Tuesday, June 14, 2011

projects that went pffffftt @-@

I was thinking the other day and realized that Alvin and I have set some projects and sadly we were not able to maintain it or stick with it. So what are these projects that went pffft?

a. Using a ledger to handle and track our finances. I tried, he tried. Hehehe :)

b. No rice only salad night. I guess I got tired of cooking and thinking of what will go well with our salad (veggie). But I think we have to revive this especially with the sad news I learned yesterday. Another wake up call that health is wealth!

c. Biking twice a week for him and 15 minutes everyday for me. Of course with the things and chores we have to do on weekdays and holidays, most often than not, this is the first one that is removed from our to-do list. Bad right? We bought our stationary bike not to accumulate dust but as an investment for our health. We need to revive this as well.

d. Empty the pantry. Well, good luck for me! The last two weekends, I found myself going to the shops to buy some food/snacks, etc. It got to the point that I got scared because I was like in Coles, Woolies and Aldi once or twice a week. Bad sign. Bad sign. Good news though, my empty the ref project is doing okay :) By the time I need to go to the market our freezer and ref are almost empty :)

e. No shopping sprees for me. Good luck to the world! Hay, sadly, this 3-day weekend, we went shopping for clothes and toys again :( Sunday we went to DFO and yesterday we went to Castle Towers. Not to mention that the previous week I already bought some new clothes in Rouse Hill and in Castle Towers. Well, there is hope! I read the newest post in one of the blogs I'm following and came across this book - Not Buying It. One Year of Not Shopping. I haven't read the book but it somewhat helped me refocus and to be back on what I originally planned. So again, I'm relaunching this project! So help me God, again!

It's sad that sometimes when we plan on something we put our heart, soul and a lot of effort at the start, only to wane or stop later. Well, putting it into writing is somewhat a wake-up call. So again, I'll relaunch all of these projects and hopefully it will be really successful, the second time around :)