Wednesday, June 8, 2011

homebound wednesdays

The past two weeks, I have been experiencing migraine attacks. I don't know what causes it -- me eating too much chocolates, or the usual lighting factor, or probably me thinking too much! I guess it's the last one. Don't laugh now, but I am dead serious!

I find myself doing sooooo many mental notes that I feel my head is going to already explode of all the things I have to remember (and do, for that matter -- schoolwork, Manila holidays, etc). I feel like my brain will reach its saturation point any day now hehehe.

I can't have migraine attacks everyday. I can't afford to get sick, so what is the solution to my problem? I promised myself that starting today, I will spend all my Wednesdays AT HOME. Yep, no going out, no going to the shops. (Hey, I can also save on money when I stay away from the shops!) Just at home to do all my backlogs -- the filing, the cleaning, the washing, the folding, the extras that I want to do. I guess in a way, it worked because by lunch time I was already able to do 2/3 of what I am supposed to do, removing a lot of mental notes in my head. Of course, I also had to stop myself from using the computer this morning and again later in the afternoon ;)

But if my migraine attacks perists, then it could be my becoming a chocoholic already, and that is another story ;)