I have seen and heard how my former co-teachers in Ateneo raised their concerns regarding their young children not eating well, missing out on those much-needed nutrients. Who would think that in a few years' time I would also have concerns regarding my son's diet.
I find myself sometimes feeling guilty whenever my son takes in more formula than solid food. He is now 2 years and 3 months and old and I think by this time, the formula should only be supplemental. But there are days when he just prefers to drink milk and more milk than take in real food. I feel bad whenever he does and I feel helpless.
Right now, my husband and I are trying out different tactics on how we can encourage him to eat with us and eat nutritious food. There are days when he eats a lot, and we feel that we have been successful. But there are days when we feel that we're back to square one.
I don't know what to do. I don't even know if this is just a stage and is very much normal for kids his age. Well, if it is, I hope that he gets over this stage soon. Real soon.
I think the most that I can do now is to continue to provide him with delicious and nutritious food at home. We are not giving up yet. Just like his swimming lessons, I think it's too early to give up. I'll continue to ask for advice from friends and continue to research on how to solve this dilemma, permanently.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Trust in God
Time and again, when we are faced with life's difficulties, family or friends have always told us to trust in God. Yes. But the truth of the matter is, it is easier said than done.
Doing my second module for my RE course allowed me to cross paths with this poem by Teilhard de Chardin. It was the first time I encountered it and I just wanted to share it with you, hoping that it will stir something inside you. I was insipired when I read it knowing how it feels and seeing myself in the scenario where the poet might be coming from.
So here it is. May the Spirit lead you.
"Above all, trust in the slow work of God.
We are, quite naturally,
impatient in everything to reach the end without delay.
We should like to skip the intermediate stages.
We are impatient of being on the way to something unknown,
something new.
And yet it is the law of all progress that it is made by passing
through some stages of instability...
and that it may take a very long time.
And so I think it is with you.
Your ideas mature gradually;
let them grow, let them shape themselves,
without undue haste.
Don't try to force them on, as though you could be today
what time (that is to say, grace and circumstances acting
on your own goodwill) will make tomorrow.
Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming
wihtin you will be.
Give Our Lord the benefit of your believing that God's hand is
leading you, and of your accepting the anxiety of feeling yourself
in suspense and incomplete."
Doing my second module for my RE course allowed me to cross paths with this poem by Teilhard de Chardin. It was the first time I encountered it and I just wanted to share it with you, hoping that it will stir something inside you. I was insipired when I read it knowing how it feels and seeing myself in the scenario where the poet might be coming from.
So here it is. May the Spirit lead you.
"Above all, trust in the slow work of God.
We are, quite naturally,
impatient in everything to reach the end without delay.
We should like to skip the intermediate stages.
We are impatient of being on the way to something unknown,
something new.
And yet it is the law of all progress that it is made by passing
through some stages of instability...
and that it may take a very long time.
And so I think it is with you.
Your ideas mature gradually;
let them grow, let them shape themselves,
without undue haste.
Don't try to force them on, as though you could be today
what time (that is to say, grace and circumstances acting
on your own goodwill) will make tomorrow.
Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming
wihtin you will be.
Give Our Lord the benefit of your believing that God's hand is
leading you, and of your accepting the anxiety of feeling yourself
in suspense and incomplete."
Trust in God
Thursday, March 25, 2010
When It Rains It Pours!
As the famous saying goes, "when it rains, it really pours!" Indeed, blessing after another blessing and I can't just have enough of thank yous.
A day after it was confirmed that I am expecting again and heavy with my second child, my hubby got his permanency papers with Goodman Fielder. Of course we are sooo thankful! That is one big blessing! Even if there was no change in the pay, allowing him to be a permanent employee gave us a big sigh of relief. At least now, his work is more secure and he gets to enjoy the company benefits. I am sure the Lord has good plans for him in the future. In due time, he will get to use all the talents and skills the Lord has given him maybe with the same company or maybe in a different company. Let's wait and see.
Next, Tuesday night I got an unexpected call from a new school asking if I still do casual work. Of course I was delighted to get the call. We were praying for it, remember? To make the story short, I got a casual work yesterday and just before I went home from work, they booked me for three more days! I am also excited for the next term because as one teacher told me yesterday, it is really quietish during the first term for casuals, but come second term, I better get ready! In addition to this, I met and was able to talk to anFilipina teacher in that school, a permanent teacher for 12 years already, who gave me tips on the tricks of the trade. She was so accomodating that I was just storming the heavens with thank yous after our chat during lunch time. I know I can learn more with her in our next meetings. I loved it too when we talked in our native tongue! Oh how I missed talking with workmates in Tagalog! She is more than willing to show me samples of her work and teach me how assessment of students here are done. She also gave me hope when she said that once that school has tapped you as a casual, they will be calling you already more often. Oh just what I really needed! God's work? Definitely.
Yesterday, after work, I went to my Orientation for my Religious Ed and just before the day ended one of my groupmates offered to show her work for her accreditation with the Institute of Teachers next time we meet. I don't even know how that topic started but I was sure glad to have a reference with me already so I know what I'll be working on for my accreditation. Hopefully, it will make things easy for me.
Oh I forgot to mention, that this morning, there was another casual call. It was just unfortunate that I was torn again between being a mum and a homemaker today over being a teacher. Well, by now you know which won. Yes, being a mum and a homemaker won. Yes, I might have lost another 300 bucks for today, but I know that time spent with family is never wasted.
When these things happened one after another, I remembered the book I was just re-reading a few weeks ago -- the Prayer of Jabez. I think that it is indeed true. But to sum it all, I know that these events and these people are all part of God's plan for me and my family. And I am just glad and happy that they are.
A day after it was confirmed that I am expecting again and heavy with my second child, my hubby got his permanency papers with Goodman Fielder. Of course we are sooo thankful! That is one big blessing! Even if there was no change in the pay, allowing him to be a permanent employee gave us a big sigh of relief. At least now, his work is more secure and he gets to enjoy the company benefits. I am sure the Lord has good plans for him in the future. In due time, he will get to use all the talents and skills the Lord has given him maybe with the same company or maybe in a different company. Let's wait and see.
Next, Tuesday night I got an unexpected call from a new school asking if I still do casual work. Of course I was delighted to get the call. We were praying for it, remember? To make the story short, I got a casual work yesterday and just before I went home from work, they booked me for three more days! I am also excited for the next term because as one teacher told me yesterday, it is really quietish during the first term for casuals, but come second term, I better get ready! In addition to this, I met and was able to talk to anFilipina teacher in that school, a permanent teacher for 12 years already, who gave me tips on the tricks of the trade. She was so accomodating that I was just storming the heavens with thank yous after our chat during lunch time. I know I can learn more with her in our next meetings. I loved it too when we talked in our native tongue! Oh how I missed talking with workmates in Tagalog! She is more than willing to show me samples of her work and teach me how assessment of students here are done. She also gave me hope when she said that once that school has tapped you as a casual, they will be calling you already more often. Oh just what I really needed! God's work? Definitely.
Yesterday, after work, I went to my Orientation for my Religious Ed and just before the day ended one of my groupmates offered to show her work for her accreditation with the Institute of Teachers next time we meet. I don't even know how that topic started but I was sure glad to have a reference with me already so I know what I'll be working on for my accreditation. Hopefully, it will make things easy for me.
Oh I forgot to mention, that this morning, there was another casual call. It was just unfortunate that I was torn again between being a mum and a homemaker today over being a teacher. Well, by now you know which won. Yes, being a mum and a homemaker won. Yes, I might have lost another 300 bucks for today, but I know that time spent with family is never wasted.
When these things happened one after another, I remembered the book I was just re-reading a few weeks ago -- the Prayer of Jabez. I think that it is indeed true. But to sum it all, I know that these events and these people are all part of God's plan for me and my family. And I am just glad and happy that they are.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Fears of A Second-Time Mum
It's confirmed. I am expecting. I am a second-time mum.
Funny, but just a few weeks ago I was exchanging emails with a friend who just gave birth to her second child. If I remember it correctly, I mentioned that this whole thing of caring for a newborn and for your first born is a whole new challenge. As a mum, we are faced again with a set of challenges, some of which maybe similar during the first time we got pregnant, but some will surely be new.
As a second-time mum I can't help but get worriesd every now and then about certain things. What certain things? Well, for one, I hope that this pregnancy will be a lot easier for me as compared when I had Liam. I had a very difficult first trimester when I was heavy with Liam. My friends and workmates in Ateneo can attest to that. I had to do bed rest for two weeks, I had all-day sickness, I needed to have a spitting cup. I was soooo ugly. I felt bad. Try as I hard, I felt I didn't enjoy the first 3 months back then. So now, I am hoping that this one is an easier one. A bonus for me. So far, I haven't felt anything unusual like when I had Liam. I hope it will be like this until I give birth sometime late November.
Next, I am worried how I will prepare Liam for the coming of his new baby brother or sister. Young that he is now, I can already sense that he is the jealous type. Everytime he sees me or his Papa playing with his younger cousin Francesca or when he sees babies approaching me or his Papa when we are in church, he quickly asks us to carry him and cuddle him. Oh, I think this is one tough job I really have to prepare for. So for my friends who are done with this stage, do you have any tips for me?
Third, I am quite worried how I will be able to manage caring for two kids and take care of our home, and possibly work as well, all at the same time? Does this mean saying goodby to my OC-ness forever? I don't know. Let's see when I get there.
What else am I worried about? Well, sibling rivalry, raising my children well, how will my next nine months be, what will be my diet again? What foods should I avoid? What if I miss something? Oh the list will go on and on!
I am worried or scared at times but right now, I don't allow my fears and worries to control me. I know that God will guide me and help me every step of the way. I am sure He will send His "angels" through family and friends.
So now, I just allow myself to embrace the fact and feel the joy of having this chance again to carry one of His creations. To be responsible for one of His creations. I am thankful and I am honored. And I continue to praise and thank Him for that.
Funny, but just a few weeks ago I was exchanging emails with a friend who just gave birth to her second child. If I remember it correctly, I mentioned that this whole thing of caring for a newborn and for your first born is a whole new challenge. As a mum, we are faced again with a set of challenges, some of which maybe similar during the first time we got pregnant, but some will surely be new.
As a second-time mum I can't help but get worriesd every now and then about certain things. What certain things? Well, for one, I hope that this pregnancy will be a lot easier for me as compared when I had Liam. I had a very difficult first trimester when I was heavy with Liam. My friends and workmates in Ateneo can attest to that. I had to do bed rest for two weeks, I had all-day sickness, I needed to have a spitting cup. I was soooo ugly. I felt bad. Try as I hard, I felt I didn't enjoy the first 3 months back then. So now, I am hoping that this one is an easier one. A bonus for me. So far, I haven't felt anything unusual like when I had Liam. I hope it will be like this until I give birth sometime late November.
Next, I am worried how I will prepare Liam for the coming of his new baby brother or sister. Young that he is now, I can already sense that he is the jealous type. Everytime he sees me or his Papa playing with his younger cousin Francesca or when he sees babies approaching me or his Papa when we are in church, he quickly asks us to carry him and cuddle him. Oh, I think this is one tough job I really have to prepare for. So for my friends who are done with this stage, do you have any tips for me?
Third, I am quite worried how I will be able to manage caring for two kids and take care of our home, and possibly work as well, all at the same time? Does this mean saying goodby to my OC-ness forever? I don't know. Let's see when I get there.
What else am I worried about? Well, sibling rivalry, raising my children well, how will my next nine months be, what will be my diet again? What foods should I avoid? What if I miss something? Oh the list will go on and on!
I am worried or scared at times but right now, I don't allow my fears and worries to control me. I know that God will guide me and help me every step of the way. I am sure He will send His "angels" through family and friends.
So now, I just allow myself to embrace the fact and feel the joy of having this chance again to carry one of His creations. To be responsible for one of His creations. I am thankful and I am honored. And I continue to praise and thank Him for that.
sibling rivalry
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Waiting Again
I am waiting again. My husband is waiting again. My little boy is waiting as well. What are we waiting for? Well, we are waiting if I am expecting again.
I was supposed to have my period a couple of days ago and since my husabnd I were trying to have another child already, I felt happy when it didn't come. I went and bought a test kit from the chemist. I was hesistant at first to do the test since I have only been delayed for a day. But I was too excited to postpone it. So I had the test. The result was positive! Of course I was happy! We were praying for this one. But in my mind I had second thoughts again. I felt it has been too long since I last saw a positive result on a pregnancy test kit. SO I decided to try again the following day.
The next day? The results were the same. It was still positive. Since it will be my first time to be pregnant here in Australia, I followed the advice of my sister. I went to the doctor to have my check-up, and to confirm at that and hopefully schedule my doctor appointments as well for the next nine months. But the funny thing is, when the GP tested me, the results were negative. Uh-oh.
So what happened? Well, I drank too much water before I had my GP test so I think that affected the results. Since I told the GP that I had 2 positive test results, she recommended that I have a blood test to really confirm if I am pregnant or not.The results will be available tomorrow but I can't go back and have my check-up until Wednesday.
So here I am, still delayed but still in doubt if I will be a mum again. I am excited. I am scared. I am worried. I am thankful. I am hoping. Well, I guess all I can do now is just wait and pray until it's confirmed that I am.
I was supposed to have my period a couple of days ago and since my husabnd I were trying to have another child already, I felt happy when it didn't come. I went and bought a test kit from the chemist. I was hesistant at first to do the test since I have only been delayed for a day. But I was too excited to postpone it. So I had the test. The result was positive! Of course I was happy! We were praying for this one. But in my mind I had second thoughts again. I felt it has been too long since I last saw a positive result on a pregnancy test kit. SO I decided to try again the following day.
The next day? The results were the same. It was still positive. Since it will be my first time to be pregnant here in Australia, I followed the advice of my sister. I went to the doctor to have my check-up, and to confirm at that and hopefully schedule my doctor appointments as well for the next nine months. But the funny thing is, when the GP tested me, the results were negative. Uh-oh.
So what happened? Well, I drank too much water before I had my GP test so I think that affected the results. Since I told the GP that I had 2 positive test results, she recommended that I have a blood test to really confirm if I am pregnant or not.The results will be available tomorrow but I can't go back and have my check-up until Wednesday.
So here I am, still delayed but still in doubt if I will be a mum again. I am excited. I am scared. I am worried. I am thankful. I am hoping. Well, I guess all I can do now is just wait and pray until it's confirmed that I am.
pregnancy test kit
Friday, March 19, 2010
Finally, my patience and hardwork has finally paid off! The ball has started to roll, but it has just rolled over a few mm.Why you ask? Becuase I have had one writing task to date, but that doesn't bother me. I just take delight knowing that someone was an angel to me and trusted me to write something the way he (or is it they) wanted to.
I am thankful as well that my mentor, though I keep asking her a gazillion questions about my newest endeavor, hasn't given up on me. Sometimes, I think I already need a Dummies guide as I try to learn new things and explore the blogging world. I didn't know that there is so much than to write and click and send an article. The world of blogging can be very technical and time-consuming at that. Sometimes I find myself spending more time now researching or studying new definitions. I need to because I am taking this one seriously.
I have tried a couple of companies but I think they think my blog is too simple. I think my blog not having a high PR is the reason. But I assure you I would definitely work on that. As soon as I figure out the basics, I would definitely work and improve my blog's PR.
Short and sweet. I told you I would be updating you with my development. Don't worry, more updates to come if the ball has continued to roll.
I am thankful as well that my mentor, though I keep asking her a gazillion questions about my newest endeavor, hasn't given up on me. Sometimes, I think I already need a Dummies guide as I try to learn new things and explore the blogging world. I didn't know that there is so much than to write and click and send an article. The world of blogging can be very technical and time-consuming at that. Sometimes I find myself spending more time now researching or studying new definitions. I need to because I am taking this one seriously.
I have tried a couple of companies but I think they think my blog is too simple. I think my blog not having a high PR is the reason. But I assure you I would definitely work on that. As soon as I figure out the basics, I would definitely work and improve my blog's PR.
Short and sweet. I told you I would be updating you with my development. Don't worry, more updates to come if the ball has continued to roll.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Fun Things Women Like
Mother’s day is still two months away and I am pretty sure thinking of a gift for your mother or friends is still too far from your mind. But you won’t lose anything when you start thinking about it this early. As they say, people get to appreciate the gifts more when they know that the giver really took time to think about the gift they gave.
I have three simple gift suggestions that you might want to consider. First, why not give your mum-friends personalized ink stamps? Yes, it maybe a small gift but it is a unique gift and a very useful one at that! These personalized ink stamps can be used by your friends on their gift tags or even cards. It is very handy and very easy to use as well. No spills. No mess.
Next, do you have friends who love to go to spas to unwind and relax? Why not give them a bath wrap? I came across one on line that offers one. This bath wrap is not your ordinary bath wrap. It is designed uniquely which will not only give joy to the receiver but comfort as well. Even if they do not go to spas, they can still have it for their use at home. You have just given them a wonderful idea of bathing in style!
Lastly, for those who love collecting things, why not give them a personalized platter? You might want to check out for some personalized platter which does not offer you the usual boring old designs. There are a couple of companies there which offer you new and trendy designs of your choice for this gift. You might even get surprised how beautiful they look like and decide to get one for yourself!
These are just three simple gift ideas – personalized ink stamps, bath wrap, and personalized platter, but I am pretty sure whoever receives them will be so happy to get them. I wish someone would think of giving me at least one of those because I would definitely love to get one!
I have three simple gift suggestions that you might want to consider. First, why not give your mum-friends personalized ink stamps? Yes, it maybe a small gift but it is a unique gift and a very useful one at that! These personalized ink stamps can be used by your friends on their gift tags or even cards. It is very handy and very easy to use as well. No spills. No mess.
Next, do you have friends who love to go to spas to unwind and relax? Why not give them a bath wrap? I came across one on line that offers one. This bath wrap is not your ordinary bath wrap. It is designed uniquely which will not only give joy to the receiver but comfort as well. Even if they do not go to spas, they can still have it for their use at home. You have just given them a wonderful idea of bathing in style!
Lastly, for those who love collecting things, why not give them a personalized platter? You might want to check out for some personalized platter which does not offer you the usual boring old designs. There are a couple of companies there which offer you new and trendy designs of your choice for this gift. You might even get surprised how beautiful they look like and decide to get one for yourself!
These are just three simple gift ideas – personalized ink stamps, bath wrap, and personalized platter, but I am pretty sure whoever receives them will be so happy to get them. I wish someone would think of giving me at least one of those because I would definitely love to get one!
Break Time!
While my son was in child care today I decided to busy myself with some baking. I decided to bake some baby cupcakes. It is not my first time to bake so I did not spend too much time preparing it. Still, I enjoyed doing it.

This is my me-time today. Yes, I do miss the noise that my little boy makes whenever he is around. But I also savor this time to be by myself. Aside from baking, I usually spend my me-time cleaning the house. It is fortunate that I was able to finish most of the major chores yesterday -- which included mowing the lawn, doing the laundry and ironing our clothes, so I got to enjoy a longer me-time today.
So what else do I do? I also read a book. Right now, I am re-reading the book entitled "Prayer of Jabez" and it keeps me inspired. Of course, part of the list is using the Internet. I think I am very much guilty of spending too much time on the net. But I just can't help it! I am pretty sure many of you can relate with me.Next, I sleep or I take a nap. I recharge myself because I know in two hours, my little one is back and he'll make sure that we'll catch up with our quality time. Lastly, I pray. I must admit that the past few weeks whenever I pray, I always do the talking. Not realizing that the time I spend alone in the house is the best time for Him to talk to me and tell me His messages. The house is so peaceful and quiet when I am alone, and I guess that is the best opportunity for Him to talk and for me to listen. But most often than not, what happens is the other way around -- I talk and He listens. Well, in the coming weeks, maybe I can do it better.
Me-time is a good thing.It is actually a healthy thing. Mums and Dads alike should make sure they spend some me-time every now and then. I love me-time. It keeps me sane. It keeps me focused. It gives me a much-needed break.
This is my me-time today. Yes, I do miss the noise that my little boy makes whenever he is around. But I also savor this time to be by myself. Aside from baking, I usually spend my me-time cleaning the house. It is fortunate that I was able to finish most of the major chores yesterday -- which included mowing the lawn, doing the laundry and ironing our clothes, so I got to enjoy a longer me-time today.
So what else do I do? I also read a book. Right now, I am re-reading the book entitled "Prayer of Jabez" and it keeps me inspired. Of course, part of the list is using the Internet. I think I am very much guilty of spending too much time on the net. But I just can't help it! I am pretty sure many of you can relate with me.Next, I sleep or I take a nap. I recharge myself because I know in two hours, my little one is back and he'll make sure that we'll catch up with our quality time. Lastly, I pray. I must admit that the past few weeks whenever I pray, I always do the talking. Not realizing that the time I spend alone in the house is the best time for Him to talk to me and tell me His messages. The house is so peaceful and quiet when I am alone, and I guess that is the best opportunity for Him to talk and for me to listen. But most often than not, what happens is the other way around -- I talk and He listens. Well, in the coming weeks, maybe I can do it better.
Me-time is a good thing.It is actually a healthy thing. Mums and Dads alike should make sure they spend some me-time every now and then. I love me-time. It keeps me sane. It keeps me focused. It gives me a much-needed break.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The OC Lets Go (Some More)
My friends know that I am an OC. They usually make fun of my OC-ness. Workmates usually give a cry of relief when we are done with a project. Family and friends as well. So imagine the level of my OC-ness. If they found my OC-ness a serious matter and some sort of a torture, imagine the torture my husband and my son get everyday considering we live on the same roof, we go home to the same house, day in and day out, without any helpers like what we had in Manila.
Well, when I became I mum, I started to let go a bit of my OC-ness. I thought that life is too short and I would end up miserable trying to do everything as planned. As one article puts it, you have to choose your battles. After letting go of some things, I thought it would end there. But I soon see myself letting go of some more things and try to see beauty of that choice.
I have been trying to teach my son how to be responsible by letting him pack away his toys after play. I would like to think that I am successful at this point but there are also some days where he seems to forget to pack away. On those days, I end up nagging my two-year old telling him to pack away his toys or else...but two days ago it just occured to me that there is beauty on all of those toys scattered on the floor of his room.
The beauty I saw was maybe inspired by the Spirit because I believe, I cannot realize that one, on my own. I realized that I should be thankful because I had something to clean. That something that I had to clean is actually a concrete sign that I have been blessed with a son. A happy, bubbly, bright and healthy little boy. It occured to me that those scattered toys has been there because my son was actually playing with them. I would rather have a room full of scattered toys, than a clean room without him.
Yes, it may be so simple for you but I took delight when I realized it. And so now, I let go some more. Passing by the room of my son at night and seeing the toys he forgot to pack away does not make me fret anymore. It actually puts a smile on my face because, I know, when I see the toys, I got to spend and will get to spend more precious time with me little one again.
Well, when I became I mum, I started to let go a bit of my OC-ness. I thought that life is too short and I would end up miserable trying to do everything as planned. As one article puts it, you have to choose your battles. After letting go of some things, I thought it would end there. But I soon see myself letting go of some more things and try to see beauty of that choice.
I have been trying to teach my son how to be responsible by letting him pack away his toys after play. I would like to think that I am successful at this point but there are also some days where he seems to forget to pack away. On those days, I end up nagging my two-year old telling him to pack away his toys or else...but two days ago it just occured to me that there is beauty on all of those toys scattered on the floor of his room.
The beauty I saw was maybe inspired by the Spirit because I believe, I cannot realize that one, on my own. I realized that I should be thankful because I had something to clean. That something that I had to clean is actually a concrete sign that I have been blessed with a son. A happy, bubbly, bright and healthy little boy. It occured to me that those scattered toys has been there because my son was actually playing with them. I would rather have a room full of scattered toys, than a clean room without him.
Yes, it may be so simple for you but I took delight when I realized it. And so now, I let go some more. Passing by the room of my son at night and seeing the toys he forgot to pack away does not make me fret anymore. It actually puts a smile on my face because, I know, when I see the toys, I got to spend and will get to spend more precious time with me little one again.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Status Updates
A social networking site has introduced me with and a other gazillion people on "status updates." As I have read it before, it some sort of is a summary or a shorter version of a blog. Well, sometimes, one status update is not enough to summaize everything that has happened to me for that day. So I end up writing just something that serves as the highlight for the day. But sometimes, I admit, there are a lot of status updates I would have loved to post.
Just for today, I would be sharing some of my random thoughts. Things that I could have posted but opted not to ;)
1) I Love Saturday nights! Just relaxing with my hubby and son, watching a movie and thinking about nothing...
2) Succesful in creating a variety of my old dish! Bokchoy and Tofu in Hoi Sin Sauce! Yummy!
3) My baby is now a big boy!
4) It's definietly getting colder! It's only now that I feel the Christmas breeze!
5) No more worries! Just keeping the faith!
6) I hope to see my parents soon here in Sydney!
7) I hope my new venture will be successful! I hope to receive the good news soon!
8) Just loves sleeping and waking up with my son tightly embracing me!
9) Looking forward to our barbie with my family tom! gang of 6 complete again!
10) Pretty sure MP will nail his fight tom! Go Manny!
There, just 10 random thoughts of things that had happened today!
I just didn't post them because I might be labeled as an addict if I keep on updating my status every after two hours! Not to mention, writing my updates correctly.
As of now, I have cleared my status update, maybe tomorrow, I'll be writing a new one. I know I will. I'm an addict. Yup, finally admitted it!
Just for today, I would be sharing some of my random thoughts. Things that I could have posted but opted not to ;)
1) I Love Saturday nights! Just relaxing with my hubby and son, watching a movie and thinking about nothing...
2) Succesful in creating a variety of my old dish! Bokchoy and Tofu in Hoi Sin Sauce! Yummy!
3) My baby is now a big boy!
4) It's definietly getting colder! It's only now that I feel the Christmas breeze!
5) No more worries! Just keeping the faith!
6) I hope to see my parents soon here in Sydney!
7) I hope my new venture will be successful! I hope to receive the good news soon!
8) Just loves sleeping and waking up with my son tightly embracing me!
9) Looking forward to our barbie with my family tom! gang of 6 complete again!
10) Pretty sure MP will nail his fight tom! Go Manny!
There, just 10 random thoughts of things that had happened today!
I just didn't post them because I might be labeled as an addict if I keep on updating my status every after two hours! Not to mention, writing my updates correctly.
As of now, I have cleared my status update, maybe tomorrow, I'll be writing a new one. I know I will. I'm an addict. Yup, finally admitted it!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Ready, Steady, GO!
Yes, I have officially begun my career in blogging. God has been so good He allowed me to have friends who were very generous enough to share their knowledge on this field.
I had a lot of questions and it resulted in my apprehension in pursuing this one. But after a series of e-mails, chats and googles, I think I am more prepared.As what I have told my friend, I didn't want to go into something I am not really ready for. Oh, I'm still not 100% confident but at least most of my questions were answered already. I have just placed my first two bids in a webiste that offered general opportunities for bloggers. I don't know if I will get an approval but if ever it will be accepted than the ball has indeed started to roll!
I actually told my friend that I will be updating her on my progress. As of the moment, I cannot maintain 2 or more blogs. If I do, I might end up neglecting my duties as a wife and as a mum. So, I decided to stick it out with my blogspot first. I am in no hurry. I will start slow. That way, I can assure my future clients that they can expect quality work from me.
I would like to thank my friend Mitch, whom I already treat as my mentor, when I finally decided to give this one a try. Hopefully, like my past mentors at work, I can make her proud someday.
I am still keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully, the ball will start rolling, soon.
I had a lot of questions and it resulted in my apprehension in pursuing this one. But after a series of e-mails, chats and googles, I think I am more prepared.As what I have told my friend, I didn't want to go into something I am not really ready for. Oh, I'm still not 100% confident but at least most of my questions were answered already. I have just placed my first two bids in a webiste that offered general opportunities for bloggers. I don't know if I will get an approval but if ever it will be accepted than the ball has indeed started to roll!
I actually told my friend that I will be updating her on my progress. As of the moment, I cannot maintain 2 or more blogs. If I do, I might end up neglecting my duties as a wife and as a mum. So, I decided to stick it out with my blogspot first. I am in no hurry. I will start slow. That way, I can assure my future clients that they can expect quality work from me.
I would like to thank my friend Mitch, whom I already treat as my mentor, when I finally decided to give this one a try. Hopefully, like my past mentors at work, I can make her proud someday.
I am still keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully, the ball will start rolling, soon.
paid blogging
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I Feel Good! Tanananananan
I feel good! Yes, I do! I wanted to work on my last requirement for this term in my REd class and before I started hitting the keyboard, I got a new e-mail.
The results of my 2nd assessment, for my REd class, was emailed already with my assessors comments. I got a bit cold. I got a bit scared. I can hear my heartbeat as I pressed the Page Down button of the computer. And there it was, something that made my day!
I am in a foreign land to them, we will be forever, the foreigners. So it's been quite challenging for my part to prove what Asians, and Filipinos, for that matter, can do and achieve. I won't be a hypocrite and tell you that my groupmates welcomed me with open arms during our first meeting. There were some who were polite. But there some who showed some, hmm, how do I put it? Well raised-eyebrows and a little "I'm not interested-in-you attitude." To be specific, in one of our meetings, and after the results of the first assessment came back, some people received some negative feedback from our assessors-- she was one of them. She was asking as to what the assessors want, well, I wanted to share some ideas because I didn't receive any negative feedback, but what I got was something that I really didn't like. She kept on interrupting me when I try to say something, you know, just to cut the conversation short. Oh, I've met a lot of people like that in Manila. But this time it feels different, because, I can see that we are still different. Color, culture, beliefs, and practices and she makes sure that I can feel and see that. I just hope that in the next meetings, she would lighten up.
I feel good because just in case she still acts like that the next time we meet, I don't have any insecurities anymore. The commendation I got from my assessor is more than enough to prove that seeing us less capable of them, is a very big mistake! The next time we meet and she still acts the same, oh, she'll get what she's asking for! ;)
I feel good because in a foreign land, where people see us less than them, I was able to prove them wrong. We can achieve and we can even be better than them.
The results of my 2nd assessment, for my REd class, was emailed already with my assessors comments. I got a bit cold. I got a bit scared. I can hear my heartbeat as I pressed the Page Down button of the computer. And there it was, something that made my day!
I am in a foreign land to them, we will be forever, the foreigners. So it's been quite challenging for my part to prove what Asians, and Filipinos, for that matter, can do and achieve. I won't be a hypocrite and tell you that my groupmates welcomed me with open arms during our first meeting. There were some who were polite. But there some who showed some, hmm, how do I put it? Well raised-eyebrows and a little "I'm not interested-in-you attitude." To be specific, in one of our meetings, and after the results of the first assessment came back, some people received some negative feedback from our assessors-- she was one of them. She was asking as to what the assessors want, well, I wanted to share some ideas because I didn't receive any negative feedback, but what I got was something that I really didn't like. She kept on interrupting me when I try to say something, you know, just to cut the conversation short. Oh, I've met a lot of people like that in Manila. But this time it feels different, because, I can see that we are still different. Color, culture, beliefs, and practices and she makes sure that I can feel and see that. I just hope that in the next meetings, she would lighten up.
I feel good because just in case she still acts like that the next time we meet, I don't have any insecurities anymore. The commendation I got from my assessor is more than enough to prove that seeing us less capable of them, is a very big mistake! The next time we meet and she still acts the same, oh, she'll get what she's asking for! ;)
I feel good because in a foreign land, where people see us less than them, I was able to prove them wrong. We can achieve and we can even be better than them.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Closing a Door and Opening Windows
Exactly one year ago today, we left Manila to migrate to The Land Down Under - Sydney, Australia. I have written another blog a couple of days ago regarding my reflections on this part of our journey. Well, now on a lazy Sunday afternoon, I remembered the things that transpired on that day.
Everything was set. Our 2 big bags for check-in were labeled. Our 2 hand-carry suitcases were ready as well. My personal bag cum Liam's baby bag was ready, with all the important documents. Laptop bag? Check!
We ate lunch earlier than the usual. I felt everyone was trying to control their emotions, including us. Well, we cried the night before. It didn't help that we wrote Thank You cards to our parents the night before. We felt, at that time, that we made the wrong decision of leaving Manila, and leaving our parents behind. I think we felt that way because we watched The Case of Benjamin Button a few days ago. Well, we realized that we didn't want the time to come when we'll see how our parents have aged the next time we see them face to face. Well, thank you for technology. Every week, we get to chat with them and see them face to face. Even Liam knows them. And hopefully, by this year they get to visit us. So it's one worry that is way beyond us.
My family came. After double-checking everything. The whole family prayed-over us. And there it was, we were already on our way to the airport!
When we reached the airport, I thought that they were just going to drop us off. But there was a mix-up. After going down from my Papa's car, we kissed everyone goodbye and then we went inside to check-in. It was difficult to go inside considering the numerous security checks that we had to go through inside the airport. Well, as I've said, I was able to kiss goodbye to almost everyone except for my Papa and my sister-in-law. As soon as we got our bags, my Papa drove the car right away because as he explained it, it was 2-minute parking, for purposes of dropping-off the passengers. My sister-in-law on the other hand just came from her duty from the hospital (she is a doctor by profession).
When my Papa was informed that we already got inside the airport, he immediately texted me and told me to come out again with Liam because he still wanted to play with his apo. My sister-in-law also did the same. But since we were advised to check-in ealier to get better seats on the plane, my hubby and I just decided that it'll just be me and Liam who will go out again to see my Papa and my sister-in-law. There were a few tears that were shed. Everything happened so quickly.
Well, if we only knew that we would not get the seats we requested from Qantas, a few days ago, we could have spent more time with our family. Apparently, there were so many families, travelling with infants as well, that night.
Because of the rush and all the mental notes that I had in mind, it skipped my mind to give our Thank You cards to out parents. By the time I remembered it we were done with the last security check inside the airport. Oh well. We felt sad of course. So in the end, we texted them about the card and mailed it back when we got to Sydney.
As for our flight? Well, it's the longest flight I've ever had. Aside from the fact that we didn't get the best seats (the space we had was TOO cramped. It also didn't help that Liam was teething! So everytime he feeds, I end up being bitten! I was so dizzy doing most of the things -- trying to relax Liam when he felt uncomfortable (he didn't have a seat of his own yet, so all the time he was on my lap), assisting my hubby when he was too dizzy to do anything on the plane.I wasn't able to enjoy my food. I didn't enjoy that flight - physically and emotionally.
I felt so relieved when I heard the Captain announcing that we'll be landing in ten minutes. Even if we still had to deal with the very famous and very strict Australian Customs and Immigration, I felt good that finally that trip was over.
I am of course sad. We felt homesick as soon as we landed on Australian soil. But we have to move on. We had to move on, fo our son. Looking back, we made the right choice. We did close a door but we surely opened windows when we got here. It wasn't really a bed of roses when we arrived but hey, in a year's time, so much has happened! More good things than bad.
I now look forward to our next trip, this time our trip when we have to go and visit Manila. I can't wait to show Liam what is on the other side of the door we have closed, exactly one year ago.
Everything was set. Our 2 big bags for check-in were labeled. Our 2 hand-carry suitcases were ready as well. My personal bag cum Liam's baby bag was ready, with all the important documents. Laptop bag? Check!
We ate lunch earlier than the usual. I felt everyone was trying to control their emotions, including us. Well, we cried the night before. It didn't help that we wrote Thank You cards to our parents the night before. We felt, at that time, that we made the wrong decision of leaving Manila, and leaving our parents behind. I think we felt that way because we watched The Case of Benjamin Button a few days ago. Well, we realized that we didn't want the time to come when we'll see how our parents have aged the next time we see them face to face. Well, thank you for technology. Every week, we get to chat with them and see them face to face. Even Liam knows them. And hopefully, by this year they get to visit us. So it's one worry that is way beyond us.
My family came. After double-checking everything. The whole family prayed-over us. And there it was, we were already on our way to the airport!
When we reached the airport, I thought that they were just going to drop us off. But there was a mix-up. After going down from my Papa's car, we kissed everyone goodbye and then we went inside to check-in. It was difficult to go inside considering the numerous security checks that we had to go through inside the airport. Well, as I've said, I was able to kiss goodbye to almost everyone except for my Papa and my sister-in-law. As soon as we got our bags, my Papa drove the car right away because as he explained it, it was 2-minute parking, for purposes of dropping-off the passengers. My sister-in-law on the other hand just came from her duty from the hospital (she is a doctor by profession).
When my Papa was informed that we already got inside the airport, he immediately texted me and told me to come out again with Liam because he still wanted to play with his apo. My sister-in-law also did the same. But since we were advised to check-in ealier to get better seats on the plane, my hubby and I just decided that it'll just be me and Liam who will go out again to see my Papa and my sister-in-law. There were a few tears that were shed. Everything happened so quickly.
Well, if we only knew that we would not get the seats we requested from Qantas, a few days ago, we could have spent more time with our family. Apparently, there were so many families, travelling with infants as well, that night.
Because of the rush and all the mental notes that I had in mind, it skipped my mind to give our Thank You cards to out parents. By the time I remembered it we were done with the last security check inside the airport. Oh well. We felt sad of course. So in the end, we texted them about the card and mailed it back when we got to Sydney.
As for our flight? Well, it's the longest flight I've ever had. Aside from the fact that we didn't get the best seats (the space we had was TOO cramped. It also didn't help that Liam was teething! So everytime he feeds, I end up being bitten! I was so dizzy doing most of the things -- trying to relax Liam when he felt uncomfortable (he didn't have a seat of his own yet, so all the time he was on my lap), assisting my hubby when he was too dizzy to do anything on the plane.I wasn't able to enjoy my food. I didn't enjoy that flight - physically and emotionally.
I felt so relieved when I heard the Captain announcing that we'll be landing in ten minutes. Even if we still had to deal with the very famous and very strict Australian Customs and Immigration, I felt good that finally that trip was over.
I am of course sad. We felt homesick as soon as we landed on Australian soil. But we have to move on. We had to move on, fo our son. Looking back, we made the right choice. We did close a door but we surely opened windows when we got here. It wasn't really a bed of roses when we arrived but hey, in a year's time, so much has happened! More good things than bad.
I now look forward to our next trip, this time our trip when we have to go and visit Manila. I can't wait to show Liam what is on the other side of the door we have closed, exactly one year ago.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
My Newest Reading Adventure
Just like writing, I have a love affair with reading. For me, spending an hour or so inside a bookstore is one relaxing activity. Browsing through the piles and hundreds of books in front of me and end up choosing the right book is one big adventure for me!
I am particularly happy that bookstores have always tried to attract buyers by offering sales or discounts. Here in Sydney, I was so happy when I got to purchase a book, a DVD and a instructional set for my son, for only $5 each!
The last book that I finished reading was "Have A Little Faith" by Mitch Albom. I am a fan of Mitch Albom, I think I am close to completing collecting all of his books. I was glad that he went back to writing non-fiction this time after having a couple of books after the hit Tuesdays with Morrie.I deliberately did not finish the book in one sitting. I knew that while I was reading chapter by chapter, I would come across a lot of things that I could reflect upon. And true enough it almost took me four months to finish reading it. But I am happy. Because he didn't disappoint me.
There were a lot of things that you can ponder on the life of the two main characters. I even found myself crying when it came to the part where he had to deliver his eulogy already. Don't worry, I won't spoil it for you. But I would recommend the book to anyone.
Maybe in my next blog, I can share with you some of the points that made an impact on me. As for now, I have started with another reading adventure, this time, it deals with happiness.
As soon as I'm done with it, you will definitely hear from me.
I am particularly happy that bookstores have always tried to attract buyers by offering sales or discounts. Here in Sydney, I was so happy when I got to purchase a book, a DVD and a instructional set for my son, for only $5 each!
The last book that I finished reading was "Have A Little Faith" by Mitch Albom. I am a fan of Mitch Albom, I think I am close to completing collecting all of his books. I was glad that he went back to writing non-fiction this time after having a couple of books after the hit Tuesdays with Morrie.I deliberately did not finish the book in one sitting. I knew that while I was reading chapter by chapter, I would come across a lot of things that I could reflect upon. And true enough it almost took me four months to finish reading it. But I am happy. Because he didn't disappoint me.
There were a lot of things that you can ponder on the life of the two main characters. I even found myself crying when it came to the part where he had to deliver his eulogy already. Don't worry, I won't spoil it for you. But I would recommend the book to anyone.
Maybe in my next blog, I can share with you some of the points that made an impact on me. As for now, I have started with another reading adventure, this time, it deals with happiness.
As soon as I'm done with it, you will definitely hear from me.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Music and My Toddler
Young that he is my son is already showing signs that he enjoys music.
I really can't describe the feeling but it sure makes me smile whenever I am reminded of a new "act". At present, he is so fascinated with the Wiggles! His fascination with this group just started last December. HE borrowed a DVD of his cousin and the rest as they say is history!
The Wiggles is not your ordinary children's show because first, the lead stars are 4 adult males! Yes, no mascots or imaginary creatures like Elmo, Pong Pagong, Kiko Matsing, Big BIrd, flying spaceships, etc. No purple dinosaurs as well. Though he is fond of Barney, I think he enjoys watching the Wiggles more nowadays.

What's with this group? Well, it is still a mystery for me. But for one, when one sits and watches their show, there so much singing and dancing involved. I was actually surprised that after a month Liam can already sing some of their songs. As expected, Liam has a favorite among the four main characters, and that is Jeff. The one who always sleeps!
Even if I promised myself not to spoil him in buying some more DVDs, I can't help but eat my words. I am eating my words because I can see the good effects in him. It somewhat develops his musicality.Though, we see it a point that we buy him a new DVD once every quarter.
I don't know up to when will he show fascination with the group. But I hope that by the time he is ready to move on, his love for music has grown deeper and his musicality fully developed -- in all aspects at that!
I forgot to mention that maybe, his classes at Kindermusik is also helping him enjoy music. I just hope, he didn't inherit my genes when it comes to music. =D
I really can't describe the feeling but it sure makes me smile whenever I am reminded of a new "act". At present, he is so fascinated with the Wiggles! His fascination with this group just started last December. HE borrowed a DVD of his cousin and the rest as they say is history!
The Wiggles is not your ordinary children's show because first, the lead stars are 4 adult males! Yes, no mascots or imaginary creatures like Elmo, Pong Pagong, Kiko Matsing, Big BIrd, flying spaceships, etc. No purple dinosaurs as well. Though he is fond of Barney, I think he enjoys watching the Wiggles more nowadays.
What's with this group? Well, it is still a mystery for me. But for one, when one sits and watches their show, there so much singing and dancing involved. I was actually surprised that after a month Liam can already sing some of their songs. As expected, Liam has a favorite among the four main characters, and that is Jeff. The one who always sleeps!
Even if I promised myself not to spoil him in buying some more DVDs, I can't help but eat my words. I am eating my words because I can see the good effects in him. It somewhat develops his musicality.Though, we see it a point that we buy him a new DVD once every quarter.
I don't know up to when will he show fascination with the group. But I hope that by the time he is ready to move on, his love for music has grown deeper and his musicality fully developed -- in all aspects at that!
I forgot to mention that maybe, his classes at Kindermusik is also helping him enjoy music. I just hope, he didn't inherit my genes when it comes to music. =D
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Angels Part 2
I just had my class this afternoon and after hearning some more insights I edited my work and here was the final output.
The Holy Spirit is indeed God working within us through different ways. As Donal Dorr puts it in writing “the Holy Spirit is the God who works secretly in the human heart and who inspires and touches the deepest parts of the human spirit (p.62).” Five channels were briefly discussed in the reading materials among which are the web of life and angels. I chose to reflect on how an angel has touched my life.
I am a big fan of angels, not only when I was a kid but even up to now that I am a grown-up. It also helped that back in Ateneo, we used to celebrate our annual school fair during the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels. It is an annual event that was looked forward to not only by students, but by parents and teachers as well. I am a fan because I believe that in my everyday journey, I get to experience being touched by an angel or angels for that matter, be it in small or big ways.
My son who constantly inspires me especially in difficult times will be my angel forever. My husband, who is afraid of doctors and hospitals, for some weird reason, convinced me to go to the hospital that night, 3 weeks after giving birth, was my saving angel. If not for his persistence, I may not be writing this presentation. I had hemorrhagic fever and I was already bleeding inside. My platelet was down to 50 when the normal range should be between 170 to 240. My students, who affirmed my decision to change my course back in college from Dentistry to Education, will be my angels forever. My brother who welcomed my family into their home, provided for our needs, free of any charge, for the first nine months of stay here in Australia, is another angel. People who continue to pray for us even if we don’t ask, are of course angels in our lives!
Who are the newest angels in my life? A new acquaintance telling me tips on how to be a better casual teacher; the teacher who gave me the bookstore where I can purchase books or materials that I can use when I do my casual work; the partner teacher who made sure that I was on the right track right after she learned that I was new in school and in Australia; a new acquaintance helping me get more casual teaching jobs; and the childcare who accepts casual childcare when I have a casual work are the newest angels in my life. Of course, there are a lot of angels in my life sometimes I don’t get to realize it until after my encounter with them.
When I was much younger I thought I needed to have an extraordinary experience for me to say that I have been touched by an angel. That I needed to see an image of a winged creature all dressed in white just like what we see in the movies or in the cartoons. But it all changed when I realized, through a poem by Cindy Turner in a card that was given to me by one of my best buddies in college that we can see angels in each person that I meet. Let me share it with you.
There have been angels in my life.
While they haven't arrived with a blast of trumpets
or a rustle of wings,
I've known them just the same.
They performed their acts in human guise,
sometimes borrowing the faces of family and friends,
sometimes posing as well-meaning strangers.
You have known them, too,
when just the right word was needed,
when a tiny act of kindness made a great difference...
Or perhaps you heard a voice
whispering in the night of sorrow,
the words not quite clear
but the meaning unmistakable..."There is hope... There is hope."
Donal Dorr points out that these “angelic presences represent a channel for inspiration from the Holy Spirit (p.67)” I cannot help but agree that when people around us, family or even strangers, makes an unexpected act of kindness, the Holy Spirit is at work. And yes, I agree that “we have to pay more attention to guardian angels and other spiritual powers (p.67)”
I am actually challenged at this point because many people have been used by God to serve as an angel to me. I don’t know if one way or another, I have been an angel to them as well --to my family or even strangers, to people who needed to hear the right word or needed the right inspiration. I don’t know but I can tell you that I am trying.
I hope that this one is a better version than the first one. I was actually inspired because I got the results of my first assessment and it yielded good results. Hope I'm on a lucky streak.
The Holy Spirit is indeed God working within us through different ways. As Donal Dorr puts it in writing “the Holy Spirit is the God who works secretly in the human heart and who inspires and touches the deepest parts of the human spirit (p.62).” Five channels were briefly discussed in the reading materials among which are the web of life and angels. I chose to reflect on how an angel has touched my life.
I am a big fan of angels, not only when I was a kid but even up to now that I am a grown-up. It also helped that back in Ateneo, we used to celebrate our annual school fair during the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels. It is an annual event that was looked forward to not only by students, but by parents and teachers as well. I am a fan because I believe that in my everyday journey, I get to experience being touched by an angel or angels for that matter, be it in small or big ways.
My son who constantly inspires me especially in difficult times will be my angel forever. My husband, who is afraid of doctors and hospitals, for some weird reason, convinced me to go to the hospital that night, 3 weeks after giving birth, was my saving angel. If not for his persistence, I may not be writing this presentation. I had hemorrhagic fever and I was already bleeding inside. My platelet was down to 50 when the normal range should be between 170 to 240. My students, who affirmed my decision to change my course back in college from Dentistry to Education, will be my angels forever. My brother who welcomed my family into their home, provided for our needs, free of any charge, for the first nine months of stay here in Australia, is another angel. People who continue to pray for us even if we don’t ask, are of course angels in our lives!
Who are the newest angels in my life? A new acquaintance telling me tips on how to be a better casual teacher; the teacher who gave me the bookstore where I can purchase books or materials that I can use when I do my casual work; the partner teacher who made sure that I was on the right track right after she learned that I was new in school and in Australia; a new acquaintance helping me get more casual teaching jobs; and the childcare who accepts casual childcare when I have a casual work are the newest angels in my life. Of course, there are a lot of angels in my life sometimes I don’t get to realize it until after my encounter with them.
When I was much younger I thought I needed to have an extraordinary experience for me to say that I have been touched by an angel. That I needed to see an image of a winged creature all dressed in white just like what we see in the movies or in the cartoons. But it all changed when I realized, through a poem by Cindy Turner in a card that was given to me by one of my best buddies in college that we can see angels in each person that I meet. Let me share it with you.
There have been angels in my life.
While they haven't arrived with a blast of trumpets
or a rustle of wings,
I've known them just the same.
They performed their acts in human guise,
sometimes borrowing the faces of family and friends,
sometimes posing as well-meaning strangers.
You have known them, too,
when just the right word was needed,
when a tiny act of kindness made a great difference...
Or perhaps you heard a voice
whispering in the night of sorrow,
the words not quite clear
but the meaning unmistakable..."There is hope... There is hope."
Donal Dorr points out that these “angelic presences represent a channel for inspiration from the Holy Spirit (p.67)” I cannot help but agree that when people around us, family or even strangers, makes an unexpected act of kindness, the Holy Spirit is at work. And yes, I agree that “we have to pay more attention to guardian angels and other spiritual powers (p.67)”
I am actually challenged at this point because many people have been used by God to serve as an angel to me. I don’t know if one way or another, I have been an angel to them as well --to my family or even strangers, to people who needed to hear the right word or needed the right inspiration. I don’t know but I can tell you that I am trying.
I hope that this one is a better version than the first one. I was actually inspired because I got the results of my first assessment and it yielded good results. Hope I'm on a lucky streak.
365 Days and Counting
I really can't believe that in a few day's time we will be celebrating our first anniversary as migrants here in Sydney, Australia! Time really flies when you're too busy doing a lot of things and when you're having fun!
Looking back at what had happened the past year, wow, it's been a roller coaster ride! We had a slow and rough start but I feel now things are slowly falling into place. I can't beleive that after 12 months, we were able to invest on some things we might not have the chance of getting if we stayed in Manila.
Our own car, LCD TV, washing machine, lounge set, microwave oven, bed linens, corelle and pyrex kitchenware, wow the list would go on and on.
But more than the material blessings, I am happy that the past 365 days, we got to spend it more with my family. I was able to spend more time taking care of my son. Though I had casual work every now and then, I can say that I was able to witness many, if not, all of his milestones. I am amzed now on how his vocabulary has improved in a span of 12 months! He keeps on surprising us everyday! His newest statements are "Of course, Mama!", "How is school Mama?", "How is office Papa?" These are just three of the many. It keeps us happy and inspired.
Next, we got closer and more bonded. Oh yes, there are trying days when I would just like to go back to my comfort zone in Manila, with all the maids and helpers around to do the house chores. But we managed. I managed. In those rough months, we stuck it with one another, pushed and inspired one another. Kept the faith for one another.
Third, we got more prayerful. Imagine calling out to the heavens and all the saints just as so you can start the ball rolling! Yes, we became in constant communication with Him. And I think, we would be forever.
Lastly, we became more hopeful. Yes, we still lack a lot of things. We still want a lot of things and plans for the family. The list would never end. But the thing is we are here, hoping and knowing that someday all will be well for us. Dreams becoming a reality. After all, migrating here was once a dream.
We are in a trying stage once again as we try to make ends meet. Our finances became a bit tougher when we got a place of our own and moved out from my brother's house. It was not also helpful that my casual call was not as many as the previous months. We worry, yes we do. But we're not losing hope. We're hanging on. What keeps me hoping? Well, we've just had our first 365 days here...we have a whole LOT of time ahead of us. Like the rest of those who migrated and started like us, someday, we will be okay. No more worries. Just looking ahead.
car. family car,
Say Aaaah

My two-year-old son had his first dental check-up two weeks ago and it was a success!
My hubby and I had our appoitnments set for that Monday afternoon and I thought that since the two of us are there already, why not make an appointment for my son as well? After all, having studied Dentistry in college (but I didn't get to finish it), I knew the importance of having a healthy set of teeth. I promised myself that when I get to have kids I would make sure that they grow up visiting the dentist regularly, not getting scared of them, and having a nice and healthy set of teeth.
I wore braces therefore, I am not afraid of the dentist. I was hoping Liam would imbibe the same spirit when we visit the dentist.
On the day of the check up, I had my turn first. It was unfortunate that I wasn't able to bring Liam with me inside for him to see that Mama was not afraid of the dentist. I was relying on his memory, because he has seen me with a dentist a few months ago. Allthroughout the check-up, he was sitting very still and quietly, observing what the dentist was doing to his Mama. The dentist praised him for a good behavior after that! But I know that this is different, because this time, it will be him who will be sitting on the chair.
After my turn, I called Liam. The dentist didn't wear mask as this might scare Liam. She probed Liam's mouth, instructed him to have a big aaah, then after 5 minutes, he was done! No crying, no tantrums, whew!
The dentist said that we have yet to wait for his 2nd molar to come out. So far, his teeth are healthy.No cleaning was done because he is too young to have that. The dentist said he can have his first teeth cleaning when he is about four years old. It was also good to know that Liam never sleeps with his feeding bottle inside his mouth. He actually knows that he needs to put the cover back of his bottle when he is ready to sleep. Having the habit of sleeping with the bottle still inside the mouth can cause cavities later on. However, she mentioned that Liam has some overcrowding in his teeth. We are expecting that the same will happen when he get his permanent set of teeth becuase, they are far more bigger than his milk teeth. Oh well, blame it on the genes. That gives us to prepare financially in the next couple of years.
I am happy that the day turned out well. I look forward to out next dentist visit. Hopefully, it will be as relaxing as this one!
Oh, I forgot to mention, he got stickers and a balloon aftr his check up for being well-behaved allthroughout!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Am I Too Late?
Am I too late? Yes, that is the question I am asking myself right now. I think I have been too busy the past couple of years that I neglected my love for writing. Now that I have all the time in the world to write I still see the need to do more. The need to do more, where? Well, last year, when a life-changing decision happened in my life, I decided to launch my writng career again thru blogging and earn on the side, I've realized that I might be a little too late already. It's just sad that now that I am getting into it I see that I still need to read more and more and study more and more.
The internet is so clogged nowadays and there are so many bloggers out there, who like me, would like to earn from writing. The question is, how will I get noticed?There are a number of opportunities to earn through the net but I am still in the stage of being cautious of getting trapped into something that is bogus or not legal.
Am I too late? Well, I still don't know. I am still a work in progress when it comes to paid blogging. A big number of competitors out there! Hopefully, someone will chance upon my site and start the ball rolling!
We'll know. You'll know. I'll let you know.
The internet is so clogged nowadays and there are so many bloggers out there, who like me, would like to earn from writing. The question is, how will I get noticed?There are a number of opportunities to earn through the net but I am still in the stage of being cautious of getting trapped into something that is bogus or not legal.
Am I too late? Well, I still don't know. I am still a work in progress when it comes to paid blogging. A big number of competitors out there! Hopefully, someone will chance upon my site and start the ball rolling!
We'll know. You'll know. I'll let you know.
paid blogging,
Disclosure Policy
Disclosure Policy
This is effective 3 March 2010
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact jmqsantos@gmail.com.
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This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
This is effective 3 March 2010
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact jmqsantos@gmail.com.
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be CLEARLY IDENTIFIED as paid or sponsored content.
The owner of this blog is sometimes compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Click Click
Have you ever wondered what it feels to be followed by the Papparazis as soon as you stp our of your house? I remember watching a TV show and it showed an aging actor oh so furious with the reporters all around him!
I was amused seeing them trying to do everything just as so they can stay away from the cameras. But they are public figures, so can we blame the cameras for following them? Yes, they are public figures, but being one does not make them any different from the rest of us. Movie stars are humans. Yes, their lives are more exciting, their lifestyles are so tempting, but they have the right to make things private for them.
Sometimes, I find myself thinking that their life is something I wouldn't want to have. Yes, it's tempting to have all those mansions, designer clothes, cars, and money. But I wouldn't take it for the precious time I spend with my family, such as a stroll in the park, a play in the community playground with my son, a family vacation, without the cameras spying on me. Real quality time.
I think entertainers are used to these already but my heart goes out to them whenever I see the frustration in their faces as the cameras continue to click and document everything that they do. I know that deep inside they yearn for some peace and quiet time. No wonder they keep on buying acres of land and mansions!
I was amused seeing them trying to do everything just as so they can stay away from the cameras. But they are public figures, so can we blame the cameras for following them? Yes, they are public figures, but being one does not make them any different from the rest of us. Movie stars are humans. Yes, their lives are more exciting, their lifestyles are so tempting, but they have the right to make things private for them.
Sometimes, I find myself thinking that their life is something I wouldn't want to have. Yes, it's tempting to have all those mansions, designer clothes, cars, and money. But I wouldn't take it for the precious time I spend with my family, such as a stroll in the park, a play in the community playground with my son, a family vacation, without the cameras spying on me. Real quality time.
I think entertainers are used to these already but my heart goes out to them whenever I see the frustration in their faces as the cameras continue to click and document everything that they do. I know that deep inside they yearn for some peace and quiet time. No wonder they keep on buying acres of land and mansions!
movie fan
Monday, March 1, 2010
Pu-pu and Wiwi
My son is almost toilet trained. Why almost? Almost because he already knows how to tell us when he needs to poo but not yet when he needs to wee.
When he was 15 months old, my brother -in-law saw the signs that my son is ready to tell us when he needs to poo. Following his suggestions, we became successful in toilet-training him when it's poo time. Some friends were amazed because as what they have said, it is quite early for a boy. We were happy of course, because we were able to save a number of nappies and wipes because of that.
Now that he is 26 months old, we feel that we should already start teaching him to tell us when he needs to wee. So we can say that he is fully toilet-trained. This is in preparation for his pre-school next year and for his current swimming lessons. But it is much harder than we have imagined!
Let me share now our misadventures as we try to fully toilet-train him. Oh yes, we are still not successful! So what have we been doing?
For two weeks now, we have tried to remove his nappy every morning or every afternoon.
1) In the mornings (or afternoons, depending if he has pooed already), for about 30 mintues to an hour, we don't put his nappy.
2) When he does not have his nappy, we remind him constantly, every fifteen minutes at that, to tell Papa or Mama if he needs to wee.
3) We ask him as well, "Where do you wee?"
4) We need to hear him say that he needs to wee in the toilet.
5) We tell him not to wee on the lunge or the carpet (but so far, has has wet the carpet twice, once on the lounge, and once on the kitchen)
6) If he does wee accidentally on the carpet, we let him feel his short pants and see for himself the effect of not telling mum or dad.After all he knows the difference between wet and dry.
7) We try to tell him that when does not wee on nappy anymore, we will just buy him a new Wiggles DVD.
8) If he accientally wees on the floor or wherever, we bring him to the toilet to let him try to wee again. We tell him it's alright but next time, he needs to tell Papa or Mama that he needs to wee, BEFORE he wees and not AFTER, which he now does.
We're not yet frustrated or anxious that after two weeks of trying we are still not successful. We are enjoying the misadventures of toilet training. We know that after this toilet training on daytime, we still need to toilet train him when he goes to sleep at night-- no bed-wetting on night time. Another challenging task ahead of us! It takes time, yes, we know that. That is why we believe that in due time, he will be mature enough and ready to wee on his own, like when he does when he poo.
So now, on with our misadventures.
toilet training,
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