Monday, June 20, 2011


The list of my things-to-do is now at its peak! I actually thought of having an LOA or leave of absence from blogging so I can concentrate on my papers and the other gazillion things needed for our holidays. The deadline of my papers will still be on the end of November, but I am making it to second week of October for two reasons: one, I am not a crammer and two: I really want to enjoy my holidays in Manila (we'll be flying back for a quick vacation end of October).

But, I love writing and blogging is my outlet. Yes, it does take some time when I write, but I also get to spend my me-time when I blog so I can't afford not to blog for a loooong time.

My solution? I will only blog once or twice a week. I will stick with it. Promise. Even if it is very tempting to write. I will stick with it so I can get to do the things that needs to be done.