Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Whole New Set of Firsts - Part 1

This was my second pregnancy but the exprience presented a lot of whole new firsts for me (and for hubby as well) making this experience totally different from my first one.

Aside from planning (and praying) for this pregnancy, this was my first time to get pregnant in a different place (Australia) with different people of different cultural backgrounds and different practices. When I started with my pre-natal check ups, I already had a feeling that the next nine months will be different. And true enough, aside from hubby not being with me almost all the time (there are no clinics on weekends when he is available) my doctor's sched was only on Tuesdays from 9 am to 11 am, I was also seen in less than 5 minutes for every check up. They do not perform an IE which they normally do in Manila. They do not touch the patient except of course when measuring the fundal height and listening to the Doppler. I specifically chose a Filipina doctor so it will be a lot easier for me and I will feel more at home. But lo and behold, on the day of my check up, two different doctors looked after me. Of couse, I asked towards the end of the session where was my doctor, and I found out that my doctor was already a consultant. She will not meet all the patients, only those who have real pressing problems in the pregnancy will be allowed to see her. Oh okay. Since everything was okay with me, they didn't see any need for me to see her. But in the succeeding sessions, when I had some questions and they were not sure about it, they'd leave me for a couple of minutes in the room to consult with the Filipina doctor. I almost forgot, in the nine months that I had my visits, every 3 or 4 weeks a new doctor was seeing me. It was frustrating on my part towards the end of the pregnancy since I found myself repeating and retelling the story and answers to questions previous doctors have already asked me (when in fact everything is already on my file)! And to top of it all, none of the doctors who saw me will be present on the day of my elective CS! How's that?! WHoever was on duty on the day of my CS will be the one in-charge of my operation, everything that this doctor should know about my case should be on the book/records.

Well, one very good thing about it though is that, in all nine months and my delivery included, we didn't shell out a single centavo! Yup, everything was for free! And for that we are thankful. It is a blessing whatever way you see it. I was just thinking, if I was in Manila I'm pretty sure I'd be working doubly hard to save for the day of my delivery. I wonder how much a CS operation now costs in Manila!

Next set of firsts: it was the first time that I was actually awake when my child was born. I did not do trial labor anymore but since my contractions were becoming more painful and regular and I was just a day away from my scheduled CS they decided to push through with my CS. I chose epidural among the medicines available, it means that only half of my body was numb and I will be awake during the procedure. It was a great experience to see my baby girl fresh out of my womb! Of course there was a feeling of tugging and pulling while being operated on but that is all part of the process. I enjoyed it!

Next, it was the first time that Alvin was with me althroughout the procedure! He saw me when the doctors started punching in those big needles...he saw me during the painful part, he saw baby Sam come out and he did not faint! hehehe I guess this was a bonding experience for the two of us as well as he was able to have a glimpse of what I had to go through (women at that) during childbirth and I think this new experience made him appreciate me more (and women at that) :D

Are you ready for more? Next, during recovery. I realized that after this experience, Mommies in Manila are very lucky because they are pampered! I mean with Liam before, I called the shots. The doctor will wait for you to be well before admitting you on your room, the doctor will give you a choice if you want the baby roomed-in after the birth. Here? Well, the time I spent in recovery was just, are you ready for this? less than 30 minutes! Yes! I was dizzy and all because of the exhaustion and the medicines' effect were starting to wear off...but the doctor kept on insisting that I can't sleep...because if I sleep it will take longer for me to be with my bub! Every five minutes or so the doctor in charge will ask me series of questions, like, can you feel this? Where am I touching you? etc. Feeling so very dizzy and weak I can just manage to nod my head...but she's not happy with that! I need to answer her questions, as in verbally answer her! That was the longest 30 minutes of my life! It was a real torture! After that 30 minutes and the doctor felt that I was ok already she gave instructions that I be put in my room already.

When I got into the room after 5 minutes, Alvin and Sam joined me already. That was around 3am already! I thought that Alvin will already be allowed to stay for the night, but no! AT 3:30 am he had to go home becuase it was the regulation of the hospital! Imagine, I had a major operation, a CS operation, I had 30 minutes of recovery and after that I was already responsible with my baby alone! As in all by myself! I was too tired to get emotional! The first night I was so thankful that Sam cooperated! I wasn't still functioning well and normally so I just cuddled her and slept. She slept on top of me (skin to skin contact which is actually good as well). By 6:30 am I awoke by the banging of utensils, apparently our breakfast is now being delivered. I was struggling because the morphine they gave me was wearing off and one side effect was that I kept on vomitting! Mind you Sam was with me and Alvin was still at home! I was so relieved when Alvin got back to the hospital. At least someone was there to give me the support and help that I truly needed! Things are starting to become a nightmare for me!

Bitin ba? That ends part 1, will share my part 2 next time :D