kubo" to help calm her and soothe her. You watch over her when Mama takes a bath or cooks our food. Thank you Kuya Liam! You are a life saver! You never gave us a hard time when your sister came. And we see how much you adore your baby sister. We know that you will grow up taking care of her.
Remember when you opened the door for Mama after I picked you from school? A granny who was in the other car saw what you did and fell in love with you too! I was one proud Mum!
You never stop surprising us with your brilliance! The way how you learn through your observations? I am happy to see what you are learning when you start doing it in your play-pretend at home. When you pretend to be a chef, a doctor, a tennis player, a soccer player, even a rock star! Oh boy you learn fast! You were toilet trained earlier than kids your age and my goodness, you surprised me one day when you told me you can already clean yourself with a tissue after you poo, without any help. Of course, I needed convincing so after seeing it myself, I am convinced. (I still have to double check it though, okay? :)) Son don't grow up too fast. I can sense that you will be one independent kid, you want to do things all by yourself now -- combing your hair, brushing your teeth, eating on your own, playing your dvds and and using the laptop! You take pride by telling me "Mama, I did it all by myself!" when you successfully hurdled something that before was sooo hard for you to do. Putting on your socks, putting your rubber shoes, putting your shirt or sando! Remember when you got mad at mama for removing the buttons of your pjs when I had to give you a bath before your soccer class? You told me "Mama, next time, I'll do it, okay?" And Mama learned her lesson. Sorry if Mama insists in doing it because Mama's always in a hurry but I did see you can manipulate those buttons perfectly!
You are one responsible boy. It seems like play to you but you actually enjoy cleaning the car and vaccum the house with Pops, cook with Mama, set the table and pack away your toys. We are proud of you!
You are one good kid. Whenever we are at the shops and you see something, a toy or an electronic gadget, a book, or a food, and Mama says "No, we won't buy it" you'll not cry and have tantrums. Just last week, you wanted to buy that firetruck toy at the shops and when we were asking you if you really wanted to buy the toy, all you did was just put your hands in your pockets and bowed your head as if telling us "I don't know...maybe..." Initially, we did say "no, we're not buying it" and when you didn't have any violent reactions (even if we already know you do want the toy), your Papa's heart melted so he finally decided to but the toy for you. You ask permission if you can have lollies or chocolates, or ice cream or even softdrinks and how your eyes brighten up when Mama says "Yes!"
You are one bright and deep kid. You ask questions like "Mama, are you happy? Why are you happy?" in the middle of lunch. You ask questions about Jesus, the church and the pratices. There is always the "why?" Why do we go to church? Why do we pray all the time? Why do we always say the same prayers? Sometimes I find myself at a loss. I just hope that I can satisfy your curiosity in the questions you will throw at me in the future. And when you pray! Oh how you pray! You even pray for the trees and the flowers, the sun and the rain! I was so happy when you were able to recite your first traditional prayer, Angel of God. But it's just the start. Mama still has to teach you a lot.
You are one funny kid. You are not afraid to look funny just to make your sister laugh or us laugh. You crack jokes that is always a hit with Sam.
Of course, I also enjoy how you deal with your own set of struggles and learn from them. Seeing you just enjoying your childhood, with your cousins when you play with them, with the other KFC members or your classmates. When you sometimes just act your age -- whining every now and then, telling Mama you're starting to get sad or mad or angry. Making kulit every now and then. When you have episodes of stubborness. Don't worry, we know that you are not perfect and we're not expecting you to be.
As I end this letter, you just woke up from your afternoon nap and is now sitting beside me. I wonder if you have any idea that this letter is all about you. :) Papa and Mama always pray to Bro that He helps us to be the parents that He would want us to be so we can raise you and your sister to be the persons He would want you to be. It's a scary prayer because I don't know if part of that plan is for you to experience hurts or commit mistakes or make the wrong choices. But I know all of those are part of God's great plan for you.
As for now, we will continue to enjoy and share with you your happy childhood and cherish all these wonderful memories. I Love You Son. To the Moon and Back.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
projects that went pffffftt @-@
I was thinking the other day and realized that Alvin and I have set some projects and sadly we were not able to maintain it or stick with it. So what are these projects that went pffft?
a. Using a ledger to handle and track our finances. I tried, he tried. Hehehe :)
b. No rice only salad night. I guess I got tired of cooking and thinking of what will go well with our salad (veggie). But I think we have to revive this especially with the sad news I learned yesterday. Another wake up call that health is wealth!
c. Biking twice a week for him and 15 minutes everyday for me. Of course with the things and chores we have to do on weekdays and holidays, most often than not, this is the first one that is removed from our to-do list. Bad right? We bought our stationary bike not to accumulate dust but as an investment for our health. We need to revive this as well.
d. Empty the pantry. Well, good luck for me! The last two weekends, I found myself going to the shops to buy some food/snacks, etc. It got to the point that I got scared because I was like in Coles, Woolies and Aldi once or twice a week. Bad sign. Bad sign. Good news though, my empty the ref project is doing okay :) By the time I need to go to the market our freezer and ref are almost empty :)
e. No shopping sprees for me. Good luck to the world! Hay, sadly, this 3-day weekend, we went shopping for clothes and toys again :( Sunday we went to DFO and yesterday we went to Castle Towers. Not to mention that the previous week I already bought some new clothes in Rouse Hill and in Castle Towers. Well, there is hope! I read the newest post in one of the blogs I'm following and came across this book - Not Buying It. One Year of Not Shopping. I haven't read the book but it somewhat helped me refocus and to be back on what I originally planned. So again, I'm relaunching this project! So help me God, again!
It's sad that sometimes when we plan on something we put our heart, soul and a lot of effort at the start, only to wane or stop later. Well, putting it into writing is somewhat a wake-up call. So again, I'll relaunch all of these projects and hopefully it will be really successful, the second time around :)
a. Using a ledger to handle and track our finances. I tried, he tried. Hehehe :)
b. No rice only salad night. I guess I got tired of cooking and thinking of what will go well with our salad (veggie). But I think we have to revive this especially with the sad news I learned yesterday. Another wake up call that health is wealth!
c. Biking twice a week for him and 15 minutes everyday for me. Of course with the things and chores we have to do on weekdays and holidays, most often than not, this is the first one that is removed from our to-do list. Bad right? We bought our stationary bike not to accumulate dust but as an investment for our health. We need to revive this as well.
d. Empty the pantry. Well, good luck for me! The last two weekends, I found myself going to the shops to buy some food/snacks, etc. It got to the point that I got scared because I was like in Coles, Woolies and Aldi once or twice a week. Bad sign. Bad sign. Good news though, my empty the ref project is doing okay :) By the time I need to go to the market our freezer and ref are almost empty :)
e. No shopping sprees for me. Good luck to the world! Hay, sadly, this 3-day weekend, we went shopping for clothes and toys again :( Sunday we went to DFO and yesterday we went to Castle Towers. Not to mention that the previous week I already bought some new clothes in Rouse Hill and in Castle Towers. Well, there is hope! I read the newest post in one of the blogs I'm following and came across this book - Not Buying It. One Year of Not Shopping. I haven't read the book but it somewhat helped me refocus and to be back on what I originally planned. So again, I'm relaunching this project! So help me God, again!
It's sad that sometimes when we plan on something we put our heart, soul and a lot of effort at the start, only to wane or stop later. Well, putting it into writing is somewhat a wake-up call. So again, I'll relaunch all of these projects and hopefully it will be really successful, the second time around :)
Monday, June 13, 2011
Sad and Happy
Today I was both sad and happy.
Sad. When I opened my FB account this morning, the first news that greeted me was that one of our AGS staff, had a stroke last night and was now in coma. It was her first stroke. After reading this, I was sad and a bit upset. Remember my previous blog -- If You Had the Choice? Well, it hit me again, the fear of suddenly dying and leaving your loved ones abruptly. This was her first stroke and based on the comments, apparently, the damage in her brain was so severe that the doctors decided not to operate on her anymore.
I think hubby sensed that I was a bit upset so he suggested that we hit the mall after we eat lunch. I agreed because Liam wanted to go out again. It's a non-working holiday today because of the Queen's birthday. Before we left the house, I checked my mail again, only to find out that Maryann, passed away this morning. :( Now, I'm sad, scared and depressed, big time!
On our way to Castle Towers, we had our family prayer time and it was a bit different this time. Thanks for the memories Ma'am Maan, eternal rest we pray for your soul.
Not wanting to be a party pooper, I tried my best to cheer up. It did pay off :) After doing some shopping, for the 2nd day in a row, we went to the toy shops to look for a firetruck toy.
A little background: aside from cooking videos. Liam is also hooked in firemen/firetruck/Fireman Sam videos. Everytime he sees something that has something to do with the 3, he gets really excited :) He has been telling us that he wants a firetruck toy especially when he sees it at the catalogues, but he does not insist. Yesterday, when we attended mass, he was with his Papa and sister at the crying room. Alvin told me that while there, Liam saw his cousin holding a small firetruck toy. Liam just looked longingly at the toy but did not borrow it from his cousin or saying anything to his Papa. It was at that time that Alvin decided that he wanted to buy one for his son.
So today we looked for it, when we saw it, we were actually surprised by its price. So now, knowing my hubby, I knew he was at a crossroad. Will he buy it or not? Is it splurging or not? Again, when we ask Liam if he wants it, he just puts his hands inside his pocket and says: "I don't know." When we try to discourage him making some excuses like going to another shop, he nods his head and does not react violently. He says yes to whatever we say. I think it made his Papa want to buy the toy for him more. I was watching Alvin make the toughest decision, and was actually enjoying it. Well I guess, he loves his son too much not to give in. I told him that instead of me paying for the toy, he pays it with Liam so his son can see that it was actually his Papa that bought the toy for him. What Alvin could only say was "Liam's smile and reaction was priceless after I paid for the toy."
When we got home I heard Liam talking to himself, "I am so very happy today." He then started to play with his new toy that brought him to another place and time ;)
It was a joy to see him extremely happy.
P.S. This act made their father-son bond even stronger :) so i guess, we made the right decision :)
Sad. When I opened my FB account this morning, the first news that greeted me was that one of our AGS staff, had a stroke last night and was now in coma. It was her first stroke. After reading this, I was sad and a bit upset. Remember my previous blog -- If You Had the Choice? Well, it hit me again, the fear of suddenly dying and leaving your loved ones abruptly. This was her first stroke and based on the comments, apparently, the damage in her brain was so severe that the doctors decided not to operate on her anymore.
I think hubby sensed that I was a bit upset so he suggested that we hit the mall after we eat lunch. I agreed because Liam wanted to go out again. It's a non-working holiday today because of the Queen's birthday. Before we left the house, I checked my mail again, only to find out that Maryann, passed away this morning. :( Now, I'm sad, scared and depressed, big time!
On our way to Castle Towers, we had our family prayer time and it was a bit different this time. Thanks for the memories Ma'am Maan, eternal rest we pray for your soul.
Not wanting to be a party pooper, I tried my best to cheer up. It did pay off :) After doing some shopping, for the 2nd day in a row, we went to the toy shops to look for a firetruck toy.
A little background: aside from cooking videos. Liam is also hooked in firemen/firetruck/Fireman Sam videos. Everytime he sees something that has something to do with the 3, he gets really excited :) He has been telling us that he wants a firetruck toy especially when he sees it at the catalogues, but he does not insist. Yesterday, when we attended mass, he was with his Papa and sister at the crying room. Alvin told me that while there, Liam saw his cousin holding a small firetruck toy. Liam just looked longingly at the toy but did not borrow it from his cousin or saying anything to his Papa. It was at that time that Alvin decided that he wanted to buy one for his son.
So today we looked for it, when we saw it, we were actually surprised by its price. So now, knowing my hubby, I knew he was at a crossroad. Will he buy it or not? Is it splurging or not? Again, when we ask Liam if he wants it, he just puts his hands inside his pocket and says: "I don't know." When we try to discourage him making some excuses like going to another shop, he nods his head and does not react violently. He says yes to whatever we say. I think it made his Papa want to buy the toy for him more. I was watching Alvin make the toughest decision, and was actually enjoying it. Well I guess, he loves his son too much not to give in. I told him that instead of me paying for the toy, he pays it with Liam so his son can see that it was actually his Papa that bought the toy for him. What Alvin could only say was "Liam's smile and reaction was priceless after I paid for the toy."
When we got home I heard Liam talking to himself, "I am so very happy today." He then started to play with his new toy that brought him to another place and time ;)
It was a joy to see him extremely happy.
P.S. This act made their father-son bond even stronger :) so i guess, we made the right decision :)
firetruck toys,
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
homebound wednesdays
The past two weeks, I have been experiencing migraine attacks. I don't know what causes it -- me eating too much chocolates, or the usual lighting factor, or probably me thinking too much! I guess it's the last one. Don't laugh now, but I am dead serious!
I find myself doing sooooo many mental notes that I feel my head is going to already explode of all the things I have to remember (and do, for that matter -- schoolwork, Manila holidays, etc). I feel like my brain will reach its saturation point any day now hehehe.
I can't have migraine attacks everyday. I can't afford to get sick, so what is the solution to my problem? I promised myself that starting today, I will spend all my Wednesdays AT HOME. Yep, no going out, no going to the shops. (Hey, I can also save on money when I stay away from the shops!) Just at home to do all my backlogs -- the filing, the cleaning, the washing, the folding, the extras that I want to do. I guess in a way, it worked because by lunch time I was already able to do 2/3 of what I am supposed to do, removing a lot of mental notes in my head. Of course, I also had to stop myself from using the computer this morning and again later in the afternoon ;)
But if my migraine attacks perists, then it could be my becoming a chocoholic already, and that is another story ;)
I find myself doing sooooo many mental notes that I feel my head is going to already explode of all the things I have to remember (and do, for that matter -- schoolwork, Manila holidays, etc). I feel like my brain will reach its saturation point any day now hehehe.
I can't have migraine attacks everyday. I can't afford to get sick, so what is the solution to my problem? I promised myself that starting today, I will spend all my Wednesdays AT HOME. Yep, no going out, no going to the shops. (Hey, I can also save on money when I stay away from the shops!) Just at home to do all my backlogs -- the filing, the cleaning, the washing, the folding, the extras that I want to do. I guess in a way, it worked because by lunch time I was already able to do 2/3 of what I am supposed to do, removing a lot of mental notes in my head. Of course, I also had to stop myself from using the computer this morning and again later in the afternoon ;)
But if my migraine attacks perists, then it could be my becoming a chocoholic already, and that is another story ;)
Monday, June 6, 2011
not your ordinary pancakes
As I have mentioned in my previous blog, Liam is slowly getting into cooking. He tirelessly watch videos in youtube about how to make and design cakes and cookies. There is one video however that shows how to cook pancakes with a twist.
This morning, when I asked him what he wanted for breakfast, he told me he wanted pancakes. Of course he wanted to help out as expected, so I let him pour the water and mix the batter. When I started cooking, an idea came to me and I decided to make him special pancakes -- pancake letters that spell his first name! L-I-A-M. It was a hit! :) He got to appreciate it because he can identify the letters already.

My pancakes may not be perfect and the best tasting, but for my son, it was no ordinary pancake and it was enough to start his day and week right :)

This morning, when I asked him what he wanted for breakfast, he told me he wanted pancakes. Of course he wanted to help out as expected, so I let him pour the water and mix the batter. When I started cooking, an idea came to me and I decided to make him special pancakes -- pancake letters that spell his first name! L-I-A-M. It was a hit! :) He got to appreciate it because he can identify the letters already.
My pancakes may not be perfect and the best tasting, but for my son, it was no ordinary pancake and it was enough to start his day and week right :)
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