It was a long and hard decision especially for me, since I grew up having negative notions about gadgets like this. Aside from not having enough funds to buy one, and update the gadgets to what was in, my Papa and Mama, taught all five of us, their kids, that these gadgets were not good for our studies. They were distractions. We did have a taste of these gadgets every now and then thru our cousins who were rich enough to buy them-- game and watch, Atari, Family Computers, PS, PS2, PS3 and the like where things that did not interest me. These things I believe take away talking time within the family, and makes kids (and parents playing) couch potatoes, and yes, I do believe that they are distractions. Well, fate seemed to play a bit of a game with me as I ended up marrying one who was a games/console fanatic!
After hubby and I got married, I already laid down the rules that he can't bring in at home his PS. His Play Station was left with his brothers at their home. Even when we migrated here and Liam was born already, NO - to- game gadgets/consoles rule still stood. But early this year, Liam requested us to have a DS for his Christmas gift. I wasn't buying. My rule was, my children will only have these gadgets if they will be given as gifts from family or friends.
Now, why the change of heart? Thanks to one of my friends, Cheche, who first wrote it on her blog. During the time that I read her entry, hubby and were in the deciding stage whether to give Liam a DS or a Wii for Christmas. I really didn't like the DS because of the kids I got to meet in malls or the ones I rode with in trains and buses. Imagine all of them so busy with their DS and not even looking to talk with the parents or where they are headed, to the point that they have bumped into something or someone already. I am not exaggerating. I really did see kids like what I have mentioned. So, NO for DS. For the Wii, well, let's say it has the tendency to make Liam a couch potato. So why the Kinect? Well, the thing that really convinced me (aside from the stories of my friend Cheche and her assurances) was the fact that you don't need the remote control (ok, now that we have it, you still need the remote to set it up), but when it cmae to playing the games, you had to do the actions yourself!
After seeing my two boys play the first time, I am convinced that we did the right decision. I even join in the fun now! We have the Kinect Sports games and believe me, after playing for only 10 minutes, I was sweating! It served as our family bonding and exercise as well :)
Here is one example:
There was not much movement here, but when we play the Track and Field Game which has 4 events -- Sprint, Javelin Throw, Dicus Throwing and the hmmm I forgot the last one hehehe, you'll really sweat it out!
Another good thing about it is that we get to teach Liam some other values like, accepting defeat gracefully (which we're having a hard time as of this writing hehehe), giving your best, patience and perseverance.
It is one hi-tech gadget as it has facial recognition, access to your FB account, photos and videos taken while you play the game, etc. It's only been two weekends and for those two weekends (no Xbox on school days), we have been spending some time playing as a family, which I think is the best part of having one :D