I really can't believe that in a few day's time we will be celebrating our first anniversary as migrants here in Sydney, Australia! Time really flies when you're too busy doing a lot of things and when you're having fun!
Looking back at what had happened the past year, wow, it's been a roller coaster ride! We had a slow and rough start but I feel now things are slowly falling into place. I can't beleive that after 12 months, we were able to invest on some things we might not have the chance of getting if we stayed in Manila.
Our own car, LCD TV, washing machine, lounge set, microwave oven, bed linens, corelle and pyrex kitchenware, wow the list would go on and on.
But more than the material blessings, I am happy that the past 365 days, we got to spend it more with my family. I was able to spend more time taking care of my son. Though I had casual work every now and then, I can say that I was able to witness many, if not, all of his milestones. I am amzed now on how his vocabulary has improved in a span of 12 months! He keeps on surprising us everyday! His newest statements are "Of course, Mama!", "How is school Mama?", "How is office Papa?" These are just three of the many. It keeps us happy and inspired.
Next, we got closer and more bonded. Oh yes, there are trying days when I would just like to go back to my comfort zone in Manila, with all the maids and helpers around to do the house chores. But we managed. I managed. In those rough months, we stuck it with one another, pushed and inspired one another. Kept the faith for one another.
Third, we got more prayerful. Imagine calling out to the heavens and all the saints just as so you can start the ball rolling! Yes, we became in constant communication with Him. And I think, we would be forever.
Lastly, we became more hopeful. Yes, we still lack a lot of things. We still want a lot of things and plans for the family. The list would never end. But the thing is we are here, hoping and knowing that someday all will be well for us. Dreams becoming a reality. After all, migrating here was once a dream.
We are in a trying stage once again as we try to make ends meet. Our finances became a bit tougher when we got a place of our own and moved out from my brother's house. It was not also helpful that my casual call was not as many as the previous months. We worry, yes we do. But we're not losing hope. We're hanging on. What keeps me hoping? Well, we've just had our first 365 days here...we have a whole LOT of time ahead of us. Like the rest of those who migrated and started like us, someday, we will be okay. No more worries. Just looking ahead.