This is my me-time today. Yes, I do miss the noise that my little boy makes whenever he is around. But I also savor this time to be by myself. Aside from baking, I usually spend my me-time cleaning the house. It is fortunate that I was able to finish most of the major chores yesterday -- which included mowing the lawn, doing the laundry and ironing our clothes, so I got to enjoy a longer me-time today.
So what else do I do? I also read a book. Right now, I am re-reading the book entitled "Prayer of Jabez" and it keeps me inspired. Of course, part of the list is using the Internet. I think I am very much guilty of spending too much time on the net. But I just can't help it! I am pretty sure many of you can relate with me.Next, I sleep or I take a nap. I recharge myself because I know in two hours, my little one is back and he'll make sure that we'll catch up with our quality time. Lastly, I pray. I must admit that the past few weeks whenever I pray, I always do the talking. Not realizing that the time I spend alone in the house is the best time for Him to talk to me and tell me His messages. The house is so peaceful and quiet when I am alone, and I guess that is the best opportunity for Him to talk and for me to listen. But most often than not, what happens is the other way around -- I talk and He listens. Well, in the coming weeks, maybe I can do it better.
Me-time is a good thing.It is actually a healthy thing. Mums and Dads alike should make sure they spend some me-time every now and then. I love me-time. It keeps me sane. It keeps me focused. It gives me a much-needed break.