Busy day everyday. Being a part-time primary school teacher and a homemaker is a very challenging role. By the time I'm done with all the work at school I have to attend to the chores at home, which for some reason easily piles up.
Luckily, I also have light days where I get to do some things which, for some people might be a little bit over, but actually relaxes me. On those light days, I choose to do some things for the coming of our little baby girl, Sam.
I'm on the 24th week and in a matter of 3 months, she'll be here. Past experiences have taught me that it does pay to be prepared in advance. What have I been doing the past weeks as I prepare for the arrival of Baby Sam?
Here's my list:
a. I have washed, folded and ironed the baby clothes she will be using once she is out.
b. I have fixed her cabinets as well. Things are grouped together (clothes, onesies, sleeveless, shirts, tie shirts, hats, undies, etc.)
c. I have asked Liam to make black and white pictures which we will put on Sam's cot together with the other black and white patterns I have made (black and white patterns are great stimulants to newborns since at the first few weeks, they are still color-blind).
d. I am almost done with the adult souvenirs for her baptismal party. Yes, the only thing lacking is the tag which I will put as I tie the bags.
e. I have started making the loot bags for the kids for her baptismal party. I have attached a picture of the first few finshed products I have made. I still have to put goodies inside and of course, put the tags.
f. I am done with the lay-out for the thank-you tags for her baptismal party. Pending for printing.
There are still pending jobs which are as follows:
a. Completing the list of the godparents.
b. Informing the godparents, espcially those who are not Australia-based. Though I have emailed one already :)
c. Printing of the thank-you tags.
d. Lay-out for the baptismal invites.
e. Thank you gifts for the godparents.
f. The date and venue of the rites and the party afterwards.
g. Laundry of the new batch of clothes and baby needs given to her by my brother and parents.
h. Laundry of cot covers, blankets and quilts.
i. Laundry and set-up of the cot.
j. Cleaning of the stroller frame.
h. Preparing mommy and baby bag for the hospital.
I am in no hurry because I know that I'll get to finish all of them as the date draws near. Some may think these to-do lists are not relaxing at all. Well, let us just say that I am glad I have these things to do because it not only serves as a breather for me, but it is also a reminder that soon, our family, will be complete.