We had our usual HH last Friday. Before we started, we had our usual fellowship. You know, sharing stories, kamustahan, update-an. Ivy suddenly shared their plans of going to the Gold Coast over the Easter Holidays. Her in-laws will be coming over again to have a short vacation.
Of course, I was excited. But, I told her it will all depend on my financier -- hubby. (Even if I know that I might contribute something since that will still be in April and I am back to work by Feb. But I didn't entertain ideas).
I was not really expecting that they were really dead serious with this trip. But the whole weekend, I was bombarded with a lot of calls and e-mails from Ivy, who was actually starting to research on the van to be rented and the accommodations. The thing was, after we left after our HH, they shared their plan to the rest, and my Uncle and Auntie told them that yes, they too are coming! Whoa! Ivy wanted to know if we are coming or not so she'll know what type of car she will be renting.
Two dilemmas: It is the Holy Week and even if my mom is not here, I can already hear her telling me not to go since she objects to any member of the family going out for holidays and having fun during the Holy Week, especially on Holy Thursday and Good Friday. She always told us na lapitin sa disgrasya kapag semana santa at nagbubulakbol ka. I also felt that it was wrong. Something felt wrong. Hey, I'm not KJ or anything, but Holy week is HOLY WEEK and it only happens once a year, right? That is dilemma 1.
Dilemma 2. Hubby. I don't know and I was kind of sure that Alvin would not be interested. We just got back from the Philippines, right? But what do you know, he is the one who does the follow-up on me everytime he has the chance! Even with his texts over lunch! Now that is one surprise! lol :)
Now what to do? I have until Tuesday night if we are joining or not.
Anyway, I also want to go. We actually have two options to resolve dilemma 1. One is, we just follow them on early Saturday, after attending church activities here. But we will be bringing our own car. It would be very tiring for Alvin and impractical since when we get there Saturday is almost over. And at the back of my mind, I feel that it would be better if we join them during the travel because Alvin and Mark (Ivy's hubby) can take turns in the 12 hour drive. Well, actually in the first 10 hour drive as we plan to stay for a night in Coffs Harbour (NSW) and continue with the remaining 4 hour drive to Gold Coast the following day.
So how? Well, thanks to the internet, I was able to research on the Catholic Churches within the area. There are plenty. Thank God! I have already e-mailed 2 Parishes, one in Coffs Harbour for the Holy Thursday services and one in Gold Coast for the Good Friday - Easter Sunday services. There! So no more excuses for us not to attend church services during the Holy Week feels good. Anyway, we plan to visit the
theme parks on Saturday and Sunday (which is already ok with my Mom ;)), which means we can attend Good Friday services before checking out the beaches in Gold Coast Central.
What about dilemma 2? It was resolved on its own! Hehe Seriously now, Alvin just needs to check if their last day of production will be on a Wednesday. If that is the case, most probably than not, they will only report half-day on Thursday, and he can just file a leave for that day. If he files a leave for Thursday, they we can join the group in the entire trip!
Like what I have mentioned, the plan is to spend the weekend in the theme parks. We still have still to decide which ones we're going to. We're thnking of going to
Sea World and
Wet n Wild. We'll choose which is child-friendlier since we have Marcus (1 year old) and Sam with us (1 year and 5 months old). What do you think?
Good thing they alreay dropped the plan of spending another night in Port Macquarie on our way home. It will already be very tiring. I would want to reach Sydney before 9pm so we still have the energy to go back to work (and school) the following day (Tuesday).
I am excited because I know it will be fun. I know it would be fun! But of course, after going on holidays with a 2 kids in tow, in Manila and in Cebu, I know it will be one very tiring trip too! But I'm excited for my kids, especially Liam. I know he will enjoy it. (But he was wishing his cousins will join us for the trip!)
Anyways, now, I actually helping Ivy look for a not-so-expensive accommodation. Nothing fancy. Looking for something like the one we stayed at Port Macquarie last year. We expect to just go there to sleep since we expect that most of the time we will be out to visit and explore Gold Coast.
What about the expenses? Hay, Alvin and I were estimating, we will have to shell out minimum $1000 for this trip (share in the car rental, share in the fuel, accomodations, food and the theme park tickets).
Long drive + challenge of packing light (how do you do that when you have 2 small kids?!) + heat + expenses + tiring day at the theme parks = ? Uh-oh. Are we ready for this? lol
This was just a spur on the moment. Biglaan. Tunay nga, ang mga biglaang lakad ang mas madalas na natutuloy! We plan to go to the Gold Coast when the kids are much older and both of them can remember the trip and appreciate it. Not in my wildest dreams did I expect that we will get to go there sooner than we have expected! We will update you!