Am I destined to be one? To always be a student, that is.
I don't know if it's part of my destiny and part of God's plan that I always end being a student.
Remember the plans of me pursuing a Certificate Course on Children's Services? Well, there has been a slight change in our plans. My academic qualifications at present hinder me from practicing teaching in the State schools. I also believe that me not having enough Primary schooling courses back in the University, even with 7 years of teaching experience, hinder me from being shortlisted whenever I apply for a permanent position in the Catholic schools (where I am allowed to teach).
It was hubby who actually suggested that since I am up for another round of schooling, why not take the course that will allow me to meet the academic requirements set by DET and make my chances of getting a permanent teaching position in the Catholic schools, higher.Hitting two birds with one stone.
He has a point.
Knowing me and after everything I've experienced in my first Master's degree, I would have aborted that suggestion as soon as hubby mentioned it. But that is being selfish.
Thinking about it now, if studying again will be my part in ensuring a secure and better future for our family, then i I'd gladly do it. Let's face it, at present, in Sydney or elsewhere, you are not really sure when you'll get fired or when an unpleasant event happens in the company you work for. The past days I have been seeing news reports where companies are closing down, leaving their poor employees at a dead end. So even if you are on a permanent position today, you can never can tell what will happen tomorrow. Hubby and I need a back-up plan, just in case(touchwood) somethimg happens with hubby's work (or worse) something happens to hubby (touchwood).
We have actually wanted that after I graduated from my Graduate Certificate course in Religious Education, hubby will then take up a course to also build up his portfolio. But we have to be realistic. His present workload and travel time hinder him from pursuing a course, even if it's offered online. So hubby, will again give way for me. I am actually inpired to start and pursue this study because hubby inspires me. Just looking at all his hardwork now, which allows us to live comfortably, makes me realize that I also have to do my share. Afterall, we are partners. We should held out each other. Hindi pwedeng ako lang ang puro pasarap, tama?
It's his turn to work (and fund all our expenses) and my turn to study now. Who knows, after a couple of years, our roles might switch. His turn to study and my turn to work (and fund all our expenses and his turn to get spoiled by me).
Thank goodness, people are assuring me that there will always be work for teachers. I'm assured that the field I belong to has no "recession" time. I mean teachers will always have work whatever happens to the economy because education will always be part of everyone's life, and a priority, right?
I have started fixing my requirements and sooner than you think, I have already submitted my application for another Master's degree -- Master in Teaching(Primary). I am now looking at all the factors (schedule, funds, my casual work, and most importantly my kids) and weighing the pros and cons if I choose UWS over UNE.
Another set of challenges? You bet! But I'm more confident now. I think God has prepared me for this BIG step. I can do this!
Bring it on!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
A Different Purpose
Migrating in Sydney was mainly because we wanted a better future for our family, especially our children.
This realization dawned upon me when the hubby of my godmother got sick of Colon Cancer. They didn't ask, but knowing how expensive medical treatments are, we knew we had to help.
Then one event, led to another. A high-school reunion, a family in need, a brod in need, an ANCOP scholar back home, a friend who cannot work because she suffered a stroke after giving birth, public school children, a high school classmate who in my surprise e-mailed me to ask for financial help (I was the only one on the list who is not part of their barkada. Actually, I was emotionally "bullied" by their group back in high school, so I was really surprised when I got the mail, but past is past :D). We gave, no questions asked. Even if it meant that our savings for our future projects might be delayed a bit. I am thankful that hubby and I are both okay with this. I am grateful that our parents taught us this value and showed the way for us.
We have been blessed. We don't have too much extras, but we will live. It is also good to share that what we give are not our excess. It's not as easy knowing at the back of your mind that you also need what you are giving. In the same manner that it's a struggle to give without expecting anything in return from THE GIVER, our BIG BRO. These events allowed me to reflect and realize, now that things are slowly falling into place, with God's grace, there is another reason why He allowed us to go here. We are here for another purpose. It is much more than what we have planned. We didn't even anticipate that we will be in this position.
Years ago we were in the receiving end, well, I was. Now it's time to pay it forward.
We are humbled. At the end of the day, we are mere instruments of HIS blessings.
This realization dawned upon me when the hubby of my godmother got sick of Colon Cancer. They didn't ask, but knowing how expensive medical treatments are, we knew we had to help.
Then one event, led to another. A high-school reunion, a family in need, a brod in need, an ANCOP scholar back home, a friend who cannot work because she suffered a stroke after giving birth, public school children, a high school classmate who in my surprise e-mailed me to ask for financial help (I was the only one on the list who is not part of their barkada. Actually, I was emotionally "bullied" by their group back in high school, so I was really surprised when I got the mail, but past is past :D). We gave, no questions asked. Even if it meant that our savings for our future projects might be delayed a bit. I am thankful that hubby and I are both okay with this. I am grateful that our parents taught us this value and showed the way for us.
We have been blessed. We don't have too much extras, but we will live. It is also good to share that what we give are not our excess. It's not as easy knowing at the back of your mind that you also need what you are giving. In the same manner that it's a struggle to give without expecting anything in return from THE GIVER, our BIG BRO. These events allowed me to reflect and realize, now that things are slowly falling into place, with God's grace, there is another reason why He allowed us to go here. We are here for another purpose. It is much more than what we have planned. We didn't even anticipate that we will be in this position.
Years ago we were in the receiving end, well, I was. Now it's time to pay it forward.
We are humbled. At the end of the day, we are mere instruments of HIS blessings.
financial blessings,
Friday, March 23, 2012
We are back to service and as expected the "enemy" is also working double time to distract us from the service. And he sure is a clever one! He just knows our weaknesses!
Just like in my case. This week, I got casual calls for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. But guess what, none of them pushed thru! Arrgh! Wednesday, I didn't have anyone to leave the kids with. Thursday, last minute it was cancelled. Friday, they called a bit late, 8:30am, and I didn't hear my mobile ring. I was actually surprised because when I get casual calls within the day, usually they ring at around 7 to 7:30am. It was unusually late.
To make things worse, when I returned the call this morning and I was redirected to a voicemail, after the usual greetings, I said "what's up?". After ending the call, it dawned on me, what did I just say?! "What's up?" Hello?!!!!!! I COULD HAVE DONE IT BETTER! I could have said it in a more professional way! Now I'm wondering what her reaction is when she gets the message! "What's up?!"
Just letting some steam off.
I am just thinking these are merely oppressions. The "enemy" knows where to hit us but I'm clinging on. I know things will be better. My God will be faithful as always. I just have to believe and continue to do His work!
Just like in my case. This week, I got casual calls for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. But guess what, none of them pushed thru! Arrgh! Wednesday, I didn't have anyone to leave the kids with. Thursday, last minute it was cancelled. Friday, they called a bit late, 8:30am, and I didn't hear my mobile ring. I was actually surprised because when I get casual calls within the day, usually they ring at around 7 to 7:30am. It was unusually late.
To make things worse, when I returned the call this morning and I was redirected to a voicemail, after the usual greetings, I said "what's up?". After ending the call, it dawned on me, what did I just say?! "What's up?" Hello?!!!!!! I COULD HAVE DONE IT BETTER! I could have said it in a more professional way! Now I'm wondering what her reaction is when she gets the message! "What's up?!"
Just letting some steam off.
I am just thinking these are merely oppressions. The "enemy" knows where to hit us but I'm clinging on. I know things will be better. My God will be faithful as always. I just have to believe and continue to do His work!
Couples for Christ,
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Back to Service
For three Fridays now, hubby and I (with our two very young kids in tow) have been actively serving again in our community, the Couples for Christ.
It has been a very long time since we have facilitated, yet alone, facilitate as a couple.
Since hubby and I practically grew up in the community, we are used to facilitating and serving in the community, as individuals. Now that we are serving as a couple to other couples, I am seeing a new aspect of my hubby I have never seen before :)
To make the long story short, I am seeing a partner who is stepping up! :) I am actually delighted to see hubby become bolder in his service. I haven't seen this side before because I have always seen the "shy" and quiet him. I have always seen the hubby who takes the back seat. I was the one who is the more dominant one, so this time I am at the back seat, supporting him. I am letting him lead. I am submitting to my husband's decisions (which is not easy for me ok?). The act inspires me. He inspires me :)
I am also enjoying the fact that we are doing it together. It's like we have a new "project" or a new "baby."
It is a bit of a challenge to do this service every Friday nights (rain or shine), with two very young kids in tow. Not to mention that being facilitators not only require the Friday nights, but more. But we are up to the challenge. We are enjoying our service. I and hubby take delight and are humbled to have been tapped to serve Him again through our community.
We are happy to be back. We are thankful to be back.
It has been a very long time since we have facilitated, yet alone, facilitate as a couple.
Since hubby and I practically grew up in the community, we are used to facilitating and serving in the community, as individuals. Now that we are serving as a couple to other couples, I am seeing a new aspect of my hubby I have never seen before :)
To make the long story short, I am seeing a partner who is stepping up! :) I am actually delighted to see hubby become bolder in his service. I haven't seen this side before because I have always seen the "shy" and quiet him. I have always seen the hubby who takes the back seat. I was the one who is the more dominant one, so this time I am at the back seat, supporting him. I am letting him lead. I am submitting to my husband's decisions (which is not easy for me ok?). The act inspires me. He inspires me :)
I am also enjoying the fact that we are doing it together. It's like we have a new "project" or a new "baby."
It is a bit of a challenge to do this service every Friday nights (rain or shine), with two very young kids in tow. Not to mention that being facilitators not only require the Friday nights, but more. But we are up to the challenge. We are enjoying our service. I and hubby take delight and are humbled to have been tapped to serve Him again through our community.
We are happy to be back. We are thankful to be back.
Couples for Christ,
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Last night, I attended the parent's meeting set by Liam's teachers at Goddard Crescent. It was a first for me. I don't remember them calling for one last year :)
I was actually starting to feel lazy and I wanted to back out the last minute. Not to mention that I was running late since I had to wait for Alvin to get home before I can leave. It was an adult-only event so no kids allowed.
The meeting went smoothly. I was just at the receiving end. Explanations on practices were given until one mum shared a story about his nephew and that caught my attention. A little background, the education system here is a bit laid back (a bit? who are you kidding?! for me, it's way too laid back hehehe). See here in Australia, the primary schooling of kids are set in such a way that the kids are not stressed in school. It is quite laid-back as compared to Manila. I just can't help but compare the system here and in Ateneo (or in most schools in Manila). If in Manila, the whole process of getting and being educated is stressful and tedious here, it is not.
Imagine, kids in pre-school are not taught how to read and write. Formal learning starts when they go to Kindy, in the big school. It was explained this evening that play is actually teaching the kids a lot. We might think that they are just playing, but they are actually learning. The one that was shared which bothered me a bit was that we have to be careful of teaching our kids too much ahead of time because in the case of her nephew who went to Kindy, it was a major issue. The kid got so bored because he already knew how to read and write, as compared to majority of the class that were just starting to learn. He got isolated. (Note: I wasn't able to ask the mum what the school did. Not that I think my son is gifted or anything, but I just wanted to know how the school addressed the concern. Why? In Ateneo, if we see an exceptional or a "fast" kid, there are procedures that we can do to have the kid formally assessed --of course when the kid is assessed to be gifted, passes all the requirements, goes up one or two levels higher it will also have social implications and parents should be ready for that).
Reading the biography of Steve Jobs now is no help as well. There was one part in the book that shared the reasons why Steve kept on doing pranks in school. They were triggered by his boredom. He already knew those things and he wasn't challenged! (Again, I am not assumming that my son is gifted).
It caught my attention because I have been teaching Liam every now and then at home. Not formal and strict teaching ok. Supplemental teaching. I let him practice writing his letters (They have a NSW Foundation Font here). I let him do some maths, because I felt he was interested in it! I am just nurturing his interests. After reading the book "Raising Boys" my whole idea of how to raise my son changed. I got to know how it is with young boys and where they are coming from. I teach him when I feel he is up for it. I can sense when the "teachable moment" is for him. Walang pilitan in other words. It is paying off because rarely do we argue now when I teach him. It is an enjoyable time for both Liam and myself. Sometimes while we play we count from 1-100. Sometimes when he wants a hug, he asks me for a thousand hugs, so we get to practice skip counting by hundreds till we reach 1000. I am just supporting him in his interests. When I ask him to do some worksheets and he says can I just finish one page, I let him just do a page. What am I driving at? I am just grabbing those opportunities, rare and golden "teachable moments," because I feel it's sayang when I don't do something.I am not forcing him. But still, he might end up being advanced with the rest of his classmates when he starts with Kindy.
Now I am scared! Hubby and I actually talked about it last night. I asked hubby about me giving supplemental lessons to Liam. Well, hubby did make sense. Liam is not really advanced. He still needs a lot of practice in his writing and his reading. We can sense that he is good with numbers and we decided to just continue to give those relaxed supplemental lessons every now and then. Observing him as well, we can see that he has this positive attitude towards school so I guess we're on the right track here.
Hay, whoever said parenting was easy?
With these daily decisions, we just have to pray for wisdom and hope that everything turns up okay for our kids and their future!
I was actually starting to feel lazy and I wanted to back out the last minute. Not to mention that I was running late since I had to wait for Alvin to get home before I can leave. It was an adult-only event so no kids allowed.
The meeting went smoothly. I was just at the receiving end. Explanations on practices were given until one mum shared a story about his nephew and that caught my attention. A little background, the education system here is a bit laid back (a bit? who are you kidding?! for me, it's way too laid back hehehe). See here in Australia, the primary schooling of kids are set in such a way that the kids are not stressed in school. It is quite laid-back as compared to Manila. I just can't help but compare the system here and in Ateneo (or in most schools in Manila). If in Manila, the whole process of getting and being educated is stressful and tedious here, it is not.
Imagine, kids in pre-school are not taught how to read and write. Formal learning starts when they go to Kindy, in the big school. It was explained this evening that play is actually teaching the kids a lot. We might think that they are just playing, but they are actually learning. The one that was shared which bothered me a bit was that we have to be careful of teaching our kids too much ahead of time because in the case of her nephew who went to Kindy, it was a major issue. The kid got so bored because he already knew how to read and write, as compared to majority of the class that were just starting to learn. He got isolated. (Note: I wasn't able to ask the mum what the school did. Not that I think my son is gifted or anything, but I just wanted to know how the school addressed the concern. Why? In Ateneo, if we see an exceptional or a "fast" kid, there are procedures that we can do to have the kid formally assessed --of course when the kid is assessed to be gifted, passes all the requirements, goes up one or two levels higher it will also have social implications and parents should be ready for that).
Reading the biography of Steve Jobs now is no help as well. There was one part in the book that shared the reasons why Steve kept on doing pranks in school. They were triggered by his boredom. He already knew those things and he wasn't challenged! (Again, I am not assumming that my son is gifted).
It caught my attention because I have been teaching Liam every now and then at home. Not formal and strict teaching ok. Supplemental teaching. I let him practice writing his letters (They have a NSW Foundation Font here). I let him do some maths, because I felt he was interested in it! I am just nurturing his interests. After reading the book "Raising Boys" my whole idea of how to raise my son changed. I got to know how it is with young boys and where they are coming from. I teach him when I feel he is up for it. I can sense when the "teachable moment" is for him. Walang pilitan in other words. It is paying off because rarely do we argue now when I teach him. It is an enjoyable time for both Liam and myself. Sometimes while we play we count from 1-100. Sometimes when he wants a hug, he asks me for a thousand hugs, so we get to practice skip counting by hundreds till we reach 1000. I am just supporting him in his interests. When I ask him to do some worksheets and he says can I just finish one page, I let him just do a page. What am I driving at? I am just grabbing those opportunities, rare and golden "teachable moments," because I feel it's sayang when I don't do something.I am not forcing him. But still, he might end up being advanced with the rest of his classmates when he starts with Kindy.
Now I am scared! Hubby and I actually talked about it last night. I asked hubby about me giving supplemental lessons to Liam. Well, hubby did make sense. Liam is not really advanced. He still needs a lot of practice in his writing and his reading. We can sense that he is good with numbers and we decided to just continue to give those relaxed supplemental lessons every now and then. Observing him as well, we can see that he has this positive attitude towards school so I guess we're on the right track here.
Hay, whoever said parenting was easy?
With these daily decisions, we just have to pray for wisdom and hope that everything turns up okay for our kids and their future!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Updated: Sam at 15months
My daughter turned 15 months last 21 February. I can't believe that she's the same age now as Liam before when we first arrived here in Sydney. Time flies!
At 15 months we are still very thankful that she's very healthy and continues to achieve developmental milestones. No major headaches (so far) :)
Language: I am thankful, that just like her Kuya, we did not encounter any problems with her speech development. Right now she can say these words: Papa, Mama, up, down, ha (hot), bebe (for Siobe, her Ate Anika), bibi (baby doll), gu job (good job), gu (good), ayts (lights), ep (help), ti yu (thank you), wata (water), tito, bi (bin), fi (feet), bu (book), hi there, de (there), roo (Gymbaroo), ro-ro (Row, Row Your Boat, mimi (excuse me)and hello. She even had her first simple sentence a few months back: "Mama, ep me" (Mama, help me). She had an expression: "Oh Di (Oh Dear!)" when she knows she is in trouble, like when she made a mess. She does this with her shaking her head, hehehe. She can now also call her Kuya Liam: "mi-am", to the delight of her Kuya of course! I might have missed out on some of her other words, but one thing is for sure, she is daldal na, a chatterbox, like Liam and yours truly :-)
Physical: I just weighed her yesterday and she weighs almost 12kg. She uses Walker sized-nappies, she wears 2T sized clothes or clothes for 24-month babies. She still is bilugan and I can say her weight and height growth are ok within her age.
Motor skills:I think her swimming lessons and seeing her Kuya Liam do soccer lessons are helping her develop her gross motor skills. I sometimes catch her kicking her Kuya's soccer ball at home. She is yet to jump on her own. But she loves to dance.You should she her do the moves when we play Dance Central in Kinect. She has memorized some of the steps in one particular song! LOL! She is getting there when it comes to running. I forgot to mention that her Gymbaroo classes also help her develop her gross motor skills. She does a lot of crawling, walking and climbing in her classes (and at home).
As for her fine motor skills, I guess picking up tiny (and I say really tiny objects!) she sees on the floor helps her develop her fine motor skills. I also let her use those big crayons (top-looking), Crayola made, to develop the tripod grip properly. I let her do free painting and do some free play that involves putting/pouring soil from one pot to another. She likes to play with dirt! She loves to go outside the house and have a little walk (She's not too happy when it's raining!). She loves to explore! She likes picking up things and trying them (eating) to my dismay, of course! hehehe At 14 months she learned how to manipulate the fork. Now at 15 months, she can now use the spoon without any help from us! Yipee! I don't know if I can actually upload the two videos I took with her using the fork and now the spoon, all by herself, here in blogger, because the files are a bit big :)
At Gymbaroo, she does participate in the circle time, but most of the time she quietly observes. When she pulls her hand from me during a song, I know and I don't force her, to do the actions. I observe her observe her surroundings. When we get home, that is the time she shows me and her Papa what she has learned in the class. Thankfully, she does not cry and attract attention if it's time to leave the equipment room and have bubbles time or music time!
At 15 months, Liam started telling us if he needed to poo but with Sam, she is yet to utter the words "pupu" when she really needs to go. But she is aware of what a poo looks like and what it smells :) Weeing on the other hand is a different story. I think, she's getting there. But she still can't sit still on the toilet (even when I have alreadt put those handy potty-tranining seats), I guess she is still overwhelmed with the size of the toliet.
She may look like her Kuya Liam, but she is slowly evolving into another unique inidividual. With a different personality like that of Liam. She is very strong-willed. Hindi siya magpapatalo. You should see her fight for what she wants! She is one brave kid! She already knows aht she wants and what she doesn't like. She is more sociable. She waves and says hi even to strangers! But giving her to strangers is a different story. They are both malambing, but she has her own way of making lambing to me, her Papa and her Kuya.
In a few months' time you'll be 18 months, and then you'll turn two! Dance classes or GYmnastics? Piano lessons? Goodness!
Time flies our little Sam, but remember that even if you outgrow us, you will never outgrow our hearts (and love for you). You will always be our baby.
We love you!
At 15 months we are still very thankful that she's very healthy and continues to achieve developmental milestones. No major headaches (so far) :)
Language: I am thankful, that just like her Kuya, we did not encounter any problems with her speech development. Right now she can say these words: Papa, Mama, up, down, ha (hot), bebe (for Siobe, her Ate Anika), bibi (baby doll), gu job (good job), gu (good), ayts (lights), ep (help), ti yu (thank you), wata (water), tito, bi (bin), fi (feet), bu (book), hi there, de (there), roo (Gymbaroo), ro-ro (Row, Row Your Boat, mimi (excuse me)and hello. She even had her first simple sentence a few months back: "Mama, ep me" (Mama, help me). She had an expression: "Oh Di (Oh Dear!)" when she knows she is in trouble, like when she made a mess. She does this with her shaking her head, hehehe. She can now also call her Kuya Liam: "mi-am", to the delight of her Kuya of course! I might have missed out on some of her other words, but one thing is for sure, she is daldal na, a chatterbox, like Liam and yours truly :-)
Physical: I just weighed her yesterday and she weighs almost 12kg. She uses Walker sized-nappies, she wears 2T sized clothes or clothes for 24-month babies. She still is bilugan and I can say her weight and height growth are ok within her age.
Motor skills:I think her swimming lessons and seeing her Kuya Liam do soccer lessons are helping her develop her gross motor skills. I sometimes catch her kicking her Kuya's soccer ball at home. She is yet to jump on her own. But she loves to dance.You should she her do the moves when we play Dance Central in Kinect. She has memorized some of the steps in one particular song! LOL! She is getting there when it comes to running. I forgot to mention that her Gymbaroo classes also help her develop her gross motor skills. She does a lot of crawling, walking and climbing in her classes (and at home).
As for her fine motor skills, I guess picking up tiny (and I say really tiny objects!) she sees on the floor helps her develop her fine motor skills. I also let her use those big crayons (top-looking), Crayola made, to develop the tripod grip properly. I let her do free painting and do some free play that involves putting/pouring soil from one pot to another. She likes to play with dirt! She loves to go outside the house and have a little walk (She's not too happy when it's raining!). She loves to explore! She likes picking up things and trying them (eating) to my dismay, of course! hehehe At 14 months she learned how to manipulate the fork. Now at 15 months, she can now use the spoon without any help from us! Yipee! I don't know if I can actually upload the two videos I took with her using the fork and now the spoon, all by herself, here in blogger, because the files are a bit big :)
At Gymbaroo, she does participate in the circle time, but most of the time she quietly observes. When she pulls her hand from me during a song, I know and I don't force her, to do the actions. I observe her observe her surroundings. When we get home, that is the time she shows me and her Papa what she has learned in the class. Thankfully, she does not cry and attract attention if it's time to leave the equipment room and have bubbles time or music time!
At 15 months, Liam started telling us if he needed to poo but with Sam, she is yet to utter the words "pupu" when she really needs to go. But she is aware of what a poo looks like and what it smells :) Weeing on the other hand is a different story. I think, she's getting there. But she still can't sit still on the toilet (even when I have alreadt put those handy potty-tranining seats), I guess she is still overwhelmed with the size of the toliet.
She may look like her Kuya Liam, but she is slowly evolving into another unique inidividual. With a different personality like that of Liam. She is very strong-willed. Hindi siya magpapatalo. You should see her fight for what she wants! She is one brave kid! She already knows aht she wants and what she doesn't like. She is more sociable. She waves and says hi even to strangers! But giving her to strangers is a different story. They are both malambing, but she has her own way of making lambing to me, her Papa and her Kuya.
In a few months' time you'll be 18 months, and then you'll turn two! Dance classes or GYmnastics? Piano lessons? Goodness!
Time flies our little Sam, but remember that even if you outgrow us, you will never outgrow our hearts (and love for you). You will always be our baby.
We love you!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Things I Love About Australia!
3 down and 1 to go.
Today, we are celebrated our third year here in Sydney. And, like the previous years, I am just thankful for everything Sydney has done to our lives.
We celebrated our third year with a family dinner at Outback! Yummy! :)
Thank God for smartphones, no need to bring digicams with you :) Some of our photos during our thanksgiving dinner.


Kuya with Chicken Fingers and Chips

Mains? Lamb! Been craving for it for the longest time! Yummy!

Didn't go home without having dessert! Yep, a sampler since we cannot decide which to get!

Now, after three years, I am slowly falling in love with this place I now call home.
There are many reasons why I am now convinced that moving here as a family was one of the best decisions hubby and I made.
I will not enumerate each one because I might step on some people's toes.
Life here has been good and we can only be thankful and grateful :)
Today, we are celebrated our third year here in Sydney. And, like the previous years, I am just thankful for everything Sydney has done to our lives.
We celebrated our third year with a family dinner at Outback! Yummy! :)
Thank God for smartphones, no need to bring digicams with you :) Some of our photos during our thanksgiving dinner.


Kuya with Chicken Fingers and Chips

Mains? Lamb! Been craving for it for the longest time! Yummy!

Didn't go home without having dessert! Yep, a sampler since we cannot decide which to get!

Now, after three years, I am slowly falling in love with this place I now call home.
There are many reasons why I am now convinced that moving here as a family was one of the best decisions hubby and I made.
I will not enumerate each one because I might step on some people's toes.
Life here has been good and we can only be thankful and grateful :)
Friday, March 2, 2012
Keeping My Fingers Crossed
Let us rewind the hands of the clock a bit.
Way back in Manila, when I was just starting my career as a teacher, I had this crazy idea: I have thought of putting up my own pre-school when I am already of age and retired (or even earlier, funds permitting). After a few months, I started my Master's degree on Basic Education and found it a bit boring (Sorry, but it was like I was taking my undergrad courses again). I looked at my other options. I remembered my crazy idea. Put the pieces of the puzzle together. The end-result? I'll put up my own pre-school when I retire so I needed to change my grad course if I was dead serious with it. I was so into it because I never had the inkling that I will be migrating someday. I shifted my Masteral Degree from Basic Education to Educational Administration to prepare me for that big day.
Then, fate stepped in. Our migration happened.
Slowly, I forgot this crazy idea.
I forgot about this dream.
And then something hit me just last week. Yes, last week, when I was a bit bored, doing some reflecting: it hit me: why not study again? I was open to studying again, but what course?
I had my first call last Wednesday. Thursday, I had none. I went to the daycare and had a little chat with the directress. Then a vision came to me.
Hey, hey, hey. I can be like her.
Then slowly, things fell into place, like pieces of a puzzle fitting in perfectly.
I will pursue that dream again.
Why not? When here in Sydney, you will always have an assured clientele for daycare centres.
When now, there are more and more Filipinos migrating.
I am not even thinking of how I am going to fund for that daycare -- you know, purhcasing the land, the contsruction, the permits, etc. I will all deal with it if it's time. All I know NOW is I need to do the first BIG step .
I read and researched.
I really need to study. That is the first step.
Too bad though that I have to start everything from Certificate III on Children's Services before I can enroll and pursue a Diploma Course on Children's Services. The Diploma course is the required degree to run a daycare.
Too bad as well because even if my undergrad and grad degrees are in the field of Education they are not going to be credited.
No short cuts for me then.
Surprisingly, my spirit to accomplish this hasn't been dampened by these recent discoveries.
Focusing on the good news:
First, I can do it online.
Second, I can fast track things. First step (Cert 3 course) takes 24 months. But it depends on how fast I can pass the requirements, I can finish it in a year! (I also need job placement to complete the Cert 3 course). I know I can do these especially after juggling my two-year course with career and family duties :-) If I did it before, I know I can do it again :-)
Third, it is not as expensive as I thought it would be. Roughly $47 per week for 48 months.
Lastly, and more importantly, hubby is with me, 100%.
So will I start anytime soon?
That is now the big question. I want to start now while I'm still doing casual work, and at least I won't be too old to do childcare when I have my job placement. But, hubby, even if he is with me 100% suggests that we wait some more.
I feel good about this.
I will keep you posted.
I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Way back in Manila, when I was just starting my career as a teacher, I had this crazy idea: I have thought of putting up my own pre-school when I am already of age and retired (or even earlier, funds permitting). After a few months, I started my Master's degree on Basic Education and found it a bit boring (Sorry, but it was like I was taking my undergrad courses again). I looked at my other options. I remembered my crazy idea. Put the pieces of the puzzle together. The end-result? I'll put up my own pre-school when I retire so I needed to change my grad course if I was dead serious with it. I was so into it because I never had the inkling that I will be migrating someday. I shifted my Masteral Degree from Basic Education to Educational Administration to prepare me for that big day.
Then, fate stepped in. Our migration happened.
Slowly, I forgot this crazy idea.
I forgot about this dream.
And then something hit me just last week. Yes, last week, when I was a bit bored, doing some reflecting: it hit me: why not study again? I was open to studying again, but what course?
I had my first call last Wednesday. Thursday, I had none. I went to the daycare and had a little chat with the directress. Then a vision came to me.
Hey, hey, hey. I can be like her.
Then slowly, things fell into place, like pieces of a puzzle fitting in perfectly.
I will pursue that dream again.
Why not? When here in Sydney, you will always have an assured clientele for daycare centres.
When now, there are more and more Filipinos migrating.
I am not even thinking of how I am going to fund for that daycare -- you know, purhcasing the land, the contsruction, the permits, etc. I will all deal with it if it's time. All I know NOW is I need to do the first BIG step .
I read and researched.
I really need to study. That is the first step.
Too bad though that I have to start everything from Certificate III on Children's Services before I can enroll and pursue a Diploma Course on Children's Services. The Diploma course is the required degree to run a daycare.
Too bad as well because even if my undergrad and grad degrees are in the field of Education they are not going to be credited.
No short cuts for me then.
Surprisingly, my spirit to accomplish this hasn't been dampened by these recent discoveries.
Focusing on the good news:
First, I can do it online.
Second, I can fast track things. First step (Cert 3 course) takes 24 months. But it depends on how fast I can pass the requirements, I can finish it in a year! (I also need job placement to complete the Cert 3 course). I know I can do these especially after juggling my two-year course with career and family duties :-) If I did it before, I know I can do it again :-)
Third, it is not as expensive as I thought it would be. Roughly $47 per week for 48 months.
Lastly, and more importantly, hubby is with me, 100%.
So will I start anytime soon?
That is now the big question. I want to start now while I'm still doing casual work, and at least I won't be too old to do childcare when I have my job placement. But, hubby, even if he is with me 100% suggests that we wait some more.
I feel good about this.
I will keep you posted.
I am keeping my fingers crossed.
child care,
Back to the Grind
I missed you. Yes, even if it's just for a week.
So even if I'm dead tired already and in 29 minutes it will already be Saturday, I will still spend a few minutes with you.
It has been a busy week. I am back to the grind.
It just amazes me when I think of how things fell into place.
Truly, God answers our prayers, all we have to do is just to be patient. Yes I know, it's easier said than done.
When hubby and I decided that I'll be going back to work this school year, and the kids will be attending daycare, the first question that we needed to answer was: when? When will the two of them start with daycare?
Two weeks after Liam and Sam attended childcare (twice a week), I had my first call.
Amazing, right? They had enough time to get used to me leaving them there. They are still adjusting, especially Liam, some days they are upset when I leave them at the centre. But I know, eventually, they'll get used to it.
It was an exhausting first day for me.
I had to wake up really early so I can drop off the kids to my friend Vera, who came to our rescue after a glitch in the casual set-up with the kids' daycare.It was a bit tiring to drive to and from Vera's place and the school, then back home. But I had no choice. Still, very thankful for that help.
After a year of maternity leave, I'm really back to work.
I've been getting a lot of casual calls now. I'm even booked for next week!
I can't believe that things are getting a bit busy for me.
After work, I pick up the kids from daycare. When we get home, I take care of them and prepare our meals. I clean and prepare the kids for sleep and prepare for tomorrow's work.
On "free days" I try to do as much chores because they are starting to pile up.
I also have to address my concerns of Liam's not-so-pleasant reaction whenever I leave him at daycare. When I don't have work, I make-it up to them by not doing house chores, except cooking, so we can have quantity and quality time.
Busy as a bee? You bet!
Now I really see myself in the shoes of Sarah Jessica Parker in the movie: "How Does She Do it?"
Not to mention that I had this great idea of pursuing my dreams of putting up a pre-school or childcare when I retire (I've had that dream since I was back in Manila, that is why I pursued a Master's degree on Educational Administration). So I'm seriously thinking of pursuing another degree to prepare me for that day. Will write a different blog on this.
Back to the topic.
Too many balls to juggle? You bet!
I am thankful, just thankful, prayers have been answered and He continues to answer them.
I am definitely back to the grind.
But I am not complaining.
At the end of the day, all these tiredness only mean that I have been blessed to have something to be tired about. At the end of the day, all of these are answered prayers. Blessings.
I'm loving the fact that I am back to the grind.
So even if I'm dead tired already and in 29 minutes it will already be Saturday, I will still spend a few minutes with you.
It has been a busy week. I am back to the grind.
It just amazes me when I think of how things fell into place.
Truly, God answers our prayers, all we have to do is just to be patient. Yes I know, it's easier said than done.
When hubby and I decided that I'll be going back to work this school year, and the kids will be attending daycare, the first question that we needed to answer was: when? When will the two of them start with daycare?
Two weeks after Liam and Sam attended childcare (twice a week), I had my first call.
Amazing, right? They had enough time to get used to me leaving them there. They are still adjusting, especially Liam, some days they are upset when I leave them at the centre. But I know, eventually, they'll get used to it.
It was an exhausting first day for me.
I had to wake up really early so I can drop off the kids to my friend Vera, who came to our rescue after a glitch in the casual set-up with the kids' daycare.It was a bit tiring to drive to and from Vera's place and the school, then back home. But I had no choice. Still, very thankful for that help.
After a year of maternity leave, I'm really back to work.
I've been getting a lot of casual calls now. I'm even booked for next week!
I can't believe that things are getting a bit busy for me.
After work, I pick up the kids from daycare. When we get home, I take care of them and prepare our meals. I clean and prepare the kids for sleep and prepare for tomorrow's work.
On "free days" I try to do as much chores because they are starting to pile up.
I also have to address my concerns of Liam's not-so-pleasant reaction whenever I leave him at daycare. When I don't have work, I make-it up to them by not doing house chores, except cooking, so we can have quantity and quality time.
Busy as a bee? You bet!
Now I really see myself in the shoes of Sarah Jessica Parker in the movie: "How Does She Do it?"
Not to mention that I had this great idea of pursuing my dreams of putting up a pre-school or childcare when I retire (I've had that dream since I was back in Manila, that is why I pursued a Master's degree on Educational Administration). So I'm seriously thinking of pursuing another degree to prepare me for that day. Will write a different blog on this.
Back to the topic.
Too many balls to juggle? You bet!
I am thankful, just thankful, prayers have been answered and He continues to answer them.
I am definitely back to the grind.
But I am not complaining.
At the end of the day, all these tiredness only mean that I have been blessed to have something to be tired about. At the end of the day, all of these are answered prayers. Blessings.
I'm loving the fact that I am back to the grind.
casual work
Thursday, March 1, 2012
mums need to be tough
It is no surprise.
Last Wednesday when I left my kids at the care of my friend because I needed to go to work, both of them cried.
It was much better to see them just cry but seeing them trying to not to cry at all and put on a brave front, was much harder for me.
It was too much for me to bear.
It got thru me.
On the way back to the parking, I cried.
What else can I do?
This is life.
I realized that I need to be tough, for them.
I realized that I can teach them to be tough and face life's adversities by being tough myself.
I can only pray that my son can really understand all the reasons we have been telling him, as to why we leave them on childcare.
I pray and hope that this experience will not cause any harmful effects when he grows up.
I hope that I can be as tough as I need to be.
Simple fact: Mums need to be tough.
I am a mum, so I NEED to be tough.
Last Wednesday when I left my kids at the care of my friend because I needed to go to work, both of them cried.
It was much better to see them just cry but seeing them trying to not to cry at all and put on a brave front, was much harder for me.
It was too much for me to bear.
It got thru me.
On the way back to the parking, I cried.
What else can I do?
This is life.
I realized that I need to be tough, for them.
I realized that I can teach them to be tough and face life's adversities by being tough myself.
I can only pray that my son can really understand all the reasons we have been telling him, as to why we leave them on childcare.
I pray and hope that this experience will not cause any harmful effects when he grows up.
I hope that I can be as tough as I need to be.
Simple fact: Mums need to be tough.
I am a mum, so I NEED to be tough.
raising kids
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