Sunday, January 24, 2010

Looking Forward to Great Things This 2010

Life has been good to us. Life is not perfect. We've had our share of ups and downs especially last year, but we managed to pull it through.

There were a lot of changes and adjustments that transpired last year. A lot of prayers, a lot of dreaming, a lot of hoping. The journey that was 2009 was a roller coaster ride. An adventure.

Looking back at the things that happened, it was one big adventure! A year full of blessings. Simple things, big things! Dreams slowly becoming a reality. Time for family. Own home. Good health. Stable job. Happiness. Joy.

January is almost over, in eleven month's time we will bid 2010 goodbye. As I continue with my journey I can only hope for the best. I can only share my excitement on what is in store for me and my family for the rest of the year.

I and my family will hope again, will dream again, will pray again. We are learning our lessons. We are enjoying our journey as a family and we look forward to more great things for us this 2010!