As promised I will be writing to you again soon, as my way of preserving the beautiful memories your Papa and I have with you.
You are growing up fast! Last time I remember you were Fireman Sam's number 1 fan! But now, things are slowly changing! You are now entertained by Ben10, Superheroes, Power Rangers! Yes, no more Thomas the Train, Wiggles, even Barney. Hay.
But as you grow older, you are becoming more thoughtful and sweeter.
The past few weeks you have bombarded us with statements that left us, speechless. Just speechless. But our hearts melting and our eyes, well, a bit teary-eyed.
Here are some of them:
You:"Guess what Mama?"
me: "What?"
You: "I love you very much!"
You whispering something to me:
"I'm going to tell you something Mama. I love you very much!"
You caught me there young boy!
Just last Monday, after our Easter holidays at the Gold Coast, on our way to the airport, while I was putting on your seatbelt:
"Salamat Gold Coast. Thank you Mama for buying our things and for Papa for giving the money to buy my Batman mask. Don't worry Mama, when I grow up, you know, like Papa and have work, I will give you and Papa money money."
And last night up until today, you started asking me:
"Guess how much I love you Mama? All the way to the moon and back!"
And realizing that other planets are farther than the moon, you take turns in using each of the planets to signify how much you love me.
You are one very thoughtful kid. You are an amazing kid!
How on earth does a 4 year-old think and say these kind of things? I don't remember saying such things even when I was already earning my own money!
How do you do that? I can't explain the feeling that your Papa and I feel everytime you tell us things like that!
We thank the Lord for allowing you to verbalize your appreciation of the things we do and give you. Motivates us to do better, BIG TIME!
We are lucky and blessed to have you as our son. We continue to pray for you and Sammie. She is one lucky girl too to have you as her Kuya.

See how lucky Sam is for having you as her Kuya? This was taken on our last night at Gold Coast over the Easter holidays. Papa and Mama will never get tired of seeing the two of you like this.
Like what I wrote last time, we know that you are not perfect and we don't ask you to be (although sometimes you might feel that we are actually asking you to be one, sorry). Just to let you know that we are proud of you and are very happy to see you grow up like this.
Always remember that we love you very much ( all the way to 1,000, 000 moons and back!)
We will be forever grateful to our Lord for entrusting you to us. We hope that in the coming years, we will continue to be better parents for you and your sister.