Now, there is a new offer for his family to relocate. Since, it was one of the big bosses that already talked with him, it's like a 70-30 thing. 70% sure, that is. He is just waiting again for the final and details of the package the company is offering him. His stature will be like that of an Expat. The other night, we had a sort of get together at my sister's home and we were able to talk about the big move, if ever, it pushes thru. We were cracking jokes every now and then, but on our way home, reality hit me. And I was sad.
I am happy for my Kuya. After all, this is like a promotion for him, assigning him to a higher post than his present position. But I am sad, because I will miss them. I am sad for my children, who are very close with their cousins. I am pretty sure, they, especially Liam, will be missing his Kuya Lance and Ate Nik. Prior to them migrating here, I was able to personally take care of these two in Manila. Lance and Anika were my first babies. And when we got here, we stayed at their home for 9 months and now that we have a place of our own, they are here almost every day. They are very caring and voting Kuya and Ate to my kids. of course, they still have petty fights, but overall, they get along pretty well. So, the thought of them leaving and staying there for 3-4 years, is really sad. Of course, they will be visiting Sydney every year, but it's still different when they are just there. Just a five-minute drive from our place.
Lance and Anika are not so enthusiastic about it as well. Lance even asked his Papa if he can just stay with us here. Of course, that would be fine with me, but it is far fetched. Knowing my Kuya. I will not allow Liam or Sam as well to be left behind, if I was in their position. I know the kids are a bit apprehensive because it will be a whole new set of adjustments for them. And what about their friends? They will be leaving them, get and meet new friends, then leave the new set of friends again when they return here? That's hard. I know it will be hard and challenging as well for my sister in law.
Oh well, I know that it is for my Kuya and S-in-L to make the big decision. All I can do is to pray with them and hope that they will arrive at the best decision for their family.
But, just in case they push thru, I will miss them terribly. They haven't even left, but I am missing them already.