Monday, August 30, 2010

Look Good, Feel Good

Many people say that when one is pregnant, the mom-to-be should try to always be happy and as much as possible think happy thoughts. In addition, they should always try to feel good and look good. As they say, whatever the mom feels, the baby also feels. So if you are one happy mom-to-be, then chances are, your baby will be one happy baby as well. (This is quite a challenge since most moms experience a roller coaster ride of emotions althroughout the pregnancy due to the hormones).

Well, I believe that yes, one should make an extra effort to look good during pregnancy but I think, we should also strive to look good after the pregnancy as well.

I am not the type who wears make up whenever I go out, but what I mean looking good, is trying to go back to your usual size after the baby has arrived. Some moms tend to be so hands on and focused with the baby that they forget to take care of themselves. Believe me, when you look good and feel good about yourself, you'd have a more positive attitude especially during those "gloomy" days. On my first pregnancy, there was really a big effort on my part that I'd still look the way I look before I got pregnant. I made sure that my old clothes still fit after I gave birth. I was able to do it. Many of my friends joked that I just "farted" my first-born. While I was pregnant as well, I took care of my tummy by applying Palmer's religiously. Lucky me, even after two pregnancies, I still don't have any stretch marks. My friends commend me nowadays when they see me, telling me that I really didn't grow big in the last 7 months, only my tummy did :) I try to look good by dressing well too. Not expensive clothes, but clothes that still show the happy aura that I have as I await the arrival of my child.

It will really require some extra effort on our part to look good during, and more especially, after the pregnancy. But hey, we do not only do it for others (so we don't receive any harsh criticisms), for our hubbys (so we can still be very appealing and the apple of their eyes), but most importantly, we do it because we owe it to ourselves! Let us take some time to love ourselves, let us try to feel good, by looking good!