After church (Liam didn't have any Soccer lessons anymore scheduled for that day), we headed off to the beach. I was excited and happy that finally hubby agreed to check out the place. We always end up postponing the trip because of three reasons:
Reason 1: We just go there when we have visitors from Manila.
Argument: Well, we had his parents last year, but we didn't go there.
So I will not accept that excuse anymore!
Reason 2: (During Spring or Fall) It's too cold.
Reason 3: (During Summer) It's too hot.
Well, I told him these reasons were gasgas na! I told him yesterday was a good day since we're having Summery weather, it's warm, but it's not too hot as compared if it's really summer, and it's not too cold either. Ha! Guess my convincing power is still effective hehehe :D
After staying here in Sydney for almost 3 years, it was our first time to visit one of Australia's famous beaches. We just commuted, taking advantage of the Family Funday Pass every Sundays. We didn't have a hard time commuting since the trains and buses were all pram friendly :D
We made the right decision, because when we got there, it was beautiful :D I liked it better than Manly Beach :D
We had a quick lunch at McDonalds and decided to explore the place after lunch.
First thing that I noticed was the cleanliness of the place. Even if there were a LOT of people that day, there was not much litter. The place smelled good. The cool sea breeze was a welcome change :D Hindi siya amoy malansa. Not too many birds that tend to disrupt your relaxation. There were many toilets and were baby friendly as well. The toilets were clean. There was filtered water fountains available. There were many food shops to choose from. I won't miss saying this: the sand is white! Just beautiful! It reminded me of the white sands of Panglao Island in Bohol.

Oh, I forgot to mention, there was a park as well and the park had a playground for kids.
Although Kuya Liam decided to pass this time from playing, as he was so eager to go back to the shops and have our dessert already, he still agreed to smile for this photo.
I still wanted to go and explore the place and play in the sand with Liam (Sam was having her afternoon nap already), but my Kuya was not in the mood.
The only thing that made him change his grumpy mood was when we finally went to an ice cream bar!
He had chocolate ice cream and I had Macademia and Caramel Ice Cream.
Here is Liam, all smiles now and ready to eat his ice cream!
Here are some more pictures of the place:
Here are some photos of the pram friendly buses we rode :D
Oh, before I forget, I was able to confirm what other people say about the place: some women do go topless when they do sun bathing ;p Sorry, but no pictures for that hehe
I will make sure the next time we go back, I'll take a dip and enjoy the place to the fullest. Overall, it was a relaxing day for us. It was indeed a family funday Sunday :D