Now that our little sweetheart is here, we, rather I, realized that it's a challenge to have a girl, dressing up alone is quite challenging...choosing what she'll wear is one big dilemma. Unlike before, it was just shirt, polo or jeans or shorts for her Kuya Liam.In addition to this, fixing her hair is a challenge, it remains to be one because up to now she still does not have enough hair to fix! :)
When I went to a Ralph Lauren outlet and bought her a blouse, I was toying between a midnight blue or yellow colored blouse. Pink was out of the choices because I didn't want to follow the rule that pink or purple will or should be the only colors for baby girls. I chose the yellow polo shirt. For two times she wore it she was mistaken for a boy. Can I blame them? No ribbons, no earrings to help them realize she is a girl.
We tried to have her ears pierced for two times now. The first one declined because she was still too small, only six weeks old. The second time she was almost 3 months old but they still declined. I wanted to tell them that in Manila newborn kids have their ears pierced. Well, their way is different so I might as well follow. Before deciding to give it a go, I asked my friends who have daughters as well. They gave the pros and cons based on their own experiences. After hearing both sides of the story we chose to have her ears pierced now that she is still young, ver young in fact (in Aussie standards).
Today, on our third attempt, her ears were finally pierced. I hope that this time people will no longer mistake her for a boy :)