Sunday, August 24, 2014

What is Your Purpose?

Two weeks ago I had the chance to do an on-line retreat in preparation for the feast of St. Mary of the Cross Mackillop (Australia's first saint). The theme for day one was The Potter God.  We used the material in one of our HHPMs and it allowed me to ponder more on the message of that session.

I found myself asking these questions:

First, have I already achieved my purpose in life? I am now a mother and a wife -- two of the biggest dreams I had which were given to me with God's grace. Is this my purpose? Which actually led me to my next question: if this is not yet my purpose, then what else does God want me to do? What is His purpose for me? Is being a mother, a wife and a teacher only a part of His bigger plan?

Have you asked the same question to yourself? I am pretty sure, like me, you are also at peace and happily contented with what you have now, but have you ever thought of, what if God wants to still use you in a different way?

It has been two weeks since I have asked those questions to myself and I have found myself not even being close to answering it. I know it will take rime. I need His grace and wisdom for me to find out. As for now, I am continuously asking and seeking His will during my me-times and quiet moments. May He soon lead me to the answers. May He soon lead me to where He wants me to be.

What about you, do you know what your purpose is?