I am the first to admit that praying the Holy Rosary everyday is not my thing.
Don't get me wrong. My family prays it, especially when we have long trips. When I was younger, I'd write my frustrations and problems to a paper and leave it at the altar, under The Lady's image, thinking that she can solve all my worries and problems. My family always prayed the Rosary every night, I went to Catholic schools and my Mama, even up to now has always reminded me never to forget praying the Rosary and I have to teach my kids as well. Yes, I will try but after sometime, I'd stop. Ningas Kugon.
Maybe, just maybe, the reason why I associated praying the Rosary as a "waste of time" or of less importance in the daily to-dos is because of the fact that when we were kids, if it's time for the family Rosary, my Mama will "force" us to stop whatever we were doing -- school work and much worse, watching TV, so we can already pray. I remember pretending sometimes to fall asleep in the middle of the Rosary (Oooops! Sorry Ma! Hehehe)for me not to recite the prayers anymore. I felt that 15 minutes saying it could have been spent in a better way. Oh well.
Even up to now, I still don't have that eagerness to pray the Rosary, but in my heart I know that I have to and yes, I want to. I just don't have the will to do it. I need a BIG PUSH! I would love my kids to learn it, but can I expect them to love and practice it if they do not see that in me?
Last weekend, my sister invited us to their house because the image of the Lady will be staying with them for a week. After a week, they will pass the image to another family. As soon as we finished with the welcoming prayers, I immediately asked my sister if we can be the next family to receive the image. I felt it was the time.
And so, to make the long story short, we received the image of the Blessed Mother last Sunday from my sister and has been doing our family rosary for two nights now. We still have 5 more nights to go until we turn it over. But looking at it now, if I was to spare 15 minutes in one week, why not spare 15 minutes everyday? And I think I just had the BIG PUSH that I needed. I will be doing it with my family. I admit, I'm not that strong to do it religiously all by myself. I cannot do it alone. If Alvin and Liam and Sam will be with me,they will be my support group. Maybe, I can get the hang of it and hopefully be able to do it everyday, without a heavy heart.
I hope and pray that is not another case of Ningas Kugon.
Keeping my fingers crossed.