Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thursday Nights

I love thursday nights because it's my TV night! After becoming a full time mum and wife a couple of months ago, I realized that this is no easy job. At the end of the day you feel tired and exhausted. But three weeks ago I started this thing "my TV watching night" It started when the newest seasons of Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy started. I was so happy when Channel 7 decided to have these shows shown back to back! Staying up late is okay because I get to relax while watching these shows. Adrenalines rush with Grey's Anatomy, I laugh when I see myself in one of the Desperate Housewives!

I am also happy that my hubby, Liam and Sam have been cooperative as well and have been giving me this much needed "me-time". Alvin takes care of Sam or lets me stay and finish the shows, without forcing me to already sleep with them. Liam behaves as well. Not making kulit so Mama can enjoy watching the shows.

Thursday nights are late night shopping nights here in Sydney. But for me? It's definitely my late night watching night and boy am I loving it! :D