Saturday, January 7, 2012

Discerning and Getting Answers

We started praying for it October of 2011. But, I guess we were not really paying attention. Oooops :-)

After we came back from our Manila holidays, we still prayed for it. But still, we weren't paying attention.

Christmas came and 2012 started. Now, we really have to pay attention! We prayed and we prayed some more and we prayed harder, and this time we LISTENED.

After making sure that we are in tune, ready and waiting for HIS answers, we slowly got answers :-)

We prayed to arrive at the best decision. We prayed that He sends us His message through friends, family or to us directly. To send His Spirit so we'll know or we'll have the idea that what we just heard/read/saw thru friends, family or even strangers are the answers we have been waiting for :-) We were ready for a "no" or even a "wait" but it seems that the answer to our prayers is a "yes."

True to what they say, if you really put your attention and really listen, you will get the answers you are looking for.

We haven't made the big decision yet, but we're nearly there :-) We will know, just like the past few days we have been receiving affirmations, that all will be in place, that all will be fixed when it's time.

Thank you for the blogs that I have read recently, the friendly chats with friends and relatives, the mommy stories that I read and heard. Our decision is slowly taking form now...when I start doing some actions in response to some of the "clues" we have been receiving and we don't encounter any glitches or problems, then we are truly on the right path