My two-year-old son had his first dental check-up two weeks ago and it was a success!
My hubby and I had our appoitnments set for that Monday afternoon and I thought that since the two of us are there already, why not make an appointment for my son as well? After all, having studied Dentistry in college (but I didn't get to finish it), I knew the importance of having a healthy set of teeth. I promised myself that when I get to have kids I would make sure that they grow up visiting the dentist regularly, not getting scared of them, and having a nice and healthy set of teeth.
I wore braces therefore, I am not afraid of the dentist. I was hoping Liam would imbibe the same spirit when we visit the dentist.
On the day of the check up, I had my turn first. It was unfortunate that I wasn't able to bring Liam with me inside for him to see that Mama was not afraid of the dentist. I was relying on his memory, because he has seen me with a dentist a few months ago. Allthroughout the check-up, he was sitting very still and quietly, observing what the dentist was doing to his Mama. The dentist praised him for a good behavior after that! But I know that this is different, because this time, it will be him who will be sitting on the chair.
After my turn, I called Liam. The dentist didn't wear mask as this might scare Liam. She probed Liam's mouth, instructed him to have a big aaah, then after 5 minutes, he was done! No crying, no tantrums, whew!
The dentist said that we have yet to wait for his 2nd molar to come out. So far, his teeth are healthy.No cleaning was done because he is too young to have that. The dentist said he can have his first teeth cleaning when he is about four years old. It was also good to know that Liam never sleeps with his feeding bottle inside his mouth. He actually knows that he needs to put the cover back of his bottle when he is ready to sleep. Having the habit of sleeping with the bottle still inside the mouth can cause cavities later on. However, she mentioned that Liam has some overcrowding in his teeth. We are expecting that the same will happen when he get his permanent set of teeth becuase, they are far more bigger than his milk teeth. Oh well, blame it on the genes. That gives us to prepare financially in the next couple of years.
I am happy that the day turned out well. I look forward to out next dentist visit. Hopefully, it will be as relaxing as this one!
Oh, I forgot to mention, he got stickers and a balloon aftr his check up for being well-behaved allthroughout!