Thursday, January 5, 2012

Taking It Slow

I didn't make any new year's resolutions. It's not my habit or practice to do so. So my decision to take it slow was not really deliberate. I just felt that my 2012 started beautifully because I am finding myself more relaxed.

There are still chores to be done everyday but I unusually don't stress myself anymore :-) And I unusually don't prepare things now super way ahead of time! Lol :-) Am I cramming? Is two days or a day before considered cramming? :-)

What do I do with my extra time? I do the things that I love. I read, I write, I fix stuff at home which is unusually therapeutic for me, I do FB, I watch movies, I watch with my kids TV, I read to my kids, we go to the library, we go to the nearby park, we go around the compound, I take afternoon naps with them, we wake up late in the morning, all 3 of us take a shower together, I play with my kids! I don't even stress myself with the cooking anymore unlike before that I have to cook everything before mid day :-) Maybe because Sam also does understand things now and it's easier to talk and request things from her, or Liam is more responsible now, or I am taking it slow :) well, I guess it's all three!

There are pending projects -- Sam's first birthday photobook (which I will be ordering from Manila since I prefer the hard/board pages like what we had for Liam's, than the ones we have here in Syndey); my papers for NSW IT and CEO Parramatta (re-instatement and application letters); fixing our finances (scheduling payments), visit to the GP (routine check-up for the kids), centrelink and Yogies. I have started a few of these but haven't really finished all of them. For some weird reason, I don't feel that thing anymore -- "the feeling as if I'm going to the die if I don't finish it on the day!" lol :) not to mention rur family's major projects this year... :)

Things are getting better :)