Now, after almost 4 months, we are trying to address his weakness in his gross-motor skills by giving him more chances to play with his soccer ball with his cousins and Papa. We think that his swimming classes every weekend also helps address this. Yesterday, I was so proud with him when he finally jumped off the pool, all by himself, without the teacher holding his hand, overcoming all his fears! I know it was a great achievement for him and I am glad both me and his Papa were present to witness it.
He also amazes me because, at two, he also likes to play "prayer meeting-prayer meeting" with us or with his grandparents. He likes going with us during our weekly households and now he has some favorite worship songs already.
I remember uploading a video of him early this year doing some form of "worship" but at that time we couldn't even understand the lyrics of the songs he was singing.
But there are some days that I worry for him. What do I worry about? Hmmm, some little things that I know would matter someday -- how do we teach him to become resilient? (living in a 1st-world country allows them to get things easily, no major problems encountered, unlike us, his parents, when we were still Manila). How do we teach him the value of saving? (When what they need are easily available and served to them on a silver platter?) How do we teach him the value of appreciating the smallest thing or be thankful for the smallest blessing?
Such worries are sometimes the topic of our little chats as a couple/parents. But I felt good hearing the last verse of the Gospel today: "Don't worry about tomorrow, because today has enough troubles of its own."