Sam is now 24 weeks old. Wow. Has it been 6 months since I took her into my arms and cuddled her for the 1st time? Time flies.
When Alvin and I decided to put my career on hold for a year so I can take care of our new bundle of joy, I thought it would take forever! Being the impatient person that I am, I thought that this will be the longest 12 months of my life! But no. Time indeed flies when you're having fun :)I can't believe she's now six months old! I can still remember when me, Alvin, Liam and his yaya Joy went out to have dinner at the newly renovated SM North to celebrate Liam's six month birthday! Now, on the 21st of this month, it will be Sam's turn! :)
It is still challenging day in and day out, especially after a long day at home. Taking care of the kids and trying to put order at home is really something! But everytime I look at my little baby girl (and his Kuya Liam), happy and healthy, all my "drama moments" vanish into thin air!
I have been receiving praises and good comments on how my children look good (healthy) and with their happy disposition. A former colleague from Ateneo even told me that my children look "talagang naalagaan." These praises are music to my ears and make the sacrifices worth it :)
My little Sam is not so little anymore. She now weighs almost 9kgs, uses Toddler size for her nappies, wears a size 0 or a size 1 (depending on the brand, she now eats solids, she can now turn herself over (back to tummy, then tummy to back again) all by herself, she can crawl a bit, she can now "tell" me if she does or does not want something, she has different kind of cries -- a cry for "I want a nap or I'm sleepy", "I am hungry", "I want a massage", "I want to play", and "I want up". She has changed her sleeping patterns now:one around 8-9 am, another around 11, one long nap by 1pm to around half past 2, and another long nap around 4pm. She now sleeps around 8:30 pm, so her Papa can still play with her. She recognizes faces; shows fear when being held by someone she is not familiar with. She babbles and laughs and gives the sweetest smile. She shows her temper when her routine is abit disrupted (uh-oh) and when Mama dresses her up with lots of girly stuff! She loves to play with her Kuya and buys all her Kuya Liam's jokes! She falls asleep really quickly when it's her Papa that puts her to sleep. She loves the smell of her Papa. She is still breastfed. She can now stand and sit by herself in 5 seconds or less. She is a tall and big baby according to her GP. I'm a happy mum.
Sometimes I envy my husband for the "me time" he gets to enjoy everytime he is at work. But knowing the kind of person that he is, I'm sure he envies me as well because I get to witness everything -- the milestones and more -- right before my eyes!
In the Philippines, many of my friends are wishing they could have a longer ML (maternity leave) so they can spend more time with their kids. I can't blame them. Being a full time mum really gives you a certain high :) I am thankful I had this opportunity to take care of Sam and see her grow and achieve milestones for the past 6 months. Minsan lang sila bata, kaya malaki ang pasasalamat ko at naging bahagi ako ng kanilang kamusmusan.
To you our darling, sweetheart, little buddha, dengdeng, andeng, andie, samantha, andrea, sam -- happy 6th month birthday! you and your kuya remain to be the source of our joy and inspiration. we love you!
ps. we will have your cake blowing on the 21st ;)