Yesterday before Liam took his afternoon nap, he told me: "Mama, I love you. I did not say it for a long, long time because I was busy, busy, busy."
Last week, when I brought him to school, I asked him to kiss me. I was ready to kiss him on the lips when he said: "No mama, cheeks only. I'm a big boy now" :(
Last night, before he slept, I asked him, are you going to say "I Love you to mama?" He said: "yes, I will say it everyday!i,'ll stop being busy."
Liam gets his Papa's perfume and puts a lot to himself, saying he put perfume so he'll be bango. One time he didn't pick his papa's Tommy. He looked at his other options. He first grabbed his papa's Hugo boss then later on changed his mind saying, I'll use this today --> his papa's ck, then tomorrow I'll use the other one --> referring to the Hugo boss. Hmmm, should I already keep his papa's perfumes? Ang bata mo pa anak, porma ka na hehehe
When we go to church on Saturdays he asks us why we have to go. "Church is boring Mama" hmmm, now that is one challenging question and remark! Being a bright kid I know I can't trick you on this one. I know you'll sense if mum is just making a lame excuse. I don't want to say but I'm really tempted to say, because I said so, or because you have to. But I know that is not the right response. You really are one of a kind!
One day when you needed to poo, on your way to the toilet, you went back and asked if you can read a magazine while pooing?! I wonder where you got that idea! Lol :-) happy it only happened once hehehehe
Over at lunch we asked you who do you look like, you said let me think about it, after a minute or two, you said, I look like the two of you --> me and his papa! Good answer, good answer, safe answer!
The other day, I accidentally hurt my finger while cooking. When you saw it, you told me, next time mama, be careful when you're using the knife so you don't hurt yourself. Such a sweetie sweetheart :-)
Oh Bits, you continue to make me and your papa laugh. You continue to make us smile. You continue to make us see how blessed we are :-)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
letting go, letting God
The reason why my family and I will be going to Manila is to have our first real holiday with family and friends.
Bags are packed and almost ready to go.
But the nega or the pessismist in me is again trying to ruin our vacation, even if we haven't even set foot in Manila.
I worry about the news back in Manila that I have been hearing and watching and reading.
I worry about the possibility of something bad happening to my family, my kids especially, while we're there.
I worry that I might miss something important because of the so many things we have planned to do while in Manila.
I feel sad that most of my friends whom I've already emailed and texted and asked if they want to meet up haven't responded yet. It's more of naiinis na kasi ako yung uuwi, ako pa yung nag-aayos at nangungulit. Ah ewan. HeheheJust thinking that maybe they have more urgent matters to attend to. But then again, I don't get to see them often. Oh well :-) Well, I think this is a lesson for me not to put my hopes up. I am expecting for the worst. The thing is, I already did my part :-) Sabi nga nila pag gusto may paraan, pag ayaw maraming dahilan.
Now as to the worrying part, I have lifted it all up to Him. I am letting go, I am letting God.
I am ready to enjoy this well-deserved vacation.
Bags are packed and almost ready to go.
But the nega or the pessismist in me is again trying to ruin our vacation, even if we haven't even set foot in Manila.
I worry about the news back in Manila that I have been hearing and watching and reading.
I worry about the possibility of something bad happening to my family, my kids especially, while we're there.
I worry that I might miss something important because of the so many things we have planned to do while in Manila.
I feel sad that most of my friends whom I've already emailed and texted and asked if they want to meet up haven't responded yet. It's more of naiinis na kasi ako yung uuwi, ako pa yung nag-aayos at nangungulit. Ah ewan. HeheheJust thinking that maybe they have more urgent matters to attend to. But then again, I don't get to see them often. Oh well :-) Well, I think this is a lesson for me not to put my hopes up. I am expecting for the worst. The thing is, I already did my part :-) Sabi nga nila pag gusto may paraan, pag ayaw maraming dahilan.
Now as to the worrying part, I have lifted it all up to Him. I am letting go, I am letting God.
I am ready to enjoy this well-deserved vacation.
Friday, October 21, 2011
11 months :)
Today, our daughter turns 11 months old :)
Time flies.
At eleven months,
she is a talker. babbles a lot but says: "hi (ha), bye (ba --> with matching wave of hands), wow, thanks (ta)" already and uses them correctly.
she can identify and ask which parent she prefers or if she wants her "Oya".
she calls Papa if she wants hubby.
she calls Mama if she wants me.
she loves her Kuya.
crawls up to him after school telling him she wants to play with him.
she loves to kiss Liam and sleep beside him.
she knows her cousins.
she likes kissing and playing with them
her two lower central teeth have erupted.
she does "monkey crawls" gliding along our seats or tables until she gets to where she wants to go.
she uses her walker (vacuum type not the one with the seat in the middle) without any help to cruise inside the house.
she likes to crawl up the stairs.
she loves going to the book shelf and get hold of a book.
she likes to do pretend reading.
she likes knows how to wave when told Hi or bye.
she knows align.
she knows how to clap hands and dance when told to.
she knows how to do beautiful eyes and flying kiss when asked to.
she knows how to kiss you on the cheeks when asked to.
she slipped one time and bit her lip accidentally :(
she fell off the bed once, today! off all days!
she loves the water. she loves swimming! she's not afraid of being submerged :)
she is an eater! thank God she's not a picky eater! she has a sweet tooth ;)
still breastfed at 11 months. plan to do so until she also turns 2 :)
she is a bunso. looking for our reaction before doing something cheeky (like going up the stairs or turning off the tv)...and when we say the magic word "no" she will give you that very pitiful face with matching (fake) crying.
she likes to play with her water. making bubbles out of them.
she stays awake even when very sleepy, especially when there is a "happening" hehe that is without being cranky.
she stays ok after having her needles (vaccinations), no fever, whatsoever :) Thank You, Lord!
she can still get scared to faces she's not familiar with.
she is malambing, makulit, bibo.
Andie and Darling to her Papa.
Sweetheart and Sam to her Mama.
Baby Sam to her Kuya Liam.
Thank you Lord for our daughter's milestones for the past 11 months
and thank you for our daughter,
Time flies.
At eleven months,
she is a talker. babbles a lot but says: "hi (ha), bye (ba --> with matching wave of hands), wow, thanks (ta)" already and uses them correctly.
she can identify and ask which parent she prefers or if she wants her "Oya".
she calls Papa if she wants hubby.
she calls Mama if she wants me.
she loves her Kuya.
crawls up to him after school telling him she wants to play with him.
she loves to kiss Liam and sleep beside him.
she knows her cousins.
she likes kissing and playing with them
her two lower central teeth have erupted.
she does "monkey crawls" gliding along our seats or tables until she gets to where she wants to go.
she uses her walker (vacuum type not the one with the seat in the middle) without any help to cruise inside the house.
she likes to crawl up the stairs.
she loves going to the book shelf and get hold of a book.
she likes to do pretend reading.
she likes knows how to wave when told Hi or bye.
she knows align.
she knows how to clap hands and dance when told to.
she knows how to do beautiful eyes and flying kiss when asked to.
she knows how to kiss you on the cheeks when asked to.
she slipped one time and bit her lip accidentally :(
she fell off the bed once, today! off all days!
she loves the water. she loves swimming! she's not afraid of being submerged :)
she is an eater! thank God she's not a picky eater! she has a sweet tooth ;)
still breastfed at 11 months. plan to do so until she also turns 2 :)
she is a bunso. looking for our reaction before doing something cheeky (like going up the stairs or turning off the tv)...and when we say the magic word "no" she will give you that very pitiful face with matching (fake) crying.
she likes to play with her water. making bubbles out of them.
she stays awake even when very sleepy, especially when there is a "happening" hehe that is without being cranky.
she stays ok after having her needles (vaccinations), no fever, whatsoever :) Thank You, Lord!
she can still get scared to faces she's not familiar with.
she is malambing, makulit, bibo.
Andie and Darling to her Papa.
Sweetheart and Sam to her Mama.
Baby Sam to her Kuya Liam.
Thank you Lord for our daughter's milestones for the past 11 months
and thank you for our daughter,
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Saying Sorry
This is not the first time you'll hear that instead of us, parents, teaching our kids values, it's the other way around.
Parents would usually list down a number of things their children teach them, without any effort or without really intending to -- patience, loving unconditionally, faithfulness, etc. Yes, I am also in the process of learning and re-learning all of these, thanks to my two beautiful children.
Aside from these, I have my own set of stories to share, because I found myself doing and learning things that I found very difficult doing, and it was only through my children that I was able to do it.But one story that I really can't pass is:
Saying "Sorry"
I'd be the first one to admit that between me and hubby, hubby is usually the first one to break the ice or say sorry every time we have an argument or a petty fight. I don't know. it's just difficult for me to blurt out this single word. Even after we have patched things up, it still usually takes 2-3 days before I say sorry to him, even if I was the one who started the fight or even if I was the guilty one. Anyway, that is slowly changing after I've seen myself with Liam. There were instances, actually a lot of them, where he needed to say sorry, but was just too proud or stubborn to say it. I got alarmed. I knew in those instances that I needed to do some concrete steps if I wanted my son to learn how to say sorry. And I knew it should start with me. I needed to model the behaviour to him.
After struggling for a few months, I guess I've reached my goal of teaching him to say sorry :-) There was a big change! He even says sorry again, for the silly thing he did before he goes to bed, even if he has said sorry to me already as soon as I reprimanded him. This is of course after achieving my own goal of saying sorry to people I've wronged, including Sam and Liam or when I did something silly.
Funny thing, this time when I forget to say sorry, Liam is the one who reminds me to say it, and mind you, he won't stop asking me to say sorry, until I have!
This is just one of the many lessons my children are teaching me. There are still plenty of stories to share, but I'll just take it and write it, one story at a time :-)
At the end of the day, it's again the challenge of becoming a parent, and the blessings that goes with it :-)
Parents would usually list down a number of things their children teach them, without any effort or without really intending to -- patience, loving unconditionally, faithfulness, etc. Yes, I am also in the process of learning and re-learning all of these, thanks to my two beautiful children.
Aside from these, I have my own set of stories to share, because I found myself doing and learning things that I found very difficult doing, and it was only through my children that I was able to do it.But one story that I really can't pass is:
Saying "Sorry"
I'd be the first one to admit that between me and hubby, hubby is usually the first one to break the ice or say sorry every time we have an argument or a petty fight. I don't know. it's just difficult for me to blurt out this single word. Even after we have patched things up, it still usually takes 2-3 days before I say sorry to him, even if I was the one who started the fight or even if I was the guilty one. Anyway, that is slowly changing after I've seen myself with Liam. There were instances, actually a lot of them, where he needed to say sorry, but was just too proud or stubborn to say it. I got alarmed. I knew in those instances that I needed to do some concrete steps if I wanted my son to learn how to say sorry. And I knew it should start with me. I needed to model the behaviour to him.
After struggling for a few months, I guess I've reached my goal of teaching him to say sorry :-) There was a big change! He even says sorry again, for the silly thing he did before he goes to bed, even if he has said sorry to me already as soon as I reprimanded him. This is of course after achieving my own goal of saying sorry to people I've wronged, including Sam and Liam or when I did something silly.
Funny thing, this time when I forget to say sorry, Liam is the one who reminds me to say it, and mind you, he won't stop asking me to say sorry, until I have!
This is just one of the many lessons my children are teaching me. There are still plenty of stories to share, but I'll just take it and write it, one story at a time :-)
At the end of the day, it's again the challenge of becoming a parent, and the blessings that goes with it :-)
Childsaying sorry,
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
good news, bad news, all news
It has been a while since I posted my last entry... social life was a bit active for the past weekend and things were a bit crazy at home :-)
Finally, hubby's ticket is here! Finally got it after A VERY LONG wait! I was starting to get stressed and had my hands fulls emailing the people who could help us with the dilemma :-)
Bags are ready to go! Well, except for the last few things I still can't keep and can only be put the night before our flight :-) Hubby still needs to double check his bags though :-)
To-do lists - √... although I still update it every time I remember something :-)
To date, we have already spent 4k for our flight and we have not even left Sydney!!! JI was actually surprised with the running total we have been spending, considering majority of the expenses for Sam's birthday are still not included there. Well, I think this realization helped me set my mind, alalay NA sa gastos :-)
Liam is thankfully, done with the terrible 3's stage! I can't help but observe him and how he has been the past few weeks...he's back to his usual self! Yipee! Glad to have survived that stage!
Liam is the leader of his tropa in school hehehe can't help but see this every time I pick him up in school :-) whatever he does or tells his friends in school, they follow! Mr congeniality? I just hope he does not abuse it and hopefully he'll not turn into a bully :-)
Sam is growing fast, faster than we have been expecting! :-) she now wears size 1, actually the size 1 just fits her, no allowance. So I ended up letting her use the clothes I asked my Kuya to buy her from the US. She is more comfortable wearing a size 2 now :-)
She now calls her Kuya, "oya" which I know means Kuya :-)
Sam can now stand on her own, without holding to anything or anyone, for 5 seconds.
She can now walk gliding thru our different furniture at home :-)
She has added some cutie stuff to her bag of tricks - like beautiful eyes, give, kissing, having special kind of play for mama and for her Papa.
She loves calling her Papa! She's starting to become one Papa's girl hehehe :-)
She's quick in picking up things just by observing :-)
Got to go, more news next time :-)
Finally, hubby's ticket is here! Finally got it after A VERY LONG wait! I was starting to get stressed and had my hands fulls emailing the people who could help us with the dilemma :-)
Bags are ready to go! Well, except for the last few things I still can't keep and can only be put the night before our flight :-) Hubby still needs to double check his bags though :-)
To-do lists - √... although I still update it every time I remember something :-)
To date, we have already spent 4k for our flight and we have not even left Sydney!!! JI was actually surprised with the running total we have been spending, considering majority of the expenses for Sam's birthday are still not included there. Well, I think this realization helped me set my mind, alalay NA sa gastos :-)
Liam is thankfully, done with the terrible 3's stage! I can't help but observe him and how he has been the past few weeks...he's back to his usual self! Yipee! Glad to have survived that stage!
Liam is the leader of his tropa in school hehehe can't help but see this every time I pick him up in school :-) whatever he does or tells his friends in school, they follow! Mr congeniality? I just hope he does not abuse it and hopefully he'll not turn into a bully :-)
Sam is growing fast, faster than we have been expecting! :-) she now wears size 1, actually the size 1 just fits her, no allowance. So I ended up letting her use the clothes I asked my Kuya to buy her from the US. She is more comfortable wearing a size 2 now :-)
She now calls her Kuya, "oya" which I know means Kuya :-)
Sam can now stand on her own, without holding to anything or anyone, for 5 seconds.
She can now walk gliding thru our different furniture at home :-)
She has added some cutie stuff to her bag of tricks - like beautiful eyes, give, kissing, having special kind of play for mama and for her Papa.
She loves calling her Papa! She's starting to become one Papa's girl hehehe :-)
She's quick in picking up things just by observing :-)
Got to go, more news next time :-)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Long Weekend Day 3 - Role Playing
The sun came out already, but was still not in the mood to get out.
Good thing Liam's cousins came in the afternoon and we all played X-box Kinect :)
So, what did we do in the morning? Liam and his Papa played pretend. This time Liam was the Papa and hubby was the Kuya. I told hubby that when Liam and I play Dads and Moms, I get to have a glimpse of what Liam thinks of his Papa, but I did not tell hubby what those were. I wanted him to see for himself. So I think this game that they were playing was a good one.
Every now and then I smile alone when I hear some of the things Papa Liam was saying to Kuya Alvin. hehehe And I also smile when Kuya Alvin does the tricks or the antics or the sometimes silly things to Papa Liam. (I think it was a good opportunity for Liam to realize how hard it is to become a parent and it was also a good opportunity for Alvin to re-asses himself as a father to Liam)
Overall, I think my two boys enjoyed their game. It was a very simple game and yet they had the chance to see and feel how it is to be the other. Maybe they should do this more often.
As for me, I still need to wait for 2 more years for Sam and I to play something like this :) Oh, I can already imagine how she'll be acting once she becomes Mama Sam and I Baby Pot :)
Good thing Liam's cousins came in the afternoon and we all played X-box Kinect :)
So, what did we do in the morning? Liam and his Papa played pretend. This time Liam was the Papa and hubby was the Kuya. I told hubby that when Liam and I play Dads and Moms, I get to have a glimpse of what Liam thinks of his Papa, but I did not tell hubby what those were. I wanted him to see for himself. So I think this game that they were playing was a good one.
Every now and then I smile alone when I hear some of the things Papa Liam was saying to Kuya Alvin. hehehe And I also smile when Kuya Alvin does the tricks or the antics or the sometimes silly things to Papa Liam. (I think it was a good opportunity for Liam to realize how hard it is to become a parent and it was also a good opportunity for Alvin to re-asses himself as a father to Liam)
Overall, I think my two boys enjoyed their game. It was a very simple game and yet they had the chance to see and feel how it is to be the other. Maybe they should do this more often.
As for me, I still need to wait for 2 more years for Sam and I to play something like this :) Oh, I can already imagine how she'll be acting once she becomes Mama Sam and I Baby Pot :)
family time,
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Long Weekend Day 2 - "me time"
The heavens poured. Oh how they poured! And the wind blew, hard.
As if the universe conspired against me that day...
Oh, it was one of those days when hubby and I had a "silent" argument. Hehehe
Not wanting to make things worse, I decided to have my "me-time" that day. And it brought me to the shops. Well, actually, inside the movie house :-)

Yes, I watched the movie, "crazy, stupid, love", all by myself!
I actually made a mental note to watch the movie after reading my friend's blog about it. I was ready with my tissue paper and my hanky in those situations that were a bit dramatic, but guess what, I didn't cry that much with the movie. I guess some of the scenes really can't happen in real life, particularly towards the end of the movie where Steve Carell interrupts his son's Salutatory speech, so he can give his own.
I really didn't zero in on the character of Julianne Moore, but more that of Steve Carell's. I did get to have realizations while watching the movie. Realizations about marriage, family and having kids. Maybe next time, I can ask hubby to watch it with me :)
Overall, it was a funny film and it did meet its objective of entertaining me :)
Thinking about it now, maybe I shouldn't feel guilty everytime hubby asks me to watch a movie or go out by myself to re-charge, because this 2-hour break I had from home, really re-charged me! :)
As if the universe conspired against me that day...
Oh, it was one of those days when hubby and I had a "silent" argument. Hehehe
Not wanting to make things worse, I decided to have my "me-time" that day. And it brought me to the shops. Well, actually, inside the movie house :-)
Yes, I watched the movie, "crazy, stupid, love", all by myself!
I actually made a mental note to watch the movie after reading my friend's blog about it. I was ready with my tissue paper and my hanky in those situations that were a bit dramatic, but guess what, I didn't cry that much with the movie. I guess some of the scenes really can't happen in real life, particularly towards the end of the movie where Steve Carell interrupts his son's Salutatory speech, so he can give his own.
I really didn't zero in on the character of Julianne Moore, but more that of Steve Carell's. I did get to have realizations while watching the movie. Realizations about marriage, family and having kids. Maybe next time, I can ask hubby to watch it with me :)
Overall, it was a funny film and it did meet its objective of entertaining me :)
Thinking about it now, maybe I shouldn't feel guilty everytime hubby asks me to watch a movie or go out by myself to re-charge, because this 2-hour break I had from home, really re-charged me! :)
Monday, October 3, 2011
Long Weekend Day 1- Museum of Fire
One of the very few long weekends that we have here in Sydney.
We didn't make any plans as the weather forecast for our 3-day weekend was rainy.
But this morning, the sun came out and we grabbed the opprtunity to go out while the sun was out, although a bit cloudy, praying that it will stay like that until we get home.
So, where to?
We had 3 options:
Option 1: Darling Harbour and check out the new kids' playground.
Option 2: Wiseman's Ferry in the Hawksbury River
Option 3: Check out East Gardens
Option 4: Go to Penrith.
I didn't want Option 1, Alvin didn't like Options 2 and 3. I was hesitant abot Option 4, but still checked out the Penrith Valley website. In the end, what made us choose Option 4?
This: The Museum of Fire
Liam, being a Fireman Sam fanatic (a fireman fanatic that is), I knew as soon as I checked the website that he will be very happy to go to that place. We didn't tell him where we were headed until we reached the place.

We took the train going to Penrith because the place was just opposite the train station in Penrith.

On our way to our Platform:

While waiting for our train, we took some shots. Does Sam look like her Papa or does she look like me?

And true enough, when we got there, smile was written all over the face of my little boy!
Arriving at the Penrith Station, we walked for about 5 minutes to reach the Museum.

The Museum building from afar:

More pictures!

It was a kid-friendly place with many activities for the kids to enjoy :)

My happy little boy posing some more:

But the thing that really made my son's day was his chance to become a fire fighter, with a hat and coat (but we made him not wear the coat as it was a bit dirty already hehehe) and drive a real firetruck! :) He was behind the wheels for more than 30 minutes and kept on asking for a 5-minute extension and really didn't want to leave!
Here are some of Liam's photos:

So he will remember this trip, we decided to buy a ref magnet -- a small firetruck.
We capped the day by eating lunch at Westfield Penrith which was just opposite the train station (the other side that is).
Ours maybe a very simple trip but I'm pretty sure it made my little boy very happy and I know that it was one experience he will never forget. Seeing him happy, made us happy as well, and I think, that is all that matters :)
Before he slept that night, he told us this: "Mama, Papa, I had fun today. Thank you for going to Penrith."
We didn't make any plans as the weather forecast for our 3-day weekend was rainy.
But this morning, the sun came out and we grabbed the opprtunity to go out while the sun was out, although a bit cloudy, praying that it will stay like that until we get home.
So, where to?
We had 3 options:
Option 1: Darling Harbour and check out the new kids' playground.
Option 2: Wiseman's Ferry in the Hawksbury River
Option 3: Check out East Gardens
Option 4: Go to Penrith.
I didn't want Option 1, Alvin didn't like Options 2 and 3. I was hesitant abot Option 4, but still checked out the Penrith Valley website. In the end, what made us choose Option 4?
This: The Museum of Fire
Liam, being a Fireman Sam fanatic (a fireman fanatic that is), I knew as soon as I checked the website that he will be very happy to go to that place. We didn't tell him where we were headed until we reached the place.
We took the train going to Penrith because the place was just opposite the train station in Penrith.
On our way to our Platform:
While waiting for our train, we took some shots. Does Sam look like her Papa or does she look like me?
And true enough, when we got there, smile was written all over the face of my little boy!
Arriving at the Penrith Station, we walked for about 5 minutes to reach the Museum.
The Museum building from afar:
More pictures!
It was a kid-friendly place with many activities for the kids to enjoy :)
My happy little boy posing some more:
But the thing that really made my son's day was his chance to become a fire fighter, with a hat and coat (but we made him not wear the coat as it was a bit dirty already hehehe) and drive a real firetruck! :) He was behind the wheels for more than 30 minutes and kept on asking for a 5-minute extension and really didn't want to leave!
Here are some of Liam's photos:
So he will remember this trip, we decided to buy a ref magnet -- a small firetruck.
We capped the day by eating lunch at Westfield Penrith which was just opposite the train station (the other side that is).
Ours maybe a very simple trip but I'm pretty sure it made my little boy very happy and I know that it was one experience he will never forget. Seeing him happy, made us happy as well, and I think, that is all that matters :)
Before he slept that night, he told us this: "Mama, Papa, I had fun today. Thank you for going to Penrith."
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Quiet Times
I miss my quiet times.
It's not really the me-time that I miss, but the quietness and the stillness of everything around me. The peace that I experience within me.
I miss the DAILY early walks that I have on my way to work back in Manila, where I can talk to Him and tell Him everything and anything. Those were long talks Lord and I was very much attuned with what You were saying because everything was quiet. I knew that I was in a state of grace. It was the best way to start my day!
I miss the long travel hours from my home to work that allowed me to think of how my day has been, the blessings and the answered prayers.
I miss talking to Him, just doing that, and not be bothered by a thousand and one thing needed to be done for the day.
I miss connecting with Him. I miss just being with Him.
Lord, in the daily grinds of my life, You are the first one to go. I know I am abusing the fact that I know that You are just always there, waiting for me to make time for You. But the thing is, do I ever make time for You? I say I miss talking to You, and yet I prioritize other things than sparing a minute or two to talk with You. I am sorry.
I have been bombarded with a lot of things-to-do and I have a lot of things going in my head, everyday. I can't pause. I can't stop.
I want to re-connect with You. I realize now how much I've missed You, on how I missed our quiet times together.
In the busyness of my life, allow me to have that peace and stillness, so I can be with You again.
It's not really the me-time that I miss, but the quietness and the stillness of everything around me. The peace that I experience within me.
I miss the DAILY early walks that I have on my way to work back in Manila, where I can talk to Him and tell Him everything and anything. Those were long talks Lord and I was very much attuned with what You were saying because everything was quiet. I knew that I was in a state of grace. It was the best way to start my day!
I miss the long travel hours from my home to work that allowed me to think of how my day has been, the blessings and the answered prayers.
I miss talking to Him, just doing that, and not be bothered by a thousand and one thing needed to be done for the day.
I miss connecting with Him. I miss just being with Him.
Lord, in the daily grinds of my life, You are the first one to go. I know I am abusing the fact that I know that You are just always there, waiting for me to make time for You. But the thing is, do I ever make time for You? I say I miss talking to You, and yet I prioritize other things than sparing a minute or two to talk with You. I am sorry.
I have been bombarded with a lot of things-to-do and I have a lot of things going in my head, everyday. I can't pause. I can't stop.
I want to re-connect with You. I realize now how much I've missed You, on how I missed our quiet times together.
In the busyness of my life, allow me to have that peace and stillness, so I can be with You again.
quiet time,
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