Saturday, January 28, 2012

Waiting for A Miracle

It has been 25 days now since a good friend of mine got into a Coma state, 6 hours after giving birth to her second child (thru normal delivery). Everything went well after her delivery and then it happened. She had a post-delivery complication -- a stroke.

I really can't describe what our barkada feels right now. We have been together since 1995. A few of us are already based abroad so most of the updates are just thru FB/e-mail. All of us have been praying for her, expecting and waiting for a miracle.

Everytime I check my e-mail, I am hoping to receive good news. Yes there are days when I get them, but the past few days, I have been receieving not-so-good news, especially the one I got last night.

Hubby can sense my sadness everytime I open my mail and get updates. He sees me crying it out silently, wishing and praying that my friend will get better already.

I may look and sound ok, but everytime my friend crosses my mind, I can't help but be sad. So I try to busy myself so I won't think about her all the time. I try to repress it.

True to what others say, the concept of death or losing someone you love becomes so real if it happens to someone very dear to you. My friend is still fighting for her life and with this battle comes a blessing for me.

If there is one good thing that resulted from this, it is the fact that I and hubby are spending more time with my family. I hold my hubby's hand more. I hug all of them more. I say "I Love You" to them more. I try to overlook their shortcomings more and focus on the fact that they are still with me. I know hubby can sense it and I can sense that hubby is doing the same. Just the thought of losing someone so quickly became so real and it both scared us.

Life is short. Anything can happen. We don't know if we are still here the next second, the next minute, the next hour, the next day, or the next year. We are making the most of our time, we are seizing the day, grabbing every opportunity to be together and show our love for one another while we still can.

I am still praying and hoping for a miracle.

If you can just now say a silent prayer for my friend too, I would gladly appreciate it.