Friday, May 6, 2011

self-control :)

this is not about being patient. it's about controlling my urge to spend, again :) and i think i passed it again :)

for days now, alvin has been asking me what anniversary present and mother's day present i want him to give me. many choices. but i seriously considered aromatherapy sessionS (yes, with S lol!) and jewelry (hmmm again?!). yup.

yesterday and today, we were so close to buying it but i managed to stop myself from giving him the go-signal. i am thankful that we have extras but in cases like these, i usually, always, find myself still thinking a zillion times if i really need it or i just want it. alvin is generous to give them to me but then again, it's hard-earned money right? and besides, i might as well save it for the rainy days :)

for one, i can just use our private health fund card for the massages, after all we've been paying it regularly, weekly. as for the jewelry? at prsent, i refrain from using/wearing too much as I always have Sam with me. it's either she ends up scratched or i end up scratched from the bracelets, earrings and sometimes the watch that i wear. and she might end up tugging my necklace as well. so jewelry is not an immediate need.

i am proud of myself :) guilt-free! :)