Sunday, June 26, 2011


Thank You Lord

This weekend has been a good one! I still have few hours left and I know more good things can still happen :)

It started with Sam finally being able to crawl already :) She has been creeping ang "crawling" backwards, but not really forward, but last Friday she started crawling already :) And when we were at the house of my Uncle for our HH, Alvin showed be Sam's new tricks as well: she already knows how to bless (of course, she still can't hold our hand, but she can already move her forehead forward to your hand when you ask her to bless) and she can now kiss when told to do so :) she kissed almost everyone :) My Uncle and Auntie were so amused that they wanted to have a grandchild of their own, even more!

We had a good Saturday as well as the boys bonded with their Cars 2 movie date, Liam's first time to watch a movie in the big screen :) As they watched, the girls bonded as well. We went shopping and window-shopping and I nourished my sweet tooth as well for my afternoon tea :) We ended our Saturday by attending the mass as a family. Of, we still had our usual movie night at home :)

Sunday, on our way to a friend's Baptismal party for her son, she kept on calling her Papa, which by the way is her first word. But Alvin was busy driving because it was our first time to go to that venue and was afraid we'd get lost. Sam was starting to get cranky as she put off her two naps already and we knew she was sooo sleepy. When her Papa didn't respond to her calling, she suddenly blurted out "ma-ma". Cried a bit then before the big cry she said it again, "ma-ma". That really got our attention! :)

Nothing really big or spectacular happened, but this weekend, Sam was just able to achieve developmental milestones and I'm just so happy and thankful. TYL!