Ways that my little Sammie shows her love to her Kits Bits:
Breakfast: she doesn't eat until Liam wakes up and joins us at the dining table.
If we are eating leftovers for breakfast, say, like pancakes, she won't let us touch the last piece, even if we ask her to, telling "Don't touch it Papa, Mama, that is for Kuya Liam."
When we go to the shops and Liam is not with us, she is quiet and keeps on asking: "Mama, where is Liam?"
If we go out and Liam doesn't follow to the car, she looks for her Kuya straight away.
When we go to the library without Liam, she borrows something, like a Jimmy Neutron DVD, for her Kuya, which she knows he likes.
And just recently, she doesn't want her Kuya Liam to go Melborune with the rest of the family to have another road trip and watch the Australian Open, for the simple reason that she will miss him.
There. I know these are just small things for you. But she does these without us telling her. It touches and melts our heart because we know that these are simple acts that proves her love for her Kits Bits.