I believe that angels exist.
Yesterday up until tomorrow, the Ateneo Grade School will be celebrating its annual fair, which coincides with the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels (although, officially, it is celebrated every October 2). And I can't help but join them with the celebrations :-)
Being a SAHM, I am left with the huge task of taking care of the kids and doing majority of the chores at home. As I try to balance the two, it is impossible for e to be beside my children every time, all the time, especially with Sam.
When I try to do some errands at home, I sometimes leave her inside their room with her Kuya or sometimes alone, with the security gate closed. Sometimes, when I need to do something urgent upstairs, I leave them downstairs. Sometimes, when I need to do other chores at home, I leave Sam alone on the bed, as she takes her morning nap or afternoon nap, of course with the baby monitor on. Sometimes, when I take a bath in the morning, I leave the two of them on the bed, while they are still asleep. Before I leave them and while I am not beside them, I entrust them to their guardian angels. I even ask my own guardian angel to help watch over my kids.
So far, no major accident has happened to my two bulilits (knock on wood), and I will boldly credit their guardian angels for this. This week alone, I caught Sam almost at the edge of the bed just at the right time! As in one more movement, she will fall off the bed already! But thanks to my guardian angel who reminds me to check on her the moment I hear something from the baby monitor, I was at the right place at right time. This is aside from the instances where I found her chewing a small toy of his Kuya and me catching her up on our stairs. Guardian angels are truly life savers!
Who says guardian angels are only for kids? This is one part of my faith that I wil gladly share, teach and instill in the mind of my kids.
Happy Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
X-box Kinect
Hubby, or make that Liam's Christmas, came a bit early as well, with hubby and I finally deciding to buy the X-box Kinect last week.

It was a long and hard decision especially for me, since I grew up having negative notions about gadgets like this. Aside from not having enough funds to buy one, and update the gadgets to what was in, my Papa and Mama, taught all five of us, their kids, that these gadgets were not good for our studies. They were distractions. We did have a taste of these gadgets every now and then thru our cousins who were rich enough to buy them-- game and watch, Atari, Family Computers, PS, PS2, PS3 and the like where things that did not interest me. These things I believe take away talking time within the family, and makes kids (and parents playing) couch potatoes, and yes, I do believe that they are distractions. Well, fate seemed to play a bit of a game with me as I ended up marrying one who was a games/console fanatic!
After hubby and I got married, I already laid down the rules that he can't bring in at home his PS. His Play Station was left with his brothers at their home. Even when we migrated here and Liam was born already, NO - to- game gadgets/consoles rule still stood. But early this year, Liam requested us to have a DS for his Christmas gift. I wasn't buying. My rule was, my children will only have these gadgets if they will be given as gifts from family or friends.
Now, why the change of heart? Thanks to one of my friends, Cheche, who first wrote it on her blog. During the time that I read her entry, hubby and were in the deciding stage whether to give Liam a DS or a Wii for Christmas. I really didn't like the DS because of the kids I got to meet in malls or the ones I rode with in trains and buses. Imagine all of them so busy with their DS and not even looking to talk with the parents or where they are headed, to the point that they have bumped into something or someone already. I am not exaggerating. I really did see kids like what I have mentioned. So, NO for DS. For the Wii, well, let's say it has the tendency to make Liam a couch potato. So why the Kinect? Well, the thing that really convinced me (aside from the stories of my friend Cheche and her assurances) was the fact that you don't need the remote control (ok, now that we have it, you still need the remote to set it up), but when it cmae to playing the games, you had to do the actions yourself!
After seeing my two boys play the first time, I am convinced that we did the right decision. I even join in the fun now! We have the Kinect Sports games and believe me, after playing for only 10 minutes, I was sweating! It served as our family bonding and exercise as well :)
Here is one example:
There was not much movement here, but when we play the Track and Field Game which has 4 events -- Sprint, Javelin Throw, Dicus Throwing and the hmmm I forgot the last one hehehe, you'll really sweat it out!
Another good thing about it is that we get to teach Liam some other values like, accepting defeat gracefully (which we're having a hard time as of this writing hehehe), giving your best, patience and perseverance.
It is one hi-tech gadget as it has facial recognition, access to your FB account, photos and videos taken while you play the game, etc. It's only been two weekends and for those two weekends (no Xbox on school days), we have been spending some time playing as a family, which I think is the best part of having one :D

It was a long and hard decision especially for me, since I grew up having negative notions about gadgets like this. Aside from not having enough funds to buy one, and update the gadgets to what was in, my Papa and Mama, taught all five of us, their kids, that these gadgets were not good for our studies. They were distractions. We did have a taste of these gadgets every now and then thru our cousins who were rich enough to buy them-- game and watch, Atari, Family Computers, PS, PS2, PS3 and the like where things that did not interest me. These things I believe take away talking time within the family, and makes kids (and parents playing) couch potatoes, and yes, I do believe that they are distractions. Well, fate seemed to play a bit of a game with me as I ended up marrying one who was a games/console fanatic!
After hubby and I got married, I already laid down the rules that he can't bring in at home his PS. His Play Station was left with his brothers at their home. Even when we migrated here and Liam was born already, NO - to- game gadgets/consoles rule still stood. But early this year, Liam requested us to have a DS for his Christmas gift. I wasn't buying. My rule was, my children will only have these gadgets if they will be given as gifts from family or friends.
Now, why the change of heart? Thanks to one of my friends, Cheche, who first wrote it on her blog. During the time that I read her entry, hubby and were in the deciding stage whether to give Liam a DS or a Wii for Christmas. I really didn't like the DS because of the kids I got to meet in malls or the ones I rode with in trains and buses. Imagine all of them so busy with their DS and not even looking to talk with the parents or where they are headed, to the point that they have bumped into something or someone already. I am not exaggerating. I really did see kids like what I have mentioned. So, NO for DS. For the Wii, well, let's say it has the tendency to make Liam a couch potato. So why the Kinect? Well, the thing that really convinced me (aside from the stories of my friend Cheche and her assurances) was the fact that you don't need the remote control (ok, now that we have it, you still need the remote to set it up), but when it cmae to playing the games, you had to do the actions yourself!
After seeing my two boys play the first time, I am convinced that we did the right decision. I even join in the fun now! We have the Kinect Sports games and believe me, after playing for only 10 minutes, I was sweating! It served as our family bonding and exercise as well :)
Here is one example:
There was not much movement here, but when we play the Track and Field Game which has 4 events -- Sprint, Javelin Throw, Dicus Throwing and the hmmm I forgot the last one hehehe, you'll really sweat it out!
Another good thing about it is that we get to teach Liam some other values like, accepting defeat gracefully (which we're having a hard time as of this writing hehehe), giving your best, patience and perseverance.
It is one hi-tech gadget as it has facial recognition, access to your FB account, photos and videos taken while you play the game, etc. It's only been two weekends and for those two weekends (no Xbox on school days), we have been spending some time playing as a family, which I think is the best part of having one :D
family time,
x-box Kinect
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sam's Swimming Lessons
When I still didn't have my own kids, I got to watch a show back in Manila that feautured infant swimming. I was scared for the kids! Seeing their teachers throw them up high into the air, then down they go to the pool! Oh, those poor babies! Some parents were worried, but the teacher explained that swimming is "innate" for infants since they have been used to swimming inside their mum's tummy for 9 months. But they said that the older kids get, the higher the tendency for them to forget this "innate" skill. I remembered that explanation.
Hubby and I made a mutual decision to enroll Sam as well for Swimming lessons, as soon as she turns 6 months old. It wasn't really a hard decision for the two of us. Like Liam, we wanted to expose her to Sports and swimming is not only a sport, it is a life-saving skill as well.
The earliest that you can enroll your kids here is when they turn 6 months. Sam started last May, a few weeks before she turned 6 months. We did the class together. At first I was scared to submerge her under the water, but her teacher, Karen, was very good and allowed us to do things at our own pace.
The class is not only a bonding session for the two of us, but it also serves as a social activity for Sam to be with kids her age. There is also circle time which allows us to sing songs. The songs that we sing during her classes are her favorites! Sometimes, when we go out and she gets a bit cranky at the car, the only thing that can soothe her are our swimming songs (which I have to sing).
Now after two terms, Sam is loving the water. Well actually, she really didn't have crying spells (shrieking episodes) when we were in the pool. Even if the water was too cold for her, or she gets to drink pool water sometimes, or when she's afraid, she didn't shriek or shouted. My cuddle was enough to soothe her. And for a time, I also let her lead me to our pacing. When I felt she wasn't up to submerging, I didn't force her. Karen was of great help as well. She automatically kicks now as soon as we go into the pool. I submerge her now and she knows the trick so she won't drink water. She can now swim by herself in very short distances. I am proud of what she has achieved.
Next term, she is progressing to Beach Babies 2, which is the level for 12 months to 2 year-old kids. Again, when she starts next term (October 11), she is a few weeks away from the actual starting age.
Here are some photos of Sam in one of her swimming lessons. (Note: This was actually taken at the first session this term 3, where hubby and I decided to change her schedule so she and Liam can go to their classes at the same day and time, and for hubby to see her as well. But after this session, I decided to go back to her old teacher and old schedule. I felt Karen was better hehehe and I guess, it was the best thing for Sam ;))

Here is the letter and her 1st Swimming certificate, for progressing to Beach Babies 2 :)

Hubby and I made a mutual decision to enroll Sam as well for Swimming lessons, as soon as she turns 6 months old. It wasn't really a hard decision for the two of us. Like Liam, we wanted to expose her to Sports and swimming is not only a sport, it is a life-saving skill as well.
The earliest that you can enroll your kids here is when they turn 6 months. Sam started last May, a few weeks before she turned 6 months. We did the class together. At first I was scared to submerge her under the water, but her teacher, Karen, was very good and allowed us to do things at our own pace.
The class is not only a bonding session for the two of us, but it also serves as a social activity for Sam to be with kids her age. There is also circle time which allows us to sing songs. The songs that we sing during her classes are her favorites! Sometimes, when we go out and she gets a bit cranky at the car, the only thing that can soothe her are our swimming songs (which I have to sing).
Now after two terms, Sam is loving the water. Well actually, she really didn't have crying spells (shrieking episodes) when we were in the pool. Even if the water was too cold for her, or she gets to drink pool water sometimes, or when she's afraid, she didn't shriek or shouted. My cuddle was enough to soothe her. And for a time, I also let her lead me to our pacing. When I felt she wasn't up to submerging, I didn't force her. Karen was of great help as well. She automatically kicks now as soon as we go into the pool. I submerge her now and she knows the trick so she won't drink water. She can now swim by herself in very short distances. I am proud of what she has achieved.
Next term, she is progressing to Beach Babies 2, which is the level for 12 months to 2 year-old kids. Again, when she starts next term (October 11), she is a few weeks away from the actual starting age.
Here are some photos of Sam in one of her swimming lessons. (Note: This was actually taken at the first session this term 3, where hubby and I decided to change her schedule so she and Liam can go to their classes at the same day and time, and for hubby to see her as well. But after this session, I decided to go back to her old teacher and old schedule. I felt Karen was better hehehe and I guess, it was the best thing for Sam ;))
Here is the letter and her 1st Swimming certificate, for progressing to Beach Babies 2 :)

swimming lessons
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Treasure Chests
Check it out yourself!I found great treasures from websites which I think are very helpful for parents like me! :-)
These websites are actually Australian-based, but I think, any parent on any part of the world, can still use the resources and apply them in their own homes. I am so happy that here, the government is really funding family support projects like these. I believe that at present, we have a parenting revolution happening, which is a very good thing. Moms and Dads, like me and hubby, are going the extra mile, working together, changing old parenting styles and practices, and becoming more involved and informed, so we can raise our kids well! Kids nowadays are very lucky! :-)
Website 1: www.early words.info
I started using this website as soon as I saw it on the GP's clinic when we got here for Liam's first check up. I found the website simple but very helpful as it gives you tips on what you can do with your children from birth to early childhood to assisst them in their language development and later on their reading and speaking skills. They also give books whichwe can read to our kids, on specific ages, the books being age-appropriate for our kids, from birth onwards. Now that I have my Sam, I'm using it again :-)
Website 3: www.raising children.net.au
Before I was discharged from the hospital after giving birth with Sam, they gave me a copy of the info-DVD from this website. It was an interactive DVD, and true enough, it was very comprehensive. I still haven't finished watching the DVD as my kids are still young. Maybe when they grow older, I'll watch it again, so me and hubby will be informed. Now, back to the website. I saw it on the DVD that they gave me and I checked it out. It was one treasure chest! There are so much tools parents can use here, one link leading you to another, about raising kids from birth until teens! The website is not about the developmental milestones of each stage, but more. Right now, I'm a frequent visitor of the Babies and Toddlers tab :-) But just a litlle warning, you might get overwhelmed with what you'll find and what you'll get! Check it out yourself! :-)
Website 4: www.families.nsw.gov.au
This is my newest discovery! I just saw a flyer yesterday when Liam and I had our shots for our travel vaccinations, again at the GP's office. And what another great find! I checked the website early this morning, while the kids were still asleep and taraaan....another treasure chest! I am still overwhelmed with the things they have to offer. I am actually interested to check out the Triple P seminars, which I am sure hubby will agree to attend to, if our schedules allows us to. I am thinking of checking out the groups, but at present, with all the things I have in my hands (holidays, etc), it is still a remote possibility. Maybe when we get back from the holidays. The good thing about these groups and seminars, they are free! You just have to make an effort to go :-) The benefits you'll get I'm sure will be more than enough :-) Try clicking the Parents' Resources and you'll find A LOT :D
There is actually another website that I checked, this time about early childhood education. But the webiste does not contain the resources. What I did was to e-mail them and asked if they can mail the resources to me so I can use it with my son. After two days, I got a response from them informing me that the package has been sent already. They gave it to me all for free! I will be writing anothr blog entry of the tips I got from the materials next time :D It was useful, I think I can see some of the effects with Liam ;)
So there you go, my treasure chests. As I have said, parenting is one very challenging task, so if these can lighten up our "work" with raising our children, then I'd be glad to check them out :D Happy reading!
These websites are actually Australian-based, but I think, any parent on any part of the world, can still use the resources and apply them in their own homes. I am so happy that here, the government is really funding family support projects like these. I believe that at present, we have a parenting revolution happening, which is a very good thing. Moms and Dads, like me and hubby, are going the extra mile, working together, changing old parenting styles and practices, and becoming more involved and informed, so we can raise our kids well! Kids nowadays are very lucky! :-)
Website 1: www.early words.info
I started using this website as soon as I saw it on the GP's clinic when we got here for Liam's first check up. I found the website simple but very helpful as it gives you tips on what you can do with your children from birth to early childhood to assisst them in their language development and later on their reading and speaking skills. They also give books whichwe can read to our kids, on specific ages, the books being age-appropriate for our kids, from birth onwards. Now that I have my Sam, I'm using it again :-)
Website 3: www.raising children.net.au
Before I was discharged from the hospital after giving birth with Sam, they gave me a copy of the info-DVD from this website. It was an interactive DVD, and true enough, it was very comprehensive. I still haven't finished watching the DVD as my kids are still young. Maybe when they grow older, I'll watch it again, so me and hubby will be informed. Now, back to the website. I saw it on the DVD that they gave me and I checked it out. It was one treasure chest! There are so much tools parents can use here, one link leading you to another, about raising kids from birth until teens! The website is not about the developmental milestones of each stage, but more. Right now, I'm a frequent visitor of the Babies and Toddlers tab :-) But just a litlle warning, you might get overwhelmed with what you'll find and what you'll get! Check it out yourself! :-)
Website 4: www.families.nsw.gov.au
This is my newest discovery! I just saw a flyer yesterday when Liam and I had our shots for our travel vaccinations, again at the GP's office. And what another great find! I checked the website early this morning, while the kids were still asleep and taraaan....another treasure chest! I am still overwhelmed with the things they have to offer. I am actually interested to check out the Triple P seminars, which I am sure hubby will agree to attend to, if our schedules allows us to. I am thinking of checking out the groups, but at present, with all the things I have in my hands (holidays, etc), it is still a remote possibility. Maybe when we get back from the holidays. The good thing about these groups and seminars, they are free! You just have to make an effort to go :-) The benefits you'll get I'm sure will be more than enough :-) Try clicking the Parents' Resources and you'll find A LOT :D
There is actually another website that I checked, this time about early childhood education. But the webiste does not contain the resources. What I did was to e-mail them and asked if they can mail the resources to me so I can use it with my son. After two days, I got a response from them informing me that the package has been sent already. They gave it to me all for free! I will be writing anothr blog entry of the tips I got from the materials next time :D It was useful, I think I can see some of the effects with Liam ;)
So there you go, my treasure chests. As I have said, parenting is one very challenging task, so if these can lighten up our "work" with raising our children, then I'd be glad to check them out :D Happy reading!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Electronic Waste
Last weekend, the Blacktown City Council had it's yearly free electronic waste disposal. See here, you just can't throw in your bin all your trash. There is a big fine that awaits you when you include electronic wastes or chemical wastes in your rubbish bin, collected weekly. There is a proper avenue for its disposal, which is environmentally friendly, and it usually comes with a fee. So every year, we look forward to these two special days that allow us to dispose of our electronic and chemical wastes, properly, for free!
I was very happy to finally get ridd off the old/dead batteries I have been collecting the past months (from Liam's toys). I thought that these were the only ones that we have at home, only to realize later that we still have some electronic gadgets just stored in their boxes and kept in our cupboards.
What gadgets am I talking about? These:

My Palm Pilot, hubby's Clie, hubby's old Nokia phone and Samsung Phone, with all their chargers, usb cables etc.! All except the old Nokia phone are still functioning. Natabunan lang sila ng mga mas bago at mas hi-tech na gadgets. Did we dispose them? Sadly, but no. Oh, I forgot the steam iron that we bought in Manila before we left. We only used it once and now it's just a dust accumulator inside our cabinet.
For one, hubby hasn't formatted these gadgets and they still contain important details and information. Second, hubby has this habit of storing things, kasi nanghihinayang, just like my MIL, even if he was able to live without using it for 6 months (or longer). As for me, as soon as he formats the gadgets, I am so ok to dispose them already, because I am allergic to clutter. Ayaw ko ng tambak. But hubby? Good luck. Don't get me wrong, I do store things, but I think it is already my duty to de-clutter our home, or else, our cabinets and cupboards will all be full alreadt. I asked him once and he told me that we can just bring/send them to Manila. Ok with me. But, ang sa akin lang, sino naman ang gagamit noon? Tatambak na naman sa bahay nila, until it gets broken? My point is, at least here, it will be disposed of properly. But if it sent back to Manila, no one uses it and it gets broken, sa basura rin ang tuloy di ba?
Oh well, it will be 11 more months before the next scheduled electronic waste disposal. In those 11 months, I will just make sure to force him to format the gadgets and from there, I'll do what is best for the gadgets. Evil grin :D
I was very happy to finally get ridd off the old/dead batteries I have been collecting the past months (from Liam's toys). I thought that these were the only ones that we have at home, only to realize later that we still have some electronic gadgets just stored in their boxes and kept in our cupboards.
What gadgets am I talking about? These:
My Palm Pilot, hubby's Clie, hubby's old Nokia phone and Samsung Phone, with all their chargers, usb cables etc.! All except the old Nokia phone are still functioning. Natabunan lang sila ng mga mas bago at mas hi-tech na gadgets. Did we dispose them? Sadly, but no. Oh, I forgot the steam iron that we bought in Manila before we left. We only used it once and now it's just a dust accumulator inside our cabinet.
For one, hubby hasn't formatted these gadgets and they still contain important details and information. Second, hubby has this habit of storing things, kasi nanghihinayang, just like my MIL, even if he was able to live without using it for 6 months (or longer). As for me, as soon as he formats the gadgets, I am so ok to dispose them already, because I am allergic to clutter. Ayaw ko ng tambak. But hubby? Good luck. Don't get me wrong, I do store things, but I think it is already my duty to de-clutter our home, or else, our cabinets and cupboards will all be full alreadt. I asked him once and he told me that we can just bring/send them to Manila. Ok with me. But, ang sa akin lang, sino naman ang gagamit noon? Tatambak na naman sa bahay nila, until it gets broken? My point is, at least here, it will be disposed of properly. But if it sent back to Manila, no one uses it and it gets broken, sa basura rin ang tuloy di ba?
Oh well, it will be 11 more months before the next scheduled electronic waste disposal. In those 11 months, I will just make sure to force him to format the gadgets and from there, I'll do what is best for the gadgets. Evil grin :D
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sam's First "Words"
Our Ninong RDT (our wedding Godparent) mentioned in one of his e-mails that he was able to list down the words his apo, JC, was learning and saying as he was growing up. He said that he was not able to do it with his son then, being busy with full-time work, so he did it with his apo. He encouraged us to do that with Sam, not sure if we have already done it before with Liam. He said that it just felt good to see the progress of his apo, when it came to language. (RDT is one of the best English teachers in Ateneo Grade School ;))
Not having any excuse not to do it, I decided to give it a go.
Of course, Sam's first words were: "pa-pa and ma-ma". Actually, it was "pa-pa", followed by 'ma-ma." But by that time she was saying those words, I knew she still didn't associate the word with the meaning and the person. Now at 10 months, she can.
She can already call the parent she prefers. When she is cranky and needs nursing, or needs comfort, she calls me. When her Papa gets home from work, or the phone rings or my mobile rings, she calls her Papa. (Alvin uses the video-call feature of the mobile to talk with his kids before he goes inside the office building. He did it before with Liam and he continues to do it. I guess it is working ;))
Now after these two words, what's next?
apol --> apple...alvin was holding an apple, named the object, repeated it and she repeated it! Although I don't know if she can associate the word with the actual thing.
tess --> taste. This time, I'm pretty sure she knows the meaning. When we eat something and she calls our attention, we ask her, "Taste?", then she nods her head. Or when she's holding a piece of bikkie, we tell her, "taste?", and she stretches out her arms to you so you can taste the food she's holding. She is pretty consistent with this.
umba --> for Kuya. I don't know where she picked up umba, but that is what she calls her Kuya.
Some action words that she knows the meaning already but haven't pronounced it yet:
a. kiss, you can ask her to kiss you and she will
b. clap, when you tell her to clap her hands when you sing, she will
c. dance, she is a dancer, she starts wiggling her body when she hears any song with an upbeat tempo
d. no, need I say more? she cries (fake cry) when we tell her this magic word.
e. Open - Shut, for her hands
f. align, for her index finger
These are just the few things I have observed and yes, I must agree with my Ninong RDT that it does give you a certain thrill too see your kid's vocabulary increasing. I am in no hurry, after all, she is only 10 months old. But with the looks and sounds of it, we will have another chatterbox at home.
Not having any excuse not to do it, I decided to give it a go.
Of course, Sam's first words were: "pa-pa and ma-ma". Actually, it was "pa-pa", followed by 'ma-ma." But by that time she was saying those words, I knew she still didn't associate the word with the meaning and the person. Now at 10 months, she can.
She can already call the parent she prefers. When she is cranky and needs nursing, or needs comfort, she calls me. When her Papa gets home from work, or the phone rings or my mobile rings, she calls her Papa. (Alvin uses the video-call feature of the mobile to talk with his kids before he goes inside the office building. He did it before with Liam and he continues to do it. I guess it is working ;))
Now after these two words, what's next?
apol --> apple...alvin was holding an apple, named the object, repeated it and she repeated it! Although I don't know if she can associate the word with the actual thing.
tess --> taste. This time, I'm pretty sure she knows the meaning. When we eat something and she calls our attention, we ask her, "Taste?", then she nods her head. Or when she's holding a piece of bikkie, we tell her, "taste?", and she stretches out her arms to you so you can taste the food she's holding. She is pretty consistent with this.
umba --> for Kuya. I don't know where she picked up umba, but that is what she calls her Kuya.
Some action words that she knows the meaning already but haven't pronounced it yet:
a. kiss, you can ask her to kiss you and she will
b. clap, when you tell her to clap her hands when you sing, she will
c. dance, she is a dancer, she starts wiggling her body when she hears any song with an upbeat tempo
d. no, need I say more? she cries (fake cry) when we tell her this magic word.
e. Open - Shut, for her hands
f. align, for her index finger
These are just the few things I have observed and yes, I must agree with my Ninong RDT that it does give you a certain thrill too see your kid's vocabulary increasing. I am in no hurry, after all, she is only 10 months old. But with the looks and sounds of it, we will have another chatterbox at home.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Holiday Updates
I already lost track counting how many more days to go before we fly to Manila for our holidays. I'm a bit tensed. There is just so much mental notes running in my head. To ease the stress a bit, once I remember something, I quickly write it down on a paper and transfer it on my "official" to-do list. I just hope and pray that I won't be missing any.
I actually find myself in slow-mode the past few days. And I know myself, when I tend to do things slow, I'm already panicking! This is the first time we're coming home for a quick vacation and so, taking the most out of our trip, we have planned a vacation within that vacation and of course, the birthday celebration of Sam. It's hard pala.
Well, just some updates :
Cebu holidays - check √
Hotel booking, Cebu tour, Cebu flights and Cebu schedule all done. I just have to ring the hotel the week before we fly to confirm our airport pickup.
Sam's 1st birthday getting there
Caterer-√ (we have just chosen our caterer and the food that will be served, but all the payments will be done and coordinating will be done when we get there. We can finalize everything two weeks before the event).
Invites-√ Was able to send invites thru my FB event wall especially for Sam's birthday and by personally sending the invites to the emails of some guests who don't have FB. The others who don't have FB and emails, will just give the hard copy of the invites when we get home).
Guest list - screening hehehe. The place is not really that big, so the number of guests will be crucial. I don't want our guests being squished and feeling uncomfortable during the party. The venue says they can accommodate up to 120 guests (combined kids and adwults), but I don't want to stretch it to that number. I will be okay with only 70 adults and 30 kids. The thing is, I am a bit problematic with the guests. Some issues like, the relatives and other friends and former coworkers. I mean I don't want the party to end up like an adult party because of the number of adult relatives we are inviting! Di BA, makes sense? I invite ka ng magician and face painter,to what, performs for lolos and lolas (extended relatives NA Ito ha)? And the case of the GF of my brother in law whom I haven't met, not even in skype. Hubby wants to invite her, I don't want to. Reason? I don't know her. And, we are not sure if they'll end up together, di BA? Bad me.But I'm only speaking thru experience. I am now friends with the ex of my other BIL, and now even if I want to invite her, cannot be, because it will be awkward for her and my BIL, right? I was actually telling hubby if we can just have a sort of get together for the other extended relatives, instead of inviting them to the party. We still have to decide on that. Good thing, we already decided on some of our group of friends. Our friends who are not super close with us, we will just have a get-together or eat out.
Loots -√ I have actually purchased additional loot bag contents here and we have it shipped to Manila already. But I still want to add some more. This is in addition to the lootbag which is already part of the package we got from the venue. I plan to order the real Dora and Diego bags for the kids. I still have to E-mail my supplier :-) The additional loot bag contents most probably, will be from 168 (if time permits that we get to still go there) or from SM.
Cake -√ Order and design placed. I just need to make a follow-up 3 days before the event. It's a combination of fondant cake and cupcakes.
Games and Prizes -√ The games will actually be c/o the venue as well as the prizes. We will just add one game and will be giving the prizes ourselves. I purchased the prizes here :-)
Entertainment -√ Magician and Balloon twister part of the package. Face painter, I already booked an outside supplier.
Additional - Cotton Candy and Ice Cream Carts -√
Will just have to finalize it with the venue. Will be getting their supplier.
The good thing about the venue is that they will dress up the place already and the host and mascots and sound system is already part of the deal. there's actually more that is part of the package. I will just write about it in my supplier's review after the party :-)
Meetings and get-togethers - getting there
Kikay stuff - almost there. Booked my salon appointment already at Phillippes Salon in Sofitel:-)
Travel vaccinations - √
Travel Insurance - √ we've chosen our travel insurance already and will just be paying it online :-)
It looks short and simple and few, but believe me, there is still so much to fix!
So this is how it feels to go back home hehehe
Well, when we're there will make sure that we will enjoy it to the Max.
Finally, makakapag day off NA si Inday :-)
I actually find myself in slow-mode the past few days. And I know myself, when I tend to do things slow, I'm already panicking! This is the first time we're coming home for a quick vacation and so, taking the most out of our trip, we have planned a vacation within that vacation and of course, the birthday celebration of Sam. It's hard pala.
Well, just some updates :
Cebu holidays - check √
Hotel booking, Cebu tour, Cebu flights and Cebu schedule all done. I just have to ring the hotel the week before we fly to confirm our airport pickup.
Sam's 1st birthday getting there
Caterer-√ (we have just chosen our caterer and the food that will be served, but all the payments will be done and coordinating will be done when we get there. We can finalize everything two weeks before the event).
Invites-√ Was able to send invites thru my FB event wall especially for Sam's birthday and by personally sending the invites to the emails of some guests who don't have FB. The others who don't have FB and emails, will just give the hard copy of the invites when we get home).
Guest list - screening hehehe. The place is not really that big, so the number of guests will be crucial. I don't want our guests being squished and feeling uncomfortable during the party. The venue says they can accommodate up to 120 guests (combined kids and adwults), but I don't want to stretch it to that number. I will be okay with only 70 adults and 30 kids. The thing is, I am a bit problematic with the guests. Some issues like, the relatives and other friends and former coworkers. I mean I don't want the party to end up like an adult party because of the number of adult relatives we are inviting! Di BA, makes sense? I invite ka ng magician and face painter,to what, performs for lolos and lolas (extended relatives NA Ito ha)? And the case of the GF of my brother in law whom I haven't met, not even in skype. Hubby wants to invite her, I don't want to. Reason? I don't know her. And, we are not sure if they'll end up together, di BA? Bad me.But I'm only speaking thru experience. I am now friends with the ex of my other BIL, and now even if I want to invite her, cannot be, because it will be awkward for her and my BIL, right? I was actually telling hubby if we can just have a sort of get together for the other extended relatives, instead of inviting them to the party. We still have to decide on that. Good thing, we already decided on some of our group of friends. Our friends who are not super close with us, we will just have a get-together or eat out.
Loots -√ I have actually purchased additional loot bag contents here and we have it shipped to Manila already. But I still want to add some more. This is in addition to the lootbag which is already part of the package we got from the venue. I plan to order the real Dora and Diego bags for the kids. I still have to E-mail my supplier :-) The additional loot bag contents most probably, will be from 168 (if time permits that we get to still go there) or from SM.
Cake -√ Order and design placed. I just need to make a follow-up 3 days before the event. It's a combination of fondant cake and cupcakes.
Games and Prizes -√ The games will actually be c/o the venue as well as the prizes. We will just add one game and will be giving the prizes ourselves. I purchased the prizes here :-)
Entertainment -√ Magician and Balloon twister part of the package. Face painter, I already booked an outside supplier.
Additional - Cotton Candy and Ice Cream Carts -√
Will just have to finalize it with the venue. Will be getting their supplier.
The good thing about the venue is that they will dress up the place already and the host and mascots and sound system is already part of the deal. there's actually more that is part of the package. I will just write about it in my supplier's review after the party :-)
Meetings and get-togethers - getting there
Kikay stuff - almost there. Booked my salon appointment already at Phillippes Salon in Sofitel:-)
Travel vaccinations - √
Travel Insurance - √ we've chosen our travel insurance already and will just be paying it online :-)
It looks short and simple and few, but believe me, there is still so much to fix!
So this is how it feels to go back home hehehe
Well, when we're there will make sure that we will enjoy it to the Max.
Finally, makakapag day off NA si Inday :-)
party planning
Monday, September 19, 2011
Bondi Funday
Our social calendar is fast filling up. The next 4 weekends are booked for parties so we decided to go out yesterday as a family and we chose to go to Bondi Beach this time.
After church (Liam didn't have any Soccer lessons anymore scheduled for that day), we headed off to the beach. I was excited and happy that finally hubby agreed to check out the place. We always end up postponing the trip because of three reasons:
Reason 1: We just go there when we have visitors from Manila.
Argument: Well, we had his parents last year, but we didn't go there.
So I will not accept that excuse anymore!
Reason 2: (During Spring or Fall) It's too cold.
Reason 3: (During Summer) It's too hot.
Well, I told him these reasons were gasgas na! I told him yesterday was a good day since we're having Summery weather, it's warm, but it's not too hot as compared if it's really summer, and it's not too cold either. Ha! Guess my convincing power is still effective hehehe :D
After staying here in Sydney for almost 3 years, it was our first time to visit one of Australia's famous beaches. We just commuted, taking advantage of the Family Funday Pass every Sundays. We didn't have a hard time commuting since the trains and buses were all pram friendly :D
We made the right decision, because when we got there, it was beautiful :D I liked it better than Manly Beach :D
We had a quick lunch at McDonalds and decided to explore the place after lunch.
First thing that I noticed was the cleanliness of the place. Even if there were a LOT of people that day, there was not much litter. The place smelled good. The cool sea breeze was a welcome change :D Hindi siya amoy malansa. Not too many birds that tend to disrupt your relaxation. There were many toilets and were baby friendly as well. The toilets were clean. There was filtered water fountains available. There were many food shops to choose from. I won't miss saying this: the sand is white! Just beautiful! It reminded me of the white sands of Panglao Island in Bohol.

Oh, I forgot to mention, there was a park as well and the park had a playground for kids.

Although Kuya Liam decided to pass this time from playing, as he was so eager to go back to the shops and have our dessert already, he still agreed to smile for this photo.
I still wanted to go and explore the place and play in the sand with Liam (Sam was having her afternoon nap already), but my Kuya was not in the mood.
The only thing that made him change his grumpy mood was when we finally went to an ice cream bar!
He had chocolate ice cream and I had Macademia and Caramel Ice Cream.

Here is Liam, all smiles now and ready to eat his ice cream!

Here are some more pictures of the place:

Here are some photos of the pram friendly buses we rode :D

Oh, before I forget, I was able to confirm what other people say about the place: some women do go topless when they do sun bathing ;p Sorry, but no pictures for that hehe
I will make sure the next time we go back, I'll take a dip and enjoy the place to the fullest. Overall, it was a relaxing day for us. It was indeed a family funday Sunday :D
After church (Liam didn't have any Soccer lessons anymore scheduled for that day), we headed off to the beach. I was excited and happy that finally hubby agreed to check out the place. We always end up postponing the trip because of three reasons:
Reason 1: We just go there when we have visitors from Manila.
Argument: Well, we had his parents last year, but we didn't go there.
So I will not accept that excuse anymore!
Reason 2: (During Spring or Fall) It's too cold.
Reason 3: (During Summer) It's too hot.
Well, I told him these reasons were gasgas na! I told him yesterday was a good day since we're having Summery weather, it's warm, but it's not too hot as compared if it's really summer, and it's not too cold either. Ha! Guess my convincing power is still effective hehehe :D
After staying here in Sydney for almost 3 years, it was our first time to visit one of Australia's famous beaches. We just commuted, taking advantage of the Family Funday Pass every Sundays. We didn't have a hard time commuting since the trains and buses were all pram friendly :D
We made the right decision, because when we got there, it was beautiful :D I liked it better than Manly Beach :D
We had a quick lunch at McDonalds and decided to explore the place after lunch.
First thing that I noticed was the cleanliness of the place. Even if there were a LOT of people that day, there was not much litter. The place smelled good. The cool sea breeze was a welcome change :D Hindi siya amoy malansa. Not too many birds that tend to disrupt your relaxation. There were many toilets and were baby friendly as well. The toilets were clean. There was filtered water fountains available. There were many food shops to choose from. I won't miss saying this: the sand is white! Just beautiful! It reminded me of the white sands of Panglao Island in Bohol.

Oh, I forgot to mention, there was a park as well and the park had a playground for kids.
Although Kuya Liam decided to pass this time from playing, as he was so eager to go back to the shops and have our dessert already, he still agreed to smile for this photo.
I still wanted to go and explore the place and play in the sand with Liam (Sam was having her afternoon nap already), but my Kuya was not in the mood.
The only thing that made him change his grumpy mood was when we finally went to an ice cream bar!
He had chocolate ice cream and I had Macademia and Caramel Ice Cream.
Here is Liam, all smiles now and ready to eat his ice cream!
Here are some more pictures of the place:
Here are some photos of the pram friendly buses we rode :D
Oh, before I forget, I was able to confirm what other people say about the place: some women do go topless when they do sun bathing ;p Sorry, but no pictures for that hehe
I will make sure the next time we go back, I'll take a dip and enjoy the place to the fullest. Overall, it was a relaxing day for us. It was indeed a family funday Sunday :D
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Almost Over
Next Thursday, my daughter will already turn ten months old. Goodness! Yes, she will be turning a year old in two months time, but it will also mean that my maternity leave will soon be over!
Before I gave birth to her, I thought that one year of staying in the house will be the longest twelve months of my life. But, I was proven wrong! Not a dull moment at home! I think, instead of having rest at home, I will get to have my "rest" once I go back to work.
After my one month holiday in Manila, I will be back doing my requirements for my return to work, next school year.Whenever I visit the CEO Parramatta website, I see a lot of openings for next school year. I hope, I will be lucky when I apply.
I plan to apply for a permanent part-time position, probably just working three days a week. But if I will not be lucky to have a permanent post, I will still be OK with my casual teaching (for the meantime), anyways, Sam and Liam are still very young. Working full time will require a lot on my part and either my family life or career will suffer if I work full time now. As they say, you can't have two masters. And it's just money. You can always earn it, and God will for sure provide. I can't gamble the time I will be spending with my kids over work. I choose family.But given the choice, being a casual for the next 2-3 years will be perfectly fine with me. With my casual work, I get to teach and earn and at the same time and still do my duties and responsibilities at home :-)
Next school year officially starts January 2012. So, I better make the most out of my last 4 months, before I go back to work :-) My maternity leave helped me. I think it was a break that I needed. If before, I was scared of the thought of going back to work after being away for a year, now, I feel the exact opposite!
Yep, my maternity leave will soon be over... I can't wait to go back to work (on my conditions of course hehehe) :-)
Before I gave birth to her, I thought that one year of staying in the house will be the longest twelve months of my life. But, I was proven wrong! Not a dull moment at home! I think, instead of having rest at home, I will get to have my "rest" once I go back to work.
After my one month holiday in Manila, I will be back doing my requirements for my return to work, next school year.Whenever I visit the CEO Parramatta website, I see a lot of openings for next school year. I hope, I will be lucky when I apply.
I plan to apply for a permanent part-time position, probably just working three days a week. But if I will not be lucky to have a permanent post, I will still be OK with my casual teaching (for the meantime), anyways, Sam and Liam are still very young. Working full time will require a lot on my part and either my family life or career will suffer if I work full time now. As they say, you can't have two masters. And it's just money. You can always earn it, and God will for sure provide. I can't gamble the time I will be spending with my kids over work. I choose family.But given the choice, being a casual for the next 2-3 years will be perfectly fine with me. With my casual work, I get to teach and earn and at the same time and still do my duties and responsibilities at home :-)
Next school year officially starts January 2012. So, I better make the most out of my last 4 months, before I go back to work :-) My maternity leave helped me. I think it was a break that I needed. If before, I was scared of the thought of going back to work after being away for a year, now, I feel the exact opposite!
Yep, my maternity leave will soon be over... I can't wait to go back to work (on my conditions of course hehehe) :-)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Missing Them Already
Last year,my brother's family almost relocated to London for work reasons. Things didn't push thru because they were not able to agree on the package being offered to him. So,he politely said no.
Now, there is a new offer for his family to relocate. Since, it was one of the big bosses that already talked with him, it's like a 70-30 thing. 70% sure, that is. He is just waiting again for the final and details of the package the company is offering him. His stature will be like that of an Expat. The other night, we had a sort of get together at my sister's home and we were able to talk about the big move, if ever, it pushes thru. We were cracking jokes every now and then, but on our way home, reality hit me. And I was sad.
I am happy for my Kuya. After all, this is like a promotion for him, assigning him to a higher post than his present position. But I am sad, because I will miss them. I am sad for my children, who are very close with their cousins. I am pretty sure, they, especially Liam, will be missing his Kuya Lance and Ate Nik. Prior to them migrating here, I was able to personally take care of these two in Manila. Lance and Anika were my first babies. And when we got here, we stayed at their home for 9 months and now that we have a place of our own, they are here almost every day. They are very caring and voting Kuya and Ate to my kids. of course, they still have petty fights, but overall, they get along pretty well. So, the thought of them leaving and staying there for 3-4 years, is really sad. Of course, they will be visiting Sydney every year, but it's still different when they are just there. Just a five-minute drive from our place.
Lance and Anika are not so enthusiastic about it as well. Lance even asked his Papa if he can just stay with us here. Of course, that would be fine with me, but it is far fetched. Knowing my Kuya. I will not allow Liam or Sam as well to be left behind, if I was in their position. I know the kids are a bit apprehensive because it will be a whole new set of adjustments for them. And what about their friends? They will be leaving them, get and meet new friends, then leave the new set of friends again when they return here? That's hard. I know it will be hard and challenging as well for my sister in law.
Oh well, I know that it is for my Kuya and S-in-L to make the big decision. All I can do is to pray with them and hope that they will arrive at the best decision for their family.
But, just in case they push thru, I will miss them terribly. They haven't even left, but I am missing them already.
Now, there is a new offer for his family to relocate. Since, it was one of the big bosses that already talked with him, it's like a 70-30 thing. 70% sure, that is. He is just waiting again for the final and details of the package the company is offering him. His stature will be like that of an Expat. The other night, we had a sort of get together at my sister's home and we were able to talk about the big move, if ever, it pushes thru. We were cracking jokes every now and then, but on our way home, reality hit me. And I was sad.
I am happy for my Kuya. After all, this is like a promotion for him, assigning him to a higher post than his present position. But I am sad, because I will miss them. I am sad for my children, who are very close with their cousins. I am pretty sure, they, especially Liam, will be missing his Kuya Lance and Ate Nik. Prior to them migrating here, I was able to personally take care of these two in Manila. Lance and Anika were my first babies. And when we got here, we stayed at their home for 9 months and now that we have a place of our own, they are here almost every day. They are very caring and voting Kuya and Ate to my kids. of course, they still have petty fights, but overall, they get along pretty well. So, the thought of them leaving and staying there for 3-4 years, is really sad. Of course, they will be visiting Sydney every year, but it's still different when they are just there. Just a five-minute drive from our place.
Lance and Anika are not so enthusiastic about it as well. Lance even asked his Papa if he can just stay with us here. Of course, that would be fine with me, but it is far fetched. Knowing my Kuya. I will not allow Liam or Sam as well to be left behind, if I was in their position. I know the kids are a bit apprehensive because it will be a whole new set of adjustments for them. And what about their friends? They will be leaving them, get and meet new friends, then leave the new set of friends again when they return here? That's hard. I know it will be hard and challenging as well for my sister in law.
Oh well, I know that it is for my Kuya and S-in-L to make the big decision. All I can do is to pray with them and hope that they will arrive at the best decision for their family.
But, just in case they push thru, I will miss them terribly. They haven't even left, but I am missing them already.

Full Moon
Took a while to write my next blog entry.
Was trying to write about something but I just can't pull my acts together. Was being consumed by a lot of things.
I needed to do a lot of things yesterday (well, actually, I still do), but I wasn't up for the challenge. I tried to run away by going to the shops with my children, but of course when I got home, the issues and the to-dos were still there. But my trip with the kids helped, heaps. Let's just say I was getting lost with all the commotion and they helped me find my way back, just by being themselves :-)
The words are coming out easily now because I feel better :-)
bilog lang siguro ang buwan :-)
Was trying to write about something but I just can't pull my acts together. Was being consumed by a lot of things.
I needed to do a lot of things yesterday (well, actually, I still do), but I wasn't up for the challenge. I tried to run away by going to the shops with my children, but of course when I got home, the issues and the to-dos were still there. But my trip with the kids helped, heaps. Let's just say I was getting lost with all the commotion and they helped me find my way back, just by being themselves :-)
The words are coming out easily now because I feel better :-)
bilog lang siguro ang buwan :-)
Friday, September 9, 2011
Gentle Reminders
Funny how sometimes we get gentle reminders from people or strangers about things that we take for granted.
Last night over dinner, Alvin arrived after a few minutes of starting dinner with the kids. He was asking each one of us as to how our day went. When he asked me how my day was, I didn't reply. Liam told me: "Mama, are you not talking with my Papa? You talk with my Papa." --> a reminder for me than even if I am already dead tired or nothing special happened that day, I should take initiative or do my share of keeping our communication lines open.
Last night, while watching TV, reading a book and using my tablet (I don't know how I was doing it, but I was doing all 3 at the same time) Liam was telling me something. I just kept on nodding my head and saying yeah, until he told me: " Mama, you are not talking with me!" And as if it was not enough, he jumped on my lap, cupped my face into his tiny hands and told me again:"Mama, you are not listening to me!" Ouch! Bulls-eye!Now he really has my full attention! --> We cannot really underestimate the feelings and how intelligent kids are nowadays. Liam knew that even if I was just seated beside him, I was not really with him. A gentle reminder for me that I should spend quality time with my kids, engage and really connect with them, because they will know when I am faking it.
Lastly, just this morning at the shops. A stranger (a grandma), after showing her fondness with Liam and Sam addressed me: "You have beautiful children. Enjoy them now, time flies so quickly. Before you know it, they're out of the house!" Then she said goodbye. Wow. What else can I say? She must be talking from experience. --> A gentle reminder for me to just be patient with the next 4-5 years...that I will have all the "me" time that I need, the "us" time that hubby and I need, the long and uninterrupted sleeps that we wish...to enjoy all the moments that I have with my children now. It's much easier said than done, especially if you don't have helpers or yayas to leave your kids so I can have my day off...but I will try :-)
Funny how God sometimes uses other people to send His message across. Well Lord, thank you for Your gentle reminders :-)
Last night over dinner, Alvin arrived after a few minutes of starting dinner with the kids. He was asking each one of us as to how our day went. When he asked me how my day was, I didn't reply. Liam told me: "Mama, are you not talking with my Papa? You talk with my Papa." --> a reminder for me than even if I am already dead tired or nothing special happened that day, I should take initiative or do my share of keeping our communication lines open.
Last night, while watching TV, reading a book and using my tablet (I don't know how I was doing it, but I was doing all 3 at the same time) Liam was telling me something. I just kept on nodding my head and saying yeah, until he told me: " Mama, you are not talking with me!" And as if it was not enough, he jumped on my lap, cupped my face into his tiny hands and told me again:"Mama, you are not listening to me!" Ouch! Bulls-eye!Now he really has my full attention! --> We cannot really underestimate the feelings and how intelligent kids are nowadays. Liam knew that even if I was just seated beside him, I was not really with him. A gentle reminder for me that I should spend quality time with my kids, engage and really connect with them, because they will know when I am faking it.
Lastly, just this morning at the shops. A stranger (a grandma), after showing her fondness with Liam and Sam addressed me: "You have beautiful children. Enjoy them now, time flies so quickly. Before you know it, they're out of the house!" Then she said goodbye. Wow. What else can I say? She must be talking from experience. --> A gentle reminder for me to just be patient with the next 4-5 years...that I will have all the "me" time that I need, the "us" time that hubby and I need, the long and uninterrupted sleeps that we wish...to enjoy all the moments that I have with my children now. It's much easier said than done, especially if you don't have helpers or yayas to leave your kids so I can have my day off...but I will try :-)
Funny how God sometimes uses other people to send His message across. Well Lord, thank you for Your gentle reminders :-)
living simply,
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Now What? (My Tablet Story)
Five days after I got my newest tablet, now what?
I am no tech-y person, so if you're looking for a comprehensive and very technical review of a tablet, this one is not for you.
I know that I got it for the wrong reasons. I didn't need it, I wanted it. So five days after getting it, I am asking myself, why did I want it in the first place?
First day: I was in awe. Amazed on how technology works! It's fast and very easy to use, especially for one FB addict like me. In less than a minute, I'm logged in and I am updated with my friends' recent activities. It was easy to blog. I was able to write a blog entry while I stayed beside Liam and waited for him to fall asleep. It's very convenient. Now, I'm excited to use it again the following day!
Second day: It was Father's day here in Australia. My family, together with our friends, Ochok and Vera, celebrated it by going to Cabramatta. I had with me our digicam and I was excited to start storing our pictures here in my tablet, only to be disappointed. I realized that the SD card size of our digicam didn't match the SD card of my tablet because the tablet uses a micro SD. Hay. So I guess, I will still have to store our pictures and upload it through our laptop. We won't be changing our digicam since we just had an upgrade last December. Oh well.
Third Day: More eye-opener scenarios. I thought that I can do more web-browsing while I nurse Sam to sleep at lunch time. Guess, not in my case. Sam senses when I do some movements with my hands to touch the screen or change the orientation of the tablet. It keeps her from falling asleep. So I have no other choice but to put it aside. I can't use it while lying down as it is a bit heavy and if by chance I fall asleep and it falls on Sam's head (knock on wood), I will be in VERY BIG TROUBLE. So, no tablets for nap times. I can't seem to maximize the use of my tablet in my blogging as my pictures and other files are still in our laptop. So the only thing that I can do is really, browse. I can't even update our plans and the things to-do for our forthcoming trip to Manila because, again, all my files are kept in the lapotop.I stayed up late just as so I can have more "contact" time with my tablet. But it was not really a good idea. I still have to study how to do copy and paste, edit a text, etc. I also want to have some Paint app or photoshop apps installed. Hay! Too many things that I want!
Fourth day: Not having enough sleep and not being able to read the book I am presently reading, I didn't have enough time using the tablet. I only got to have more time to use it when Alvin got home. I deliberately didn't use it much today because I needed to do some chores at home (we had a house inspection with our real estate agent) and I wanted to discipline myself with its use. Not to mention that Liam was using it more often than me. I used it to check out more Android apps and to check out the FB application. Right now, when I open my FB account in the tablet, I can't have access to FB chat. I actually asked Alvin why is it different from his mobile. Mine is the higher version (3.0 Honeycomb--> what ever that means)and the newer version so Alvin said that maybe they haven't developed a program for that version, yet. Even the Skype program we downloaded doesn't allow us to have video call. Sucks, right?
Fifth day: Well, the day is not yet over. But I'm actually finishing this blog entry using our very reliable laptop. I plan to check more Android apps and e-books so I can maximize the use of the tablet. I'm looking for children's applications as well. So far, I have downloaded stories, reading and writing for Liam to use. But of course, the car race is still the most popular app for my little boy.
Whenever we have a new gadget, it's Alvin who does the reading of the manual and I just wait for him to teach me and share with me the instructions. But this time, I think, I should make an effort to read the manual, after all, this gadget, is mine. Alvin does try to fix it and improve the settings, etc., study and teach me how to do stuff at night, but with the limited time that he has, it is not enough, and like what I have mentioned, I better do my share.
So, was it just a waste of money? Well, five days of having it seems to be too early to make a conclusion. Right now, we are in the process of familiarizing ourselves with the gadget, buying more accessories for it (like protective sheet, stylus, cover, micro SD card, etc.), and thinking of putting more apps (music, taking more pictures, etc!). I'm trying to justify the reasons why I wanted to have one in the first place. Well, this is all for now. After 6 months, I promise to write another blog entry and share with you how it has been with my tablet.
Hopefully by then, I can justify why I wanted it.
I am no tech-y person, so if you're looking for a comprehensive and very technical review of a tablet, this one is not for you.
I know that I got it for the wrong reasons. I didn't need it, I wanted it. So five days after getting it, I am asking myself, why did I want it in the first place?
First day: I was in awe. Amazed on how technology works! It's fast and very easy to use, especially for one FB addict like me. In less than a minute, I'm logged in and I am updated with my friends' recent activities. It was easy to blog. I was able to write a blog entry while I stayed beside Liam and waited for him to fall asleep. It's very convenient. Now, I'm excited to use it again the following day!
Second day: It was Father's day here in Australia. My family, together with our friends, Ochok and Vera, celebrated it by going to Cabramatta. I had with me our digicam and I was excited to start storing our pictures here in my tablet, only to be disappointed. I realized that the SD card size of our digicam didn't match the SD card of my tablet because the tablet uses a micro SD. Hay. So I guess, I will still have to store our pictures and upload it through our laptop. We won't be changing our digicam since we just had an upgrade last December. Oh well.
Third Day: More eye-opener scenarios. I thought that I can do more web-browsing while I nurse Sam to sleep at lunch time. Guess, not in my case. Sam senses when I do some movements with my hands to touch the screen or change the orientation of the tablet. It keeps her from falling asleep. So I have no other choice but to put it aside. I can't use it while lying down as it is a bit heavy and if by chance I fall asleep and it falls on Sam's head (knock on wood), I will be in VERY BIG TROUBLE. So, no tablets for nap times. I can't seem to maximize the use of my tablet in my blogging as my pictures and other files are still in our laptop. So the only thing that I can do is really, browse. I can't even update our plans and the things to-do for our forthcoming trip to Manila because, again, all my files are kept in the lapotop.I stayed up late just as so I can have more "contact" time with my tablet. But it was not really a good idea. I still have to study how to do copy and paste, edit a text, etc. I also want to have some Paint app or photoshop apps installed. Hay! Too many things that I want!
Fourth day: Not having enough sleep and not being able to read the book I am presently reading, I didn't have enough time using the tablet. I only got to have more time to use it when Alvin got home. I deliberately didn't use it much today because I needed to do some chores at home (we had a house inspection with our real estate agent) and I wanted to discipline myself with its use. Not to mention that Liam was using it more often than me. I used it to check out more Android apps and to check out the FB application. Right now, when I open my FB account in the tablet, I can't have access to FB chat. I actually asked Alvin why is it different from his mobile. Mine is the higher version (3.0 Honeycomb--> what ever that means)and the newer version so Alvin said that maybe they haven't developed a program for that version, yet. Even the Skype program we downloaded doesn't allow us to have video call. Sucks, right?
Fifth day: Well, the day is not yet over. But I'm actually finishing this blog entry using our very reliable laptop. I plan to check more Android apps and e-books so I can maximize the use of the tablet. I'm looking for children's applications as well. So far, I have downloaded stories, reading and writing for Liam to use. But of course, the car race is still the most popular app for my little boy.
Whenever we have a new gadget, it's Alvin who does the reading of the manual and I just wait for him to teach me and share with me the instructions. But this time, I think, I should make an effort to read the manual, after all, this gadget, is mine. Alvin does try to fix it and improve the settings, etc., study and teach me how to do stuff at night, but with the limited time that he has, it is not enough, and like what I have mentioned, I better do my share.
So, was it just a waste of money? Well, five days of having it seems to be too early to make a conclusion. Right now, we are in the process of familiarizing ourselves with the gadget, buying more accessories for it (like protective sheet, stylus, cover, micro SD card, etc.), and thinking of putting more apps (music, taking more pictures, etc!). I'm trying to justify the reasons why I wanted to have one in the first place. Well, this is all for now. After 6 months, I promise to write another blog entry and share with you how it has been with my tablet.
Hopefully by then, I can justify why I wanted it.
Acer Iconia,
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Alvin's Turn to Get Sentimental
What's wrong with us?!
Nothing. We're just two happy parents, overjoyed with the presence of our children. Thankful for the gift of parenthood.
It was hubby's turn to get sentimental last night.
Before you even think this is about the pram (broken umbrella pram of Liam) too, nope, it's not.
Last night, Alvin was checking or looking for something in his computer files when he chanced upon the videos folder of his old mobile. He clicked one video and watched it. After that he called my attention (sorry, busy with my tablet!) and Liam's as well and we all watched the video clip.
At the middle of the clip Alvin said: "Ayan, naiiyak na si Papa" and became teary-eyed. Making an excuse pa na "mahapdi mata niya." Seeing him teary-eyed, made me teary-eyed as well. And then he talked with his son: "See Liam, that is what we're missing. Where is our happy little boy?" --> Hubby trying to process Liam's anger outbursts and temper tantrums the past days. (Crossing our fingers, it will be effective).
This is the video that made hubby sentimental. It was taken March 0f 2010. Liam was just 2 years and 3 months old.
Hay, time flies.
Nothing. We're just two happy parents, overjoyed with the presence of our children. Thankful for the gift of parenthood.
It was hubby's turn to get sentimental last night.
Before you even think this is about the pram (broken umbrella pram of Liam) too, nope, it's not.
Last night, Alvin was checking or looking for something in his computer files when he chanced upon the videos folder of his old mobile. He clicked one video and watched it. After that he called my attention (sorry, busy with my tablet!) and Liam's as well and we all watched the video clip.
At the middle of the clip Alvin said: "Ayan, naiiyak na si Papa" and became teary-eyed. Making an excuse pa na "mahapdi mata niya." Seeing him teary-eyed, made me teary-eyed as well. And then he talked with his son: "See Liam, that is what we're missing. Where is our happy little boy?" --> Hubby trying to process Liam's anger outbursts and temper tantrums the past days. (Crossing our fingers, it will be effective).
This is the video that made hubby sentimental. It was taken March 0f 2010. Liam was just 2 years and 3 months old.
Hay, time flies.
growing up,
Monday, September 5, 2011
Getting Sentimental
I got a bit sentimental last night when, I was packing up and cleaning and saw I needed to keep Liam's class picture. My Liam is not a baby anymore! In fact there are days when he drives us nuts! The past weeks, he's been "testing" us...I think he is now in the terrible 3's stage! And I thought that Alvin and I were lucky to have been exempted from that stage! Oh well, in a few more months he'll be 4 and hopefully, this stage will come to pass:-)
I got sentimental when after I kept Liam's picture , I decided to look at Sam's folder and saw at her 3d pictures when she was still 21 weeks old inside me. I just can't believe how she's grown right before my eyes! She's crawling on her knees very fast and trying to stand all by herself already. In a few more months, she'll be turning one and she'll be like her Kuya Liam when we first arrived here in Sydney.
I got sentimental this morning when I was removing the stuff from Liam's umbrella stroller. Call me nuts but I was actually "talking" to the pram and "thanking" it for its 4 years of service. To think that I was the one who was forcing Alvin to get a new umbrella stroller even if the old one wasn't broken yet. But yesterday, it did. After 4 years it broke already. I just got "attached" to it because it was our pram when we were starting here in Sydney. It's like it's been part of our struggles and triumphs :-)
Oh well, it's just one of those days :-)
I got sentimental when after I kept Liam's picture , I decided to look at Sam's folder and saw at her 3d pictures when she was still 21 weeks old inside me. I just can't believe how she's grown right before my eyes! She's crawling on her knees very fast and trying to stand all by herself already. In a few more months, she'll be turning one and she'll be like her Kuya Liam when we first arrived here in Sydney.
I got sentimental this morning when I was removing the stuff from Liam's umbrella stroller. Call me nuts but I was actually "talking" to the pram and "thanking" it for its 4 years of service. To think that I was the one who was forcing Alvin to get a new umbrella stroller even if the old one wasn't broken yet. But yesterday, it did. After 4 years it broke already. I just got "attached" to it because it was our pram when we were starting here in Sydney. It's like it's been part of our struggles and triumphs :-)
Oh well, it's just one of those days :-)
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Advanced Birthday Present
I gave in.
I wanted to have a tablet for Christmas and today it became an advanced birthday present. Thanks to hubby.
Before I gave in, he was actually asking me if I needed it. I told him, he was actually asking the wrong question. Of course, I didn't need it. But, do I want it? That is the question. Well, obviously, I gave in.
But mind you, I almost said no to the second question. I was a bit shy and guilty. Is it splurging on our part? Am I splurging? What about those fears that I had initially of us having lesser talk time at home when we get a new gadget? Yes, for sometime now I have been wanting a tablet, but when I had the chance to have one, I suddenly found myself backing out. But of course, I DIDN'T.
I am now using my newest gadget as I write this blog. And aside from being amazed with technology, I am loving the fact that it is indeed very handy! The thing is, I should set my limitations as well and be a model for my little boy, who, like me and his Papa, has the tendency to be addicted to gadgets.
We didn't get an ipad2. After reading all the reviews, we felt that we can have a better deal with what we bought. It is a bit heavier than the ipad2 but aside from that the other features are better. The cameras, higher resolution, HDMI and USB availability, it is android, and has an SD card slot. Of course, it will never match the popularity of the ipad2 (being a Mac/apple product), but we get more value for our money :) Before I even forget to mention it, hubby got me an Acer Iconia tablet :)
Needless to say, I am very happy with my newest gadget.
Thank you to my ever generous hubby, for this wonderful present :) Yep, he'd rather spend on gadgets than buy me designer bags hehehe Well, I guess, I will just have to save up on my bags ;)
I wanted to have a tablet for Christmas and today it became an advanced birthday present. Thanks to hubby.
Before I gave in, he was actually asking me if I needed it. I told him, he was actually asking the wrong question. Of course, I didn't need it. But, do I want it? That is the question. Well, obviously, I gave in.
But mind you, I almost said no to the second question. I was a bit shy and guilty. Is it splurging on our part? Am I splurging? What about those fears that I had initially of us having lesser talk time at home when we get a new gadget? Yes, for sometime now I have been wanting a tablet, but when I had the chance to have one, I suddenly found myself backing out. But of course, I DIDN'T.
I am now using my newest gadget as I write this blog. And aside from being amazed with technology, I am loving the fact that it is indeed very handy! The thing is, I should set my limitations as well and be a model for my little boy, who, like me and his Papa, has the tendency to be addicted to gadgets.
We didn't get an ipad2. After reading all the reviews, we felt that we can have a better deal with what we bought. It is a bit heavier than the ipad2 but aside from that the other features are better. The cameras, higher resolution, HDMI and USB availability, it is android, and has an SD card slot. Of course, it will never match the popularity of the ipad2 (being a Mac/apple product), but we get more value for our money :) Before I even forget to mention it, hubby got me an Acer Iconia tablet :)
Needless to say, I am very happy with my newest gadget.
Thank you to my ever generous hubby, for this wonderful present :) Yep, he'd rather spend on gadgets than buy me designer bags hehehe Well, I guess, I will just have to save up on my bags ;)
Acer Iconia,
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Costco Sydney opened its doors last July and I have been hearing different kinds of Costco stories since then.
We have good friends who are members and my brother and SIL happens to be members as well. My friend Vera has been inviting me to go with her so I can check out the place. But sadly, we haven't pushed thru with the trip yet.
This am, my Kuya told me that my SIL was planning to go to Costco and asked if I wanted to come. Of course, not letting the opportunity pass, I went with Liam and Sam :D
Well, for starters, we didn't have a hard time looking for a parking space since we were there at aroung 10:05am. The store opens at 10:00 am.
As usual, there was already a queue for people who were just applying and getting their membership cards. I could have, but hubby said, he thinks it's not worth it to pay $60 for a few visits to the store. Anyways, we have Vera or my Kuya/SIL to go with if ever we want to go and buy some stuff at home.
Next, it wasn't as BIG as I thought it would be. I think I've seen bigger shops/malls especially in Manila. What makes it look big are the piles and stocks of products up until the roof (well, I'm exaggerating here, but you know what I mean, right?).
Hmmm, what else...true to what I have been hearing, majority of the products are still Aussie products. I don't know if they have an agreement with the government, but if none, I think they can add more American brands.
I bought a box of Kirkland nappies, hoping it is of good quality. (When I checked it at home, I wasn't really happy. It's too thin and I don't know if I can use it for Sam's night nappy).
I also bought Cream puffs. Vera introduced it to us and when I tasted it, there was no stopping me from eating more! Good Lord, jus imagine how my belly has grown over the past week because of this food!
I took the chance to buy hubby's Father's Day gift here. There were some American clothing brands that were affordable. So I got Alvin a 501 Levi's jeans (for $47), a Nautica cargo shorts (for $28) and a pack of Hershey's chocolate nuggets (for $15). I think hubby will be happy with the chocolates :D
I liked the idea of having/selling ready-to-eat meals and cakes. I was actually thinking that if we are to push thru with Liam's birthday party, we might as well just buy the food here. The cake, chili chiken wings, pizza, subs, platter, etc. will make the hardest task of food preparation very effortless. The prices I think are reasonable for the quantity and the cake sizes. I just hope it tastes good as well.
We got out at around 11:15 and by that time both my kids were hungry. We could have eaten there but the line outside was too long already so we just ate our lunch at the nearest Mccas.
All in all, was I happy with my Costco experience? Yes, I was. But it's not a place that I am not really looking forward to visiting again. And this time I agree with hubby, we will not be able to maximize the $60 membership, have we decided to apply, because what I've seen there are mostly available in the local shops. I'd rather go to DFO or Ikea ;)
We have good friends who are members and my brother and SIL happens to be members as well. My friend Vera has been inviting me to go with her so I can check out the place. But sadly, we haven't pushed thru with the trip yet.
This am, my Kuya told me that my SIL was planning to go to Costco and asked if I wanted to come. Of course, not letting the opportunity pass, I went with Liam and Sam :D
Well, for starters, we didn't have a hard time looking for a parking space since we were there at aroung 10:05am. The store opens at 10:00 am.
As usual, there was already a queue for people who were just applying and getting their membership cards. I could have, but hubby said, he thinks it's not worth it to pay $60 for a few visits to the store. Anyways, we have Vera or my Kuya/SIL to go with if ever we want to go and buy some stuff at home.
Next, it wasn't as BIG as I thought it would be. I think I've seen bigger shops/malls especially in Manila. What makes it look big are the piles and stocks of products up until the roof (well, I'm exaggerating here, but you know what I mean, right?).
Hmmm, what else...true to what I have been hearing, majority of the products are still Aussie products. I don't know if they have an agreement with the government, but if none, I think they can add more American brands.
I bought a box of Kirkland nappies, hoping it is of good quality. (When I checked it at home, I wasn't really happy. It's too thin and I don't know if I can use it for Sam's night nappy).
I also bought Cream puffs. Vera introduced it to us and when I tasted it, there was no stopping me from eating more! Good Lord, jus imagine how my belly has grown over the past week because of this food!
I took the chance to buy hubby's Father's Day gift here. There were some American clothing brands that were affordable. So I got Alvin a 501 Levi's jeans (for $47), a Nautica cargo shorts (for $28) and a pack of Hershey's chocolate nuggets (for $15). I think hubby will be happy with the chocolates :D
I liked the idea of having/selling ready-to-eat meals and cakes. I was actually thinking that if we are to push thru with Liam's birthday party, we might as well just buy the food here. The cake, chili chiken wings, pizza, subs, platter, etc. will make the hardest task of food preparation very effortless. The prices I think are reasonable for the quantity and the cake sizes. I just hope it tastes good as well.
We got out at around 11:15 and by that time both my kids were hungry. We could have eaten there but the line outside was too long already so we just ate our lunch at the nearest Mccas.
All in all, was I happy with my Costco experience? Yes, I was. But it's not a place that I am not really looking forward to visiting again. And this time I agree with hubby, we will not be able to maximize the $60 membership, have we decided to apply, because what I've seen there are mostly available in the local shops. I'd rather go to DFO or Ikea ;)
Costco sydney,
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