As promised, I will be writing something to you as well. Sorry it took me a longer time to write to you as compared to your Kuya Liam. Not to worry, Mama is not playing favorites :)
By now, you already know that like your Kuya, you are an answered prayer. God giving us a daughter, like what we have prayed for was bonus! And we will be forever thankful for that.
You are now 16 months old and in those 16 months I have cherised every moment spent with you. And how your name has evolved! :)
I can say that you are lucky because you got Mama personally taking care of you during the first 14 months of your life :) No yayas :) Your Kuya was not as lucky, hehehe You are a living proof that I can do things, multi-task to the highest level, and I only have to will it :)Because of your birth, Mama's ka-praningan and fears as a first-time mum vanished into thin air! I'm a more confident mum now :)
I consider myself luckier because not all parents can see and witness their kids' milestones, like me. On your every "first" I was there to witness it. I was there to see you try and succeed.
At 16 months, you already have your own personality. You and your Kuya may have physical similarities, but your personalities are uniquely your own :) You know what you like and don't like. You don't have a hard time telling us your preference because as young as you are, you can already verbalize the things that you like (and don't like).
You like to sing, you like the Wiggles (like your Kuya Liam) and their songs, you are a silent observer but you learn that way. You started counting one to five at this age. You like Gymbaroo (especially the song "I Hear Thunder')and you have fallen in love with swimming :) You like to draw and read. You like to dance and is into music as well. You are starting with your toliet training, but it is still eratic :) On the times that you verbalized what you wanted, it was always a success :)
You already know a lot of words! :)You even make simple sentences now :) We think that you will be one chatterbox like your Kuya. You are one bubbly and smart girl. It seems though that you are tougher than your Kuya. I am not worried. I know in the future, that trait will benefit you more. You are one spunky girl! :) You have been attending childcare now for almost 3 months and by this time, you have adjusted well. No more tears :) You have your way of making lambing to your Papa, Mama and Kuya Liam and it is very effective!
Your favorite cousin is bebe! You like calling her name all the time! :)
You don't like frills and ribbons. Sorry if Mama still insists of putting something on your hair hehehe Hey, you are a girl, ok? :)
When Mama is down and a bit sad, all I have to do is remember the funny faces and the happy moments that you made and it helps lift Mama's spirits.
We often argue, especially if you insist on the things you like. But Mama has to be tough. I think this a sign of things to come. But remember that I have to be tough for you and your Kuya to learn. It's a crazy world out there!
I know in due time, you'll look up to me as your model. You'll probably get some of my traits and attitude. God help me! I hope I am worthy enough to be one. With all the flaws that I have! Ha! But more than that, I look forward to the time when you will be old enough and we can have our mother-daughter bonding :) AS it is, we already have two, your Gymbaroo and swimming classes, and sometimes shopping. But it's different when you are much older hehehe :)

You and your Kuya will forever be the source of our joy and our inspiration.
I love you very much!
Till my next letter!