Thursday, May 19, 2011

If You Had The Choice

Death is not something we can escape from. One way or another, we will reach the end of the road. But as they say, God only knows when and how.

The husband of our wedding godmother is presently battling Stage 2 Colon Cancer. Of course, I was saddened with this news. When I think what the family, espcieally what our ninang has to go through, I find them lucky. Of course we are still praying for the complete healing of Tito Nick, but then again, if it goes the other way, I find it consoling that at least they had the chance to spend more time together --QUALITY time together. I know that things change especially when something drastic, like sickness, happens to our loved ones. There is a radical change that happens not only with the sick person, but the people around him as well. I believe that if it happens to me (knock on wood) I will make sure that I will make the most of the time left. Make sure that each day is special not only for me but for my loved ones. Wounds can be healed, love deepened, faith strengthened. I always pray that if ever God takes me, I would not want it abruptly -- sudden. I just can't imagine the grief and the pain of those whom I will be leaving behind. But, does that mean, I want to experience the physical suffering of people who are sick, if it means I can spend more time with my family, my kids? Maybe. I don't know.

"At least he didn't have a hard time", is what they usually say when someone passes so suddenly -- not wanting their loved one to experience the pain and all. But if you were the one to leave, what would you choose? All I know is that at this point in my life, I'd still prefer to experience the pain and spend more time with my loved ones than to leave them unprepared.