Monday, June 13, 2011

Sad and Happy

Today I was both sad and happy.

Sad. When I opened my FB account this morning, the first news that greeted me was that one of our AGS staff, had a stroke last night and was now in coma. It was her first stroke. After reading this, I was sad and a bit upset. Remember my previous blog -- If You Had the Choice? Well, it hit me again, the fear of suddenly dying and leaving your loved ones abruptly. This was her first stroke and based on the comments, apparently, the damage in her brain was so severe that the doctors decided not to operate on her anymore.

I think hubby sensed that I was a bit upset so he suggested that we hit the mall after we eat lunch. I agreed because Liam wanted to go out again. It's a non-working holiday today because of the Queen's birthday. Before we left the house, I checked my mail again, only to find out that Maryann, passed away this morning. :( Now, I'm sad, scared and depressed, big time!

On our way to Castle Towers, we had our family prayer time and it was a bit different this time. Thanks for the memories Ma'am Maan, eternal rest we pray for your soul.


Not wanting to be a party pooper, I tried my best to cheer up. It did pay off :) After doing some shopping, for the 2nd day in a row, we went to the toy shops to look for a firetruck toy.

A little background: aside from cooking videos. Liam is also hooked in firemen/firetruck/Fireman Sam videos. Everytime he sees something that has something to do with the 3, he gets really excited :) He has been telling us that he wants a firetruck toy especially when he sees it at the catalogues, but he does not insist. Yesterday, when we attended mass, he was with his Papa and sister at the crying room. Alvin told me that while there, Liam saw his cousin holding a small firetruck toy. Liam just looked longingly at the toy but did not borrow it from his cousin or saying anything to his Papa. It was at that time that Alvin decided that he wanted to buy one for his son.

So today we looked for it, when we saw it, we were actually surprised by its price. So now, knowing my hubby, I knew he was at a crossroad. Will he buy it or not? Is it splurging or not? Again, when we ask Liam if he wants it, he just puts his hands inside his pocket and says: "I don't know." When we try to discourage him making some excuses like going to another shop, he nods his head and does not react violently. He says yes to whatever we say. I think it made his Papa want to buy the toy for him more. I was watching Alvin make the toughest decision, and was actually enjoying it. Well I guess, he loves his son too much not to give in. I told him that instead of me paying for the toy, he pays it with Liam so his son can see that it was actually his Papa that bought the toy for him. What Alvin could only say was "Liam's smile and reaction was priceless after I paid for the toy."

When we got home I heard Liam talking to himself, "I am so very happy today." He then started to play with his new toy that brought him to another place and time ;)
It was a joy to see him extremely happy.

P.S. This act made their father-son bond even stronger :) so i guess, we made the right decision :)